The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 353

Supporting Reinhardt with her left hand, Erica frowned as she looked at her dirty crimson blouse.

Even knights of samurai, girls also have a love of beauty and obsession with cleanliness.

"Perhaps you didn't notice. Afterwards, when I was dealing with the remaining problems in Chiba, I found that at least one-third of the city had collapsed, and countless houses were destroyed... I think Wang has restrained himself this time."

Azazel is a god who literally shifts the plates and tears the earth apart. Humans have been aware of this phenomenon since ancient times. Fighting and defeating Buddha is strong, but judging from the characteristics of myths and legends in this world, it is slightly worse than Azazel.

Using the sun wheel borrowed from Shakyamuni, the ability to cause such damage can already reflect the trickiness of this monkey.

"Qingqiuyuan... Where's Miss?"

After thinking about it, Liliana politely added the suffix "Miss".

Although the two sides just came and went, and the swords and swords fought, in Liliana's heart, this girl who stayed at Luo Pei's house for a long time and seemed to be very close to the king was always on "their" side. Even if there were some unpleasant conflicts with Erica, in the end, under Wang's intervention, they would definitely deal with each other in peace, and there was no need to take the fight too seriously.

——The slightly naive silver-haired knight princess couldn't understand Erica's worries and sinister intentions at this time.

"Huh." Erica made a cute nasal sound, and then choked on the dust floating in the air and sneezed.

"Cough... that woman, it would be better if she was burned to death. It happens that the king killed it himself, and I can't be blamed at that time."

"Erica, you really hate Miss Qingqiuyuan."

Liliana smiled awkwardly, the gleam in her eyes had already aimed at the position opposite the smoke and dust.

So, the witch's sensitive perception really has various conveniences.

For example, the judgment of spell power that will not be affected by sight factors——

"Ena is not dead, I'm really sorry. You vicious western blond girl."

The gray smoke dissipated, and the four Japanese people who went up the mountain seemed to be safe and sound, tens of steps away from Erica and Liliana. Yayoi Liancheng, the eldest in the first grade, had a serious face, and a pure white light barrier radiated from his palm, blocking the erosion of heat and flames.

It is not unreasonable for this old man to live for such a long time in the reorganization and application of energy by yin and yang. In terms of strength, he still has two brushes.

Before Rencheng Yayoi could remove the barrier, Ena directly slashed through the barrier of light with the Amacongun sword in his hand.

——It seems that the black, long, straight girl was not taken lightly by Erika's words.

"Not confident about your own beauty? Fear of the consequences of being abandoned by the king?" Hui Na smiled dangerously. "Originally, I still had some positive perceptions of Miss Browntree, but now it seems that Huina is a little wrong?"

"That's a lot of nonsense, Miss Qingqiuyuan, let's continue our previous battle."

"I think so too."

Rearranged posture, facing each other with sword blades.

Seeing that the two girls had just escaped a catastrophe and were about to fight again, Saya Gongxin, who was hiding at the back, spoke.

Compared with the "Great Knight" and "Sword Priestess", this mediocre Priestess is a bit uncomfortable in the face of this scorching heat.

Sweat on the forehead, panting redoubled, Saya Gongxin's expression was very tired.

"Huina, stop for now." Her voice was a little dry.

"Miss Erica, things have progressed to this point, and I don't expect to be able to persuade the king. But anyway, we have to know the life and death of Monkey King. After such a battle, the king and Monkey King must have already won the battle." Negative? Then you have no reason to stop us..."

Saya Gongxin smiled wryly.

"Miss Erica, do you think we can accuse Wang afterwards? Although I like men's clothing, I am still a young girl in my prime, and I have no intention of going to Santuchuan so early."

"That's not okay."

Erica didn't intend to give in at all, and said to Saya Gongxin with the arrogance she used to dissuade countless young talents in the Italian social circles.

"The king's orders must be obeyed by knights. Before Luo Pei comes down from the mountain, you don't even think about passing here."

"Western knights, don't bully people too much!"

Liancheng Yayoi suppressed her anger and shouted in a low voice.

"This is the behavior of robbers! We don't care about it anymore, don't we even plan to let us know the most basic situation now?!"

The closed environment has created an arrogant attitude. Even if Yayoi Liancheng has a glimpse of the aftermath and knows the desperate gap between a godslayer and a mortal, how can it be so easy to change her attitude of standing at the top of a country for a hundred years.

"Master Liancheng, please don't say a few words..." Amakasu Touma's stomach hurts so much that his expression twitches.

please! You are optimistic about the object and complain again! The two masters in front of me are the concubines of the serious godslayer. If the king is bitten by the two girls, not only will Yayoi be unable to escape, but according to the character of that person, it is likely that the Japanese mysterious side will react immediately. It's ugly to be about to die.

And one of the first to bear the brunt was Amakasu Touma who was traveling with him.

The ninja descendant of this middle-aged uncle doesn't think that he, who is not a beautiful girl, can survive the king's wrath.

"It's okay." Kiyoakiuin Huina took over the conversation and said confidently.

"After all, it depends on strength. If Huina defeats Miss Erika, then not only will he be able to go to the mountain, but he will also indirectly let the king realize Huina's ability, so that he can quickly abandon you, an outdated woman."

She held Amanokumo across her chest, and raised the blade of the sword with both hands.

"——This is a dream opportunity for Ena."

The sword maiden took a deep breath of the scorching air, and slowly spit out the word spirit, one of her killer weapons.

"Amazing Congyun Sword, use my body as a sacrifice, may you calm down the berserk soul!"

PS: Abyss does not ship, and the mentality exploded.

Chapter 221 God's Saber

Faint but pious whispers, the pupils of the long black-haired priestess housed a ferocious murderous look and fighting spirit.

Like the eyes of a swordsman who enjoys fighting with his life on the line, he knocks down all enemies who stand in his way, and vows to wipe out the enemies completely.

"Qianyepo, Igakimao, the god, can be surpassed. Today, I name it, but I don't have it."

The sentences of the ancient Japanese poem "Manyoshu" were woven into words, and Ena's movements began to become weird.

Very blunt movements, moving like a doll, completely different from the flexible movements in the battle just now.

"This word spirit..."

Erica muttered softly, and Reinhardt lifted up a little bit, making a defensive posture.

It is not the first time that she has fought against Eina Kiyosuin. This girl has always been good at dealing with the enemy with swift and changeable swordsmanship. Such a stiff posture, not to mention the exquisite swordsmanship, is full of flaws. People are suspicious.

"That's... a god's support?! Erica, be careful!"


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