The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 320

"No, I just remembered the French Gassendi's theory." Kesma ignored Loki's ridicule and continued.

"Science goes further than you think, and even if I'm a core member of the mysterious side, it's impossible to deny this."

The wall began to squirm, and countless palm-sized eyes that were exactly the same as the third eye on Kesma's forehead opened on the wall.

The ceiling, the floor, the black river bed exposed after the sewage evaporated—

Eyes everywhere, staring at Loki, locking him in place.

"Gassendi said that heat is a self-repelling, weightless fluid called thermal mass. It is neither born nor destroyed, but penetrates all objects. Is an object "hot" or "cold" , is determined by the amount of heat it contains. The hotter object contains more heat. When two objects with different coldness and heat come into contact, the heat will be discharged from the hotter object to the cooler object until the two until the temperature is the same." He sighed and straightened his tired body.

"To be honest, I don't know much about it. Normally, the temperature provided by your flame can at most make the surrounding heat equal to your flame... But the "Death Star Furnace" is special. "

"..." Loki listened quietly.

"Your heat will ignore the laws of physics in the wall and accumulate without limit. And these heat will attract the ultimate attack method of this secret technique - the gastric juice of the star devourer."

Kesma put his hands on his chest and used his usual gesture-hands clasped together, fingers interlaced.

"The criterion of flame is "low temperature flame has no ability to resist in front of high temperature flame". Perhaps your flame is the supreme divine flame on earth, and all mortal things are your fuel and objects of burning. But why is the earth not food for some other living things? Just like we eat sugar balls, we don't care whether the sugar liquid in the sugar balls is hot, because those things will be digested and decomposed in the stomach. "

The pupils of the eyes born from the wall began to dilate, like a black hole, ready to spew evil and ending to the outside world, to Loki.

"Finally! "God of Mischief and Fire" Loki, let's draw an end! "

Chapter 191: Loki's Retirement (Part 2)

The "Eye of Gehros" slowly closed, and Kesma put all the remaining spirit and magic power into the final stage of enchantment.

In Loki's sight, the second the third eye closed was divided into countless films by his thinking.

Last chance. Loki's heart is like a mirror.

Survival or defeat, whether his promise to Sleipnir can be realized depends on now. The last chance, if you can't kill Kesma, the one who returns to the myth is yourself.

The so-called god of disobedience is to embody value on the thorny road on the front line of life and death!

Do your best and obey the fate. If God wants to lose at the hands of this mortal, then there is no complaint!

Loki raised his right hand while Xma's voice spread to his ears, and the shining divine light illuminated the dim sewer, the alien world of demons.

"Existence" runs through his body.

"Death Star Furnace. Purgatory!"

"The cornerstone collapsed!"

From the countless pupils, the orange colloidal liquid flowed out, filling Loki and all the spaces in the sewer.

The blue light of Loki's "existence" intertwined with each other, and hit Kesma accurately, making him disappear in the distorted light in an instant.

That force not only eliminated the existence of Kesma, but also spread around the Death Star furnace like a virus, and even eroded the orange liquid mysterious liquid.

However, it seems to be a bit slower.

" die together? Ha,"

God's body is crumbling.

Loki looked at the body that was constantly turning into stardust in the high temperature. In his eyes, was he reluctance to leave the world of mortals, or was he remembering the wandering and playing for hundreds of years?

It's all there, at least Loki feels that he has no regrets.

At the end of the return, even though everything went wrong, he was already very satisfied to have such a hearty battle.

"Xma, even if it has been eliminated, I, Loki, will definitely remember your name."

The "Death Star Furnace" is disappearing, and Loki is also disappearing.

When the stardust spread to his neck, Loki showed a different fake smile than before.

Pure, happy, full of blessings.

"In Asgard I will loudly tell of your deeds! Because of you! Mystic! Monster! Mortal! Xma! You are the only human who defeated the disobedient Loki! Deserved to be remembered by the gods! By the poet Sing and sing!"

In the last phantom, Loki's figure completely disappeared.

——Loki, who doesn't follow, exit!


Hit by Loki's last power, the "Death Star Furnace" lost its existence, and it completely disappeared in Avosta and disappeared on the earth together with its shaping base sewer.

What should have been the Avosta sewers had been replaced by a vast expanse of barren brown dirt, a huge oval sinkhole.

In the depths of the tiankeng, a slightly raised soil trembled, and a woman's arm stretched out from it.

"Cough cough... bah..."

Senna crawled out of the soil, constantly spitting out the clods that accidentally leaked in her mouth.

It took a while for the girl to recover from the almost suffocating feeling.

"I almost thought I was dead..." She patted her slightly barren chest and said to herself in a fluke.

"If Master didn't send me out...Master?"

Senna froze suddenly.

She was puzzled by the words in her mouth.


What master?

Do you have such a thing as a "master"? She looked around blankly.

Fragments began to appear in the memory from a certain point, and she began to be unable to understand why she appeared here, and why the town she lived in became like this.

"No, no..." Senna murmured.

"There must be something wrong, no, my memory...Dad, Mom...Why am I here?"

As if a piece had been dug out of her heart, Senna began to aimlessly dig the soil under her body, her gaze lost focus, she was just digging mechanically.

She was sure, there must be something important to her here.

Hate, change, and crush the extraordinary, the complex emotions made Senna unable to think normally, simply digging the dirt.

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