The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 386

"Athena, I wonder what your view of the world is?"

"Why do you ask me this?" Athena asked strangely: "Is this related to the question of my body?"


"In that case..." the silver-haired girl pondered.

"A huge cage, the existence of the planet that binds all living beings, and then the universe outside... This is what I think. After all, even if it is the God of Disobedience, there is no way to leave this earth. We A spirit of planets and history."

Quite pertinent, and then in line with the view of Athena's identity.

"Have you ever wondered what it is like outside of this planet, no, outside this circle called the Solar System? "Rope asked.

"I haven't thought about it myself." Athena shook her head.

"I already have all kinds of troubles on this planet alone, so I don't have time to think about...things outside the solar system."

"I don't have time to think it's right, and the group of astronomers probably wouldn't have thought that the truth is so cruel." Luo Pei said.

"Outside this giant circle, there is nothing."

"Nothing at all?"

Athena repeated what Rope said in a low voice.

"...Impossible! Stars play a very important role even in mythology. If you say that there is nothing outside the solar system, how did those star gods form?"

"Who knows." Rope shrugged.

"The projection of other larger worlds? The extension of some will? Anyway, this world, I can be sure that there is nothing outside the solar system."


Rope had no reason to lie to herself, and Athena wanted to know what surprising "truth" he would say next.

"I also heard this from other people. Athena, just listen to it. Believe it or not. Anyway, I believe it."

Luo Pei looked at the sky and said: "The so-called entire multiverse is a world squeezed together like a bubble. We are now inside a bubble, experiencing the fateful entanglement between the godslayer and the disobedient god. And in On the periphery of the world, in a more sinister area, a group of primitive nobles have been entangled together since the birth of this multiverse, and they still stick to the positions of both sides, and there will be no compromise between them."

"That is the most primordial conflict—the war of order and chaos."

"I don't know much about the specifics, but the goddess you are asking... Bah, that guy is not a goddess." Luo Pei thought of something bad, and his face became a little pale.

"The sea god of Cthulhu is one of this group of primitive nobles, who occupies the top position in the group of gods called "Old Ones", and is one of the mob leaders on the chaotic side of the multiverse. "

"As for me, I "believe" in the priests of the Old Ones... Tsk, do you believe in it? Why is it a bit weird. "

After saying these words, Luo Pei himself felt a little strange.

The cultivator Cthulhu's secret technique obtains power from the evil god. The behavior of the priests was obvious, but the group of evil gods did not look outside at all, not to mention the arrogance of domineering, and they had never seen even a slight reprimand. Every time they met, they were almost gentle.

Ah, except that time in Basatan.

Simply without thinking, Luo Pei picked up the juice and threw away the straw and drank it in big gulps.

Turning her head, Athena's expression seemed to be contemplative, without the expected surprise.

...Failed, I thought I could see the different face of the calm goddess. Rope felt a little sorry.

"What an amazing secret..."

Athena quickly ended her thinking.

"There are rich and wonderful stories on the outside of the world." She looked at Luo Pei, her eyes changed.

"So, Luo Pei, you are also a human from the outside world?"

"Do you eat whales?"


Athena showed a subtle smile.

"It's better to say that this kind of explanation is in line with your current achievements. With the help of that kind of existence, no matter what happens, you will not be unknown in this world."

"It doesn't sound strange to hear this..."

After hearing such shocking secrets, why is this goddess still a bit poisonous... Logically speaking, shouldn't she look at her with admiration...

Luo Pei covered his face and waved his hands.

"Forget it, I've told you the truth. For the rest, let's think about the things in front of us first. That kind of existence is too far away from you or me. The primary purpose is still the "King of the End"..."


As expected of the God of Disobedience, Athena didn't bother with that information, and changed her mentality very quickly.

Yes, no matter what was out there in the world, her sworn enemy was right in front of her eyes, and it was impossible to leave her alone.

"The battle with steel made me identify with you, so what are you going to do?"

"Spread out the news."

Rope said.

"Didn't the ancestor want to resurrect the King of the End? Although the "Holy Grail of Magic" is troublesome, we have no good way to wake up the King of the End. The key iron sword is in her hand. All that's left is to deal with the flies that are attracted to the smell during the wake-up period - my fellow Godslayers, for example. "

To be precise, it was the Black Prince Alexander Gascoigne who had been deeply involved with Guinevia.

Tony is going to see if he knows people.

"Just do as you say."

Athena nodded, then stood up.

The moon-white robe and her silver-colored hair set off each other, and her fair skin shone like gold under the sunlight.

"What's the matter? Don't want to go back, do you still plan to stay here leisurely?"

The goddess smiled maliciously.

"Don't you want the "reward" I promised you? Being a concubine doesn't matter..."

With just one sentence, Luo Pei was pulled up from the comfortable recliner.

Then the two embarked on the journey back to the villa.


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