The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 388

"What a hassle."

Dennis's face twisted a bit, he didn't know whether it was excitement for the upcoming powerful enemy, or fear for the "strongest Campione".

"Let's arrange a trip to Japan," Alek said.

"All the senior cadres should go, but don't bring too many people, as it will attract the attention of the new king before entering the territory. The specific candidates will be left to you, Dennis."

"I see."

Dennis nodded, then turned and went out.

The study room was silent.


At the same time, Genivia, who is temporarily living in France, also received the news from Rope.

PS: Sorry babes, I went to visit relatives in the next city, and I just update now (laughs)

PS: "King of the End" is the last plot, and the next world is the realm of the sky.

Chapter 249 The God of War will appear as a disobedient body

This is somewhere in a forest in Brittany, western France.

Surrounded by a magic barrier, the green trees, animals, and plants are thriving and full of vitality. It is a treasure land that has not been touched by humans.

The queen of the ancestors, Genivia is living in seclusion here.

Beside the lake in the middle of the forest, the girl is standing proudly by the lake, her sky blue pupils similar to Baoyu are gazing at the water surface of the lake.

"I don't understand, Uncle."

As if everything is under control, the talented and intelligent Genivia is a little distressed.

"I don't have any contact with the king who lives in Japan, why did he know the "Holy Grail" held by Guinevia. "

The god ancestor is the product of the fall of the earth mother.

The Holy Grail held by Genivia was created in her previous life. At the expense of his own divinity, Gnivia will become a god ancestor.

How did this kind of secret news get into the ears of the king?

Moreover, there is a trace of "steel" that points to something else...

"The so-called secret cannot be kept forever. The devil king of England has noticed your presence, so there is no reason why the new king would not know about it. It is not surprising that the devil king has such strange methods."

On the water, the knight in white armor spoke.

"However, rather than the question of the Holy Grail, we should consider the "steel where the sun rises" described by the Demon King. The place where the sun rises is the Far East, and his territory is also in the Far East... My beloved daughter, the Demon King is coming for you. "

"I know, uncle."

The girl nodded and sat down on the shore.

"It has been found out that Genivia holds the Holy Grail, so the king of my purpose will know a thing or two, right? Designed to use "steel" as a bait, let me go to his territory, and then take the Holy Grail..."

As he spoke, Genivia shook his head, denying his point of view.

"No, unlike the British godslayers, that king doesn't seem to be the type who would be interested in treasures and plunder them in a big way. What he's interested in... is the God of Disobedience?"

After becoming a godslayer for such a long time, Luo Pei has never had any "bad deeds" of robbing other people's treasures.

There are even rumors that he took over the territory of the Wolf King. In order to please the new king, the magic associations in northern Europe took out all their treasures and offered them. treasure. But Wang sniffed at him, and entrusted his subordinates to send it back the next day in the form of a courier, threatening, "If you want to show your loyalty, gold and gems will make me a little happier than these rubbish."

——Rope is a self-improvementist who does not rely on external objects.

The anecdote caused a sensation in the entire world, and let everyone know that in the eyes of the new godslayers, the secret treasures that magicians regard as more important than life, in the eyes of the king, are not as good as yellow and white treasures.

Will such an existence take a fancy to the "Holy Grail" that can only be used if it has a relationship with the Earth Mother?

Genivia felt that unless King Rope's mind was broken, it would be a waste of time to spend so much effort to win a Holy Grail that was not much different from an ornament to him.

"Like hunting gods who don't obey; understand the purpose of Genivia; spread the news of "steel"..."

The girl muttered in a low voice, until finally her eyes lit up.

"Could it be that the king really knows the whereabouts of "The Strongest Steel"! ? "

Godslayers are masters who are not afraid of anything.

Even if they know that there is a sharp blade called "King of the End" hanging above their heads, their first thought is definitely not to escape or kill in the bud.

—but to break it!

Combined with Rope's interest, Genivia feels more and more that there is such a possibility.

Because there are precedents.

As Athena said, the godslayers in the ancient times have done this kind of thing. Calling "The Strongest Steel", trying to end him with his own power. Although all of them ended in failure in the end, this rebellious and unyielding spirit has never changed.


Genivia was a little excited.

The white knight in the lake, the military god alias "Lancelot" sighed silently.

"All of this is based on your inference, not a definite conclusion. If the Demon King is not like what you said, I may not be able to protect you as the shadow of God."

Not as the God of Disobedience, but as the shadow of the ancestor Genevia.

This is the truth about Lancelot, the God of War.

"Intuition tells Genivia that there will definitely be a big harvest this time!" the girl said firmly.

"Here it comes again, the witch's intuition..."

Obviously, the God of War doesn't like Genivia's tricks very much.

he said softly.

"I'm sorry, my beloved daughter, if it weren't for my character, the mystery would have been solved long ago, and you wouldn't be in danger."

The ancestors of the gods will lose the memory of their previous lives when they are reincarnated.

Clarencelot will not.

Logically speaking, he should know the "King of the End", but as a warrior and bound by rules, he doesn't care about people and things other than fighting, so Lancelot forgets about the "King of the End". King" thing.

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