The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 358

If it wasn't for my request "don't hurt Ena Seishuin", Erica and Liliana wouldn't be so tired to deal with it. The real battle between "Playing" and "Desperate Word Spirit" should be in five minutes The winner was already decided before.

His responsibility is indisputable.

"However, I don't think there is any problem with the speed of support."

Luo Pei's eyes turned back to "Seishuin Ena", the girl's beautiful cheeks were dominated by a stiff expression, and she stood there blankly.

Tian Congyun didn't move at all just now, and the girl's right hand holding the sword didn't shake at all.

"What, why don't you come over? I'm waiting for your next blow full of confidence."

Luo Pei narrowed his eyes and mocked: "Are you still afraid? Weak demigod, indifferent to the provocation of the devil, you are also worthy of calling yourself the hero of "steel"?" The two "steel" who were killed by me before, but they all showed their bravery before they died, don't make me look down on you, Amacongyun..."

Everyone present was nervously waiting for Tian Congyun's answer, for fear that the magic sword would be enraged and become the dead soul of Luo Pei's subordinates - Saya Gongxin was especially worried.

Today's Japan has suffered enough losses. If she loses Susanoo's sword and exposes Mr. Yu from the secluded world to the world...she dare not think about it anymore.

This is already a big question about the survival of the Japanese occult world.

"...The death of this girl doesn't matter."

The heavens seem to have heard Saya Gongxin's prayer, facing the devil's provocation, Shendao did not lose his mind, but spoke slowly in a deep voice.

"It's an exciting provocation, but whether I continue to fight or you kill me, this girl's body will collapse. Demon King, does it matter even so?"

"Ha! The hero of steel has also learned how to handle hostages?"


Ena who was being manipulated suddenly clenched the hilt of her sword, and there was a slight sound in the air.

It seems that all of Luo Pei's words hit Tian Congyun's sore spot.

"The sword's thinking is really hard to understand. There is a big misunderstanding in what you said..."

Shrugging helplessly, Luo Pei walked towards Kiyoshuin Ena as if taking a leisurely stroll in the garden.

! ?

Even the God of Disobedience couldn't react in the first place, with an incomparably swift speed.

After Amacongyun noticed it, he wanted to manipulate Ena's body to back away. As soon as her right foot took a step backward, the girl's back made contact with Rope.

"...I just need to break you before Eina's body is exhausted, isn't that enough?"

Luo Pei hugged Eina tenderly like a lover, holding her sword-holding right hand with one hand, and reaching out with the other hand to grab the black magic sword.

Tian Congyun resisted as a matter of course, but found that the wind and sword energy deliberately surrounded by the hilt of his sword could not even cut the opponent's skin. Qingqiuyuan Ena's wrist was controlled again, and it was impossible to talk about the use of swordsmanship.

too fast.

Can't resist, can't escape.

Just like that, Susanoo's saber fell into Luo Pei's hands, and the body of the long black girl was like a puppet with broken strings, and she fell down on the trail on the mountain road.

"You can't do what you say yourself, but I am different. Say the next blow will break you, and there will be absolutely no mistakes."

Luo Pei looked at Amacongyun, who was struggling constantly and making a metallic hum, and he clenched its blade tightly without caring about the sharp blade.

Slowly, light blue water seeped out from Luo Pei's skin.

The spray of death is like a greedy snake, swallowing the pitch-black magic knife in its entirety. In the eyes of everyone, Amacongyun seems to be wrapped in a light blue thin capsule.

Then, exert strength with both hands and bend down.


A huge storm erupted from the broken blade of Amazono Cloud, and the swirling air flow flew into the sky, breaking away the lead gray cloud layer caused by the collision of the sun's disc.

"Look, it's like this."

Luo Pei sneered, and casually dropped the magic knife at his feet.

Born from the tail of Yamata no Orochi, which ravaged Japan, and was used as a saber by Kusanagi Susanoo, the Kusanagi sword, one of the three artifacts of East Asian civilization, just lay in the ordinary soil like garbage.

Fluorescent dots, accompanied by the special effects unique to the exit of the God of Disobedience, Megatron's magic knife just disappeared.

"Killing the subordinate gods won't gain's not allowed to make up for it."

Lopez patted some lime stains on his hands, heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled at Erica and Liliana again.

"Okay, the process is complete. Neither Sun Wukong nor Amacongyun is your king's opponent, so don't worry. By the way, I have some craving for pasta for lunch today. I don't know if the lovely Lily can make it for me What about eating?"


Liliana didn't answer.

The two girls couldn't believe that Tian Congyun, who had been fighting so hard for so long, would be broken by Luo Pei in such an understatement, and he was still the kind who didn't resist at all.

"Um... for the pasta, I have to go to the city to buy it first..." It seemed that it was not good to leave Rope aside, Liliana said something that didn't fit the scene in embarrassment.

"Go to that one. When I go back, I will show you the newly acquired powers. It's very interesting..."

Luo Pei picked up the unconscious Qingqiuin Huina, turned around and continued to walk down the Sunshine Mountain, without looking at the group of Saya Gongxin in the distance from the beginning to the end.

The two knights were stunned, and quickly put away their weapons and followed.

"Wait, Lord Rope!"


Turning her head, Saya Gongxin had a complex look of not knowing what to do.

"What's the matter? Saya Palace Miko."

"Are you...are you going to leave like this?"

She bit her lip unwillingly. "Killed the Monkey King who suppressed the earth dragon, broke the divine sword Tian Congyun, and even took away the sword girl Yuan Miko... Don't you really have any guilt in your heart?"

"Is that so... well, it's really not good."

Luo Pei scratched his face, then put on a brighter smile and said.

"I'm sorry."


"So, I'm sorry. Well, it's okay to apologize. I have troubled you Japan for so long, and caused you to suffer such a big loss. If I say harsh words and threats, my conscience will not be able to bear it."

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