The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 355

Chapter 222: The Heart of the Evil God

Just like Ji Qiqi and Kiyoshuin Ena, after the extreme explosion of the sun's collision, the battle between him and Monkey King is about to be decided.

The winner is king, the loser gets dust—

Smoke, flames, and hot air that felt like your lungs were burning with every breath you took. The summit of Riguang Mountain was violently demolished by the demon king and the gods, turning it into the dust of history. Magma flows in the gullies of the mountain, and the sound of scorched and collapsed trees is like the dying wailing of wood spirits.

In the sky, Luo Pei stared intently at the tall black mounds that were different from other places.

His coat had disappeared, and only a few pathetic rags hung from him. Some burned flesh and blood are being slowly and effectively repaired. Generally speaking, Rope's attack was very successful.

"The mortal enemy of steel is the sun. Although you and I have the ability to carry the sun, unlike me who has the power of high-speed regeneration and "rejection", your divinity determines that the "indestructible body of diamond" and "dharma body of Buddha" cannot Withstand the impact of two rounds of the sun... you lose, fight against Tathagata. "

Both steel and gold are melted by fire.

The Buddha is afraid of karmic fire, it is the rootless and sourceless fire that can burn their golden bodies and turn thousands of years of penance into useless ashes.


Under the sound of rustling, the mound of dirt was pushed away.

The broken figure of the monkey appeared in Luo Pei's sight.

The three-headed and eight-armed figure of subjugating demons has long disappeared, its majestic golden armor is also in tatters, and most of the monkey hair on its face has been burned off, showing a distressed appearance.

It shook the dust off its body, and propped itself up with the blackened golden cudgel.

"Ahem... Enough strength, enough strength."

A trace of sparks spewed out from the corner of the monkey king's mouth, and he squinted his strange fiery golden eyes to look at Luo Pei in the sky with his back to the sun.

The "Spirit Mountain" was destroyed, the dharma body with three heads and eight arms was dissolved, and his own mantra power was also very little left. Even if the nature of "steel" can squeeze the magic power from the earth, the godslayer in front of him obviously won't watch it recover its strength.


The two words that were originally far away suddenly appeared in front of Monkey King.

When was the last time he was completely defeated? Sun Wukong thought about it carefully, and scattered memory fragments broke through the limitations of his identity and appeared in his mind.

The battle with Sakyamuni was the first defeat.

In this way, the same only two experiences, all lost to the "sun"... It's really bad luck, and I really clashed with the sun.

Whether it is Di Shitian or the old Buddha.

"...The demon king who killed the gods deserves his reputation. Flaws in martial arts cannot conceal your strength. It is indeed my grandson who lost."

Sun Wukong admitted bluntly, his attitude was so natural that it was weird.

"That's it?" Luo Pei was a little stunned.

The existence of steel, in his imagination, is rather than surrender, and the one he feels most intuitively is the "son of the Ganges" Vishma.

Even though he was struck by terror, he still did not flinch and bravely fought against the monster in his "White Gospel".

The monkey sat down on the mound carelessly and yawned.

"That's it. Demon king, what more do you want from me?" It shook its head and sighed. "When the magic power is used up, my old grandson is naturally no longer your opponent. Come here quickly and let me return to the myth."


What kind of drama is this? Luo Pei was a little puzzled by the two-zhang monk.

There is such a thing as the God of Disobedience who voluntarily gives up fighting the Demon King? Luo Pei couldn't believe it, but the facts were in front of him. Sun Wukong's spell power is indeed weakened. After the "Spirit Mountain" is lifted, even if the "Golden Sword Field" is lifted, it will not be affected by "Silence".

However, ending Sun Wukong is indeed the ultimate goal of his trip. If the Great Sage can give up resistance at the end, no matter how you think about it, it is an easy business with no loss. The counterattack that Azazel gave up when he was dying last time shocked Luo Pei into a cold sweat. He didn't want to experience the biting cold that lingered on the edge of death for a second time.

Having said that, he didn't relax his vigilance just yet, holding the Sword of Words in his hand, he flew down from the sky cautiously.

Let's just believe this monkey for's also a childhood hero...

'Wait a moment. '


"Hey, it's too late, my old grandson got it."

There were still about ten meters away from the ground, and Azalia loudly stopped him in her mind.

Luo Pei's own reaction was very quick. The moment the system mother reminded him, three branches of the Lingling sword were generated behind his back, and they shot at Monkey King on the ground, intending to prevent any counterattack by it.

The blade collided with the unsolidified earth, and after three almost simultaneous explosions, the place where Monkey King was originally staying turned into a huge smoking pit.

The god named Monkey King has long since disappeared.

As if disappearing out of thin air, just a dazed god, the monkey god disappeared from Luo Pei's face, this is by no means the speed that Somersault Cloud can achieve. If it wants to be so fast that Rope's magic eye can't react, it must at least reach a terrifying speed close to five hundred times the speed of sound.

"Hey, when did the God of Disobedience become so strong? I'm playing a modified dungeon, right? Also, why is Monkey King so cunning...he doesn't look like steel at all!"

Luo Pei gritted his teeth and quickly looked around, but found no trace of Monkey King.

"I took a small errand, and you fell for it. Honey, I really don't know what to say about you..." Azalia said weakly: "Monkey Monkey King is a cunning ghost in the original book." Monkey head, do you expect him to completely eliminate his nature after becoming a fighting and defeating Buddha? impossible……'

"You mean it ran away?"

‘No, on the contrary, it still has the backbone of a god, and it is now preparing to take your life. '

Azalea said.

'It's inside you. '

"...a grass mud horse."

It was extremely rare to swear, and Luo Pei's face changed surprisingly for a moment.

In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is not only superb in martial arts, but also a first-class master at playing villains. On the Journey to the West, six monsters tricked him into "drilling his stomach".

According to Wu Cheng'en's description, life would be worse than death, even doing such insane things as "the hair becomes a rope, tied to the goblin's heart, jumps on the top of the mountain, pulls the rope, lifts and releases it, like flying a kite" out.

"Tsk, "Seventy-two changes. Expand and shrink freely"... Without the "Spirit Mountain", its changes are unlimited. This monkey actually plotted against me..."

Luo Pei looked at his stomach with an uncertain expression.

In just a moment, he raised his hand in the shape of a claw.

'Hello! Don't be impulsive! ’ Azalia sensed Rope’s thoughts, and quickly dissuaded her in fright.

‘Even if it gets into your stomach, there’s no need to stab yourself, right? '

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