The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 347

Luo Pei held the golden sword upside down, lowered his body and said with a smile.

"Abolishing one of my powers in the first place is indeed a hard nut to crack. Now I am more and more discovering how correct it is to let it appear by fighting against the Buddha."

‘Be more cautious, it must have other methods that are useless. ’ Azalea said.


Like a ferocious leopard, Luo Pei took advantage of the wound on Monkey King's chest and slashed at the Monkey King's face with a sword.

Thunder and storm danced together with him, like two mad dragons, with terrifying momentum. I don't know how many lotus and peach trees were destroyed in an instant on the way of the attack, and the petals and branches were flying all over the sky, adding a touch of elegance to the battle between life and death between the two fighters.

"Hey, Demon King, don't be unreasonable."

Manipulating the golden lotus, the Monkey King retreated quickly, his face instantly turned into an "angry look", and his pair of fiery golden eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames.

It let go of the golden cudgel and let it float by its side. Facing Luo Pei's attack, it folded its claws together, and countless golden dragon snakes flew out from the circle of light behind Sun Wukong and bit Luo Pei.

These divine beasts that ruled the sky in Chinese mythology, even if they couldn't really hurt Luo Pei, they forced him to stop his attack.

Holding the sword, he drew a burst of full moon, beheading these divine beasts transformed by Buddha's light one after another, but the Monkey King took advantage of this little time to fly far away.

Sure enough, I guessed right! Luo Pei understood.

His own water of death cannot give Sun Wukong a fatal blow, but the power of Nan Wudou's victory over Tathagata cannot be taken lightly, and he must find time to heal his injuries.

As Luo Pei expected, Monkey King did not choose to fight hand to hand, but instead recited the Buddha's mantra.

"——The hole opens to the east, and the sun rises to the sky, and there is brightness. In the middle of the night and the black moon, when the clouds and mists are dark, it will be dark again. The gap between the households will be visible again, and the gap between the walls will be blocked again. The difference, Then you will see the fate again. In the obstinate emptiness, there is emptiness everywhere. The image of Yu Bo is dim and dusty. Clear the sky and gather the atmosphere, and observe the purity! (Note 1) You use changes to manipulate the world skillfully, but only the Buddha does not Move! Only I am pure!"


The sound of ancient temple bells rings in the peach forest in Jinshui Lianchi.

Countless puddles became unsettled. The waves on the water surface came one after another, with a certain rhythm, making a sound of dripping.

In it, Luo Pei faintly heard the Zen singing of the ancient Buddhas.

not good!

The sixth sense called the police, and Luo Pei stopped probing, and directly raised the golden sword in his hand.

"—Speaking spirit is light, and light is sword! This spell is powerful and eloquent!"

It was too late to inject Yanling's sword, but he ruthlessly inserted the blade into the soil under his body.

The mantra soared to the point where it was visible to the naked eye, and the aura of gold and steel began to overflow. Half of the "Spirit Mountain" created by Monkey King was taken away in an instant.

Around Luo Pei, the "field" of the golden sword is solidly defending him, and those seemingly harmless fluctuations of the Buddha's voice can only reach the periphery of the sword field and cannot penetrate.

(Note 1: "Surangama Sutra. Volume 2" Buddha told Ananda about changes.)

Chapter 214: True and False Sword of Words

Opening the sword field, Luo Pei looked at the surrounding world without blinking.

The magic eye, which has been strengthened several times, is now playing its due role. In the depths of the blue pupil, a faint iridescent light shines.

Under the appearance of Sun Wukong's Buddhist sutras, countless golden light spots covered by the water surface, and slightly dimmer golden light spots float around in the air. The space contaminated by them seems to be solidified by glue, becoming "quiet".

It doesn't mean that the movement of the space is stopped, but the serene, steady, and unwavering atmosphere makes Luo Pei feel strange.

"It's ... the containment of 'change'. "Rope's complexion changed.

"I have some eyesight." Sun Wukong laughed.

"But I'm not bad. Except for that domineering "death", your abilities all come from Indra, right? Living in the left front of the old man Tathagata, Sakyamuni's Dharma protector. I just said that you are not as good as him, but in the end you took away his strength, isn't that a slap in the face of my old grandson..."

Velesrana has the godhead of Indra, and Indra is the Indra in later generations of Buddhism.

It is rumored that when Shi Zun was born, he manifested the golden steps of seven treasures and let Shi Zun descend from the Dao Li Tian step by step. When he came down, Di Shitian was in front of Shizun on the left, holding a treasure cover in his hand, and Brahma in the front right, waiting for him and leading the way for him. Buddhism emerged after Sakyamuni became enlightened, and Indra became the patron saint of Sakyamuni, known as Indra.

Sun Wukong's "Fighting and Conquering Buddha" is one of the thirty-five Buddhas after the Buddha became a religion. In terms of personality, he is slightly better than Indra who became a Buddha. The truth about the God of War".

"Di Shitian is good at changing, and my grandson is also good at changing." It shook its head. "But that guy's "sword" before he became a Buddha is too annoying, it can only be shot and broken, everyone, don't play the art of transformation. "

"It's not a good thing to be too famous for killing the gods, this guy Weileslana... When did the military god of the small Persian country have so many identities?"

The corner of Luo Pei's mouth twitched, and the golden sword in his hand stabbed harder like dirt.

The turbulent sea-like mantra surged crazily, giving birth to the Sword Field with all its strength, blocking the strange power girl spread by the "Buddha mantra", and preventing Monkey King's tricks from getting close to him.

Nine out of ten of his powers are above "change", and he cannot lose the ability of "Oriental Army God".

At that moment, Luo Pei no longer hesitated, and the legend of the Monkey King was narrated by him.

"—You are a spirit monkey! Your predecessor, "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven", was a god who accompanied Master Sanzang and was born from the confusion of various religious and folk beliefs from Buddhism, Taoism, and Chinese shamanism. "

From the ground, all kinds of golden sword blades rose up, covering all around Rope. "Spirit Mountain" was further pushed to the outside, and "Gold" had the absolute upper hand for a while.

Ten, twenty, thirty—

The rapidly increasing number of rays of light is exactly the appearance of the activation of the Vereslana Sword of Words.

"Oh? Has it started?"

Sun Wukong straightened his face, and took the Ruyi Golden Cudgel back into his hand. Possessing high resistance to "death", the injuries caused by Luo Pei's water of death have been fully recovered under the light of Buddha's light.

It pointed to the golden lotus with one hand, and the golden lotus seemed to be squeezed from mud, changing its shape and becoming a soft cloud.

Anyone who knows a little bit about Sun Wukong's myth will know that this is exactly what Sun Wukong's master, the fairy Patriarch Subodhi from the oblique moon and three-star cave in Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, taught it, a cloud of super speed that can make hundreds of thousands of miles. According to the particularity of Godslayer's mythical world, this cloud naturally became one of the powers of the Monkey King.

Sun Wukong has never been clumsy. Since he knew the trouble of Di Shitian's sword, he immediately showed his strengths and won the victory with speed after he failed to seal Luo Pei's change in the first place.

——The blade is not close to the body, how can it cut off its godhead?

"But this is a wrong perception!" Luo Pei continued firmly. "How can the Journey to the West created in the Ming Dynasty be your original origin?"

The wrong godhead, use the wrong words to deal with it!

The backlash of using wrong history also exists. Compared with Liliana, Rope's reaction can be slightly better, but the accelerated flow of mana is that's all. Compared with his bottomless storage, these things are just a drop in the bucket.

"Although you originated in India, you are far from Hanuman the "Monkey God"! Sakyamuni Gautama Siddhartha started from the country of Kapilavastu and traveled eastward to spread the Buddhadharma of enlightenment, passing through several countries such as Panjara, Magadha, and Kashi. In India at that time, businessmen came and went frequently, and most of them were Tubo (Tibet) businessmen. After being influenced by their ears and eyes, some people would come to study. Gautama gladly taught him that this is the first batch of Buddha disciples! "

"The Tubo people who were educated returned to their hometown, and among them, there were venerable masters who integrated the knowledge taught by Shi Zun, and divided them into two schools of Tantric Taizang and Vajra, and spread them widely! Because of the pain of perennial wars, Buddhism quickly established itself Following you, countless tantric Buddhas were created by combining local traditions, and you! Fighting and defeating the Tathagata! You are the "God of Fighting and Victory" after becoming a Buddha! The appearance of the monkey now is just the avatar given to you by all the living beings in "Journey to the West"! "

Taking Yan Ling apart, every sentence is a lie that cannot be more false. Anyone in the Chinese-speaking area standing in front of Luo Pei will shake his head and deny his words.

But it is this kind of falsehood, which has a strange sense of reality when put together.

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