The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 192

This also led to Rope's current situation——

Sitting in the luxury private room of the plane, Luo Pei sat on the window seat of the plane, with a very pale expression on his face.

Beside him, Salvatore Tony was like a blond-haired baboon, making noise and non-stop since he got on the plane, making Luo Pei wish he could be killed by a lightning bolt.

"Although the destination is the same, why do you take the same plane with me? Doesn't Italy even have the money to provide you with a car?"

Rope held back his anger and watched Salvatore sitting next to him eating toast.

"Don't pay attention to these details." The blond youth handed over the paper bag in his hand.

"Do you want to eat?"

"Please don't test my patience. It's not as tough as you imagined. If you don't give me an explanation, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my right hand."

Of course, referring to the violent aspect.

"We have plenty of time to fight. I just heard that you killed two more gods. That's really amazing." Salvatore said vaguely.

He almost stuffed the whole bread into his mouth.

"Are you really not going to eat?"

"Get out!"

"Oh...don't be so heartless..."


With a blank expression on his face, Luo Pei punched the blond King of Swords into the corridor of the plane. The bread in his hand spilled all over the floor. A flight attendant behind him wanted to clean it up, but she didn't dare.

This is still his mercy.

Otherwise, with Luo Pei's current wrist strength, Tony is probably already enjoying the feeling of free falling from a height of thousands of meters.

He turned his head and questioned the two Ji knights accompanying him.

"What the hell are you thinking, why would you let this idiot board my plane?! Or so close?"

Hearing Luo Pei's words, both Erica and Liliana looked embarrassed, their eyes wandering and they didn't know how to answer Luo Pei.

"After all... Sir Salvatore didn't have any malicious intentions...he said so himself." Erica said with a sneer.

As for the matter between the kings, as a knight herself, she has no room to speak

"Yes, yes."

Salvatore rubbed his face, leaned on the back of the chair and got up from the ground with a smile.

Because the punch just now came so suddenly that he didn't have time to use the power "Protection of Steel", which resulted in a bruise on his face, which was very funny.

"I was just happy that brother, you were willing to go find trouble with the old man with me, but you just poured cold water on my enthusiasm. Are you so unhappy to meet me?"

"I'm only happy when I beat you to the ground."

Luo Pei frowned and said unhappily.

"Although our goals are both Sacha Dejansdal Vauban, the purpose is different, you know that, Tony?"

The only reason he agreed to Salvatore was because he had the same idea as the Marquis—to summon the God of Disobedience.

If at that time, I and the King of Swords dealt with that old man and fought for the qualification of hunting, it was just to cause trouble, why not make it clear now.

Salvatore looked sad.

"Hey, don't do this. The god of disobedience is a scarce resource. I have traveled all over the world, but you meet so frequently. This is a rare opportunity. Brother, can't you give it to me? Your power It's on par with me..."

"There is no need to discuss it. If you refuse to accept it, you will jump off the plane."

Luo Pei looked disdainful, and there was absolutely no room for bargaining on this matter.

Besides, he doesn't really need Tony's help, as long as the incarnation of "Warrior" has no obstacles, he has the confidence to defeat all gods—or known gods.

"By the way, since you know that I will snatch the god of invincibility, why did you send me such a message?" Luo Pei asked curiously.

"Is this..."

Salvatore sat back next to Rope, this time he was much more honest.

"The old man is very fierce. He almost burned me last time... If it were the two of us, we would have no problem beating him..."

To put it simply, Tony was a little cowardly.

Last time he killed the "Hero God of Steel" Siegfried before the Marquis. On the way to fight with him, he was severely educated by the "Condemnor of Karma", and he didn't suffer much. , but also left a deep enough impression.

That's why he called Rope together this time.

——Although Salvatore is crazy, he is not stupid.

"The flame of Buddha..." Luo Pei pondered for a while, then turned to ask the real expert behind the statue.

"Lily, do you know any Buddha who is good at using karmic fire?"

Liliana thought for a moment, then spoke.

"If you mean the power of the Marquis, the Council of Sages seems to have studied it, and there are various indications that the master of this power seems to be "Fudozun Bodhisattva". "

Fudo Zun Bodhisattva, also known as Fudo Mingwang.

It is the god that onmyojis talk about all day long. He was transformed by the wrath of Tathagata, so he has the supreme power to burn the world with "flame".

"It's easy to know the source."

Luo Pei grabbed Tony's shoulders and said fiercely.

"The Marquis, I will deal with it. When you arrive in Japan, listen to my command. Don't mess around with me. Otherwise, before fighting the opponent, I don't suggest sending you blown away to a certain corner of the world, or buried in a pile of tentacles—— have you understood!"


Sensing the malice contained in Rope's tone, Salvatore Redoni replied immediately.

But at the same time, he also began to think about Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

After a period of sailing, the plane was approaching the territory of Japan.

Looking down from the window, through the clouds, tall buildings are already clearly visible. In the last century, after experiencing self-inflicted disasters, this country finally developed economically and became one of the developed countries in the world.

But this is just an appearance. In a world where magic is the venerable, Japan is still a low-ranking mud leg. It is all supported by the power of the older generation. The younger generation is simply incomparable. Even Erica and Lilia Natty's shoes don't match.

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