The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 311

She has gray hair, a ring-shaped crown on her head, and a pair of faintly visible wings of light on her back. Beside her, the gods clearly heard the singing and praise of the elf of light.

She is the king of angels, the ancient god who dominates the light and justice of the universe!

According to the records of mortals, all those who have darkness, evil, fear, and anxiety in their hearts will cry bitterly when they look directly into the eyes of the "Mother of Light", and constantly repent of their sins. Contributors.

Goddess of nobility, benevolence and strength!

"Your Excellency Felak, Your Excellency Tibbs."

Nutz looked at the two ancient gods who didn't see each other gently. "Leave it to me this time. I hope that this meeting will not create a gap between the two great beings. Suspicion and resentment are the fuse of civil strife. I sincerely request the two to reconcile."

"I have nothing to say to this cruel barbaric god!" Ferak paused again for his metal scepter. "His defiance of civilization will definitely bring disaster in the future!"

"The vassals of cowardly beings, embrace your beloved sons and drown!"

Tibbs no longer looked at the gods, turned around and left the field by himself, turned into tiny stars and left this world, and returned to his kingdom of God to shoulder his eternal mission.


After Tibbs left, Norden bent his straight body and sat on the chair as if he had become a real old man.

"This meeting is over, your Excellencies leave the meeting on your own..."

"Excuse me."

"The boring debate is finally over, and my world repair has been delayed again... oh my god"


The gods quarreled and left this world by their own means.

Finally, only the two ancient gods Nutz and Norden remained in the hall.

Just as Nutz spread her wings and was about to complete the mission entrusted to her by Order, Norden stopped her.

"Lord Nutz."

"Huh?" The Queen of Angels turned around suspiciously.

"I don't know what orders you have from the "acting" chairman of the council? "She clenched the pronunciation of the word "generation".

Norden smiled wryly, knowing that his appointment of this queen who didn't like fighting had already aroused the other party's displeasure.

"My Lord Nutz, please forgive me for speaking in an overly commanding tone. I have no way to solve it." He said distressedly. "Tibbs and Felak represent the two extreme attitudes towards dealing with the Sons of Chaos, choose and choose, and remove those who are not strong enough, and only you will expel the "Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea" while sympathizing with the creatures inside the world..."

"I understand." Nutz nodded slightly. "If it's about this matter, Lord Norden doesn't need to explain anymore."

She is also a member of efficiency, meaningless waste of time is disliked by the Queen of Angels.

"One more thing." Norden straightened his expression.

"Have you ever heard of the name "Supreme God Candidate System"? "

Nutz was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head to think carefully.

"... I remember that it was one of the order plans left by His Majesty "Ouroboros" in the beginning. "

"Yes." Norden agreed.

"Recently, I have noticed the start of this plan, and it seems that the successor is undergoing trials in the world where Hastur descended. I am worried that there will be changes. I hope you will pay attention to it while driving away the chaos. .”

"Understood." Nutz replied concisely.

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll get up."

"I wish you success."

When Nutz also left, Norden was finally the only one left in the hall shining with divine power.

He clenched the wooden scepter in his hand, and tried hard to think with his profound wisdom.

...Why everything is so perfect, but I feel restless.

It's so inauspicious.

Chapter 182 Start the war, the horror of Loki

Passing over the tombstones of hundreds of living dead, being swallowed by giant insects like giant beasts in the sky, or captured by shabby-looking uncertain hyphae——

Loki maintained the lowest power output along the way. Fortunately, his divine flames were sharp enough and his juggling methods were acceptable, so he was not dragged to exhaustion.

"It's really hard."

Constantly shaking the gray top hat soaked in mucus, Loki looked at the huge sewer entrance and sighed.

It's finally here.

Next, as long as you go in and burn the culprit to ashes, this incident seems to be over... It's best to get such an interesting secret technique.


"... Hurry up, is it still a step too late?"

Loki muttered helplessly, and put his top hat on his short blond hair.

In the sewer cavity, Cosma was still wearing his black trench coat and leather gloves. Because enough blood has been absorbed and the face is not so scary, the original scarf is no longer needed.

He leaned against the blood-stained concrete wall, his eyes glanced at Loki indifferently.

"It took some time, but your cemetery has finally been dug. It's just waiting for you to come in and cover it with loess."

Loki still had that charming smile, and said while spreading his hands.

"Buried? It really doesn't suit my liking."

he sighed. "Honestly, your puzzles suck, but these monsters are really tasty—especially since I can't waste my power. Why don't we both take a step back, you unblock Avostar, and then Give me this secret technique, and I will give you some little things that are absolutely no worse than power... Look at the mutual benefit, how wonderful, the godslayer is actually not as tall as you humans imagine..."

"I've already done this to kill you, can I go back on my word now?" Kesma sneered.

"It's true."

Lowering the brim of his hat, Loki's smile gradually faded.

"That bloody pattern is definitely not something that was originally on the wall. The secret technique that you have spent so long preparing, the secret technique that allows you to deal with the God of Disobedience without fear, must be more frightening than the change outside. something?"

"If you're so curious, come in and try it and you'll know. Of course, if Vulcan is afraid of you, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Please, who gave you the courage to use such a poor aggressive method against me." The corner of Loki's mouth twitched.

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