The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 362

"I suggest you go and treat your ears."

... This godslayer is hopeless.

The expression on Athena's face has changed from contempt to queen-like contempt.

"The meaning of what I have said so much is to let you get rid of this dirty idea. "The dagger in my arms" I don't want to use it a second time because of your kindness, but this is not your presumptuous capital. "

If Athena really didn't hate Rope so much, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to seek help from Rope after being injured, let alone sit and talk with him as an "ally" calmly. .

Since the first meeting with the "snake" held by the godslayer, she has almost no hostility towards her, and the battle is also fierce.

Athena had never heard of this kind of godslayer. Facing the god who refused to obey the natural enemy, her first impression was not to kill and seize his power, but to feel joyful.

At first she thought that Luo Pei was blinded by power and women, but later found that this was not the case.

His style of life has nothing to do with the corruption of ancient kings.

As Luo Pei, having a group of wives and concubines is not a problem at all, but he still only has two companions, counting the black long-haired girl he just brought back, it is only three, and he can already be called "clean and honest".

To explain his fanaticism towards himself, I'm afraid there is only some kind of obsession at work.

That being said, if Athena were to let go of her dignity and submit to a godslayer, her instinct would still be to resist, which is why she never gave Rope a good face.

Is it too strict to be a concubine... In ancient times, there was a union between a king and a god, if it was this guy...

Athena's jade-white cheeks blushed slightly, and then were replaced by an indifferent expression.

"It's a great honor to receive a confession from a godslayer, but Luo Pei, you should focus on the conquest of the King of the End for the time being. After you kill the strongest steel, I will admit it For your bravery, I will give you a reward worthy of the status of a king."

Received kindness and protection, and Athena didn't dislike Luo Pei very much, the goddess was a little relieved, and gave Luo Pei a sweet date.

"Is my confession a success?"

"Unfortunately, your confession failed."

Athena picked up the black tea gracefully again, her cherry lips pursed.

"The concubine is a god, so she doesn't have much concept of "love". No matter how harmonious your relationship with the concubine is, in the end it will turn into your "forced" by force or the concubine's unilateral "reward". Don't waste your efforts, the devil. "

"It's really a difficult answer for me."

Rope sighed and stood up.

"Then I won't bother you, I'll go back to my room to rest first."

It turned out to be so difficult to date a woman who was born to be an enemy. How did Kusanagi Godou do it in the original novel...

Uh, it seems that Kusanagi Godou didn't attack Athena either.

What a difficult goddess, but this answer is a good start, right? Luo Pei thought to himself.

At least you don't have to worry about suddenly eating the knife behind you.


When he reached the door, Luo Pei was stopped by Athena.

"What... um!"

Luo Pei's eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief.

His lips were blocked.

Athena in the girl form is quite tall, but she just tapped her toes and kissed Rope very easily.

The spirit of speech without "death" comes from it, and it has no other uses. The girl's soft touch, as well as the seductive sweetness, all tell Luo Pei that this is a real "kiss".

After a long time, the two separated.

"As a reward from the Earth Mother Goddess for killing "Steel of Disobedience", don't get me wrong. "Athena wiped her lips lightly, her expression not too shy.

"...what a surprise."

It took a while for Luo Pei to recover from the shock, looking at the extremely beautiful goddess.

"Thought you would hate this kind of behavior very much."

"It's all said to be a reward." Athena frowned. "Now you can go out as a concubine."

Luo Pei hesitated, showing a radiant smile.

"Please do it again, thank you!"

"Get out!"

Athena sighed and returned to her seat after smashing out Rope, who was trying to gain an inch, with the handle of a sickle.

I just read half of the book next to me, but the goddess is no longer in the mood to open the book again.

It's just a simple reward... right?

She thought with some uncertainty.

Chapter 228: Drifting away on the road of scum

"I didn't expect that I would also be suddenly "attacked" by someone. "

In the room, Luo Pei was lying in front of the window, holding a half-lit cigarette in one hand, and touched the corner of his mouth with the other hand, showing a knowing smile.

In the courtyard outside the window, the original magicians seem to have adapted to their new professions, putting on the uniforms of gardeners one after another, and pruning the king's garden. The sound of cicadas was supposed to bring an irritable summer noon, but Luo Pei's mood was surprisingly comfortable.

Is there a sense of pleasure in fulfilling one's obsession?

"Is this considered a standard "Tsundere"? "

Rope asked the system in his brain.

"Don't get me wrong! It's not that I like you! It's just that I have to give you a reward!" or something... Oh, Athena is such a cute girl..."

'Is it that Athena can't hold the knife anymore? Or Ape, are you drifting away? '

Azalia said contemptuously: 'If you can make up your mind like this, I can't help it. A little bit of vigilance, no matter how similar God of Disobedience and human beings are, they are two different species, and there will be more or less differences in their concepts. You have to use the template of a galgame girl to put on Athena, but it will It's a big loss. Don't think that if she stabbed you once, she won't dare to stab you a second time. '

This silver-haired snake has tried to kill her Luo Pei more than once, the reality poured the "death word spirit" from its mouth, and then the sudden dagger.

Even though she knew that Luo Pei would not die so easily, such things as nameless fire still couldn't stop rising in Azalia's heart.

"It feels like you're jealous? Azalea, do you actually care that I find other women?"

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