The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 390

But the latter does not mean introspection at all.

"Are you worried about me?"

Luo Pei turned over from the table, walked to Athena and sat down, smiled and hugged the goddess.

Athena did not refuse.

"I'm worried that I will be tricked by other bad women... Ha, Goddess Athena is so cute."

"It's a talent to be able to misinterpret my concubine's words to such an extent."

The book must be impossible to read.

The girl put the book on the table casually, leaned on Luo Pei's shoulder to find a comfortable position and leaned over gently.

Athena's weight is very light, so light that Rope seems to be able to lift it with one hand without much effort.

"Sorry, Rope." Athena whispered.


Luo Pei seemed to have heard something unbelievable, and looked at the goddess in his arms in amazement.

"Strange, the queen of the Mediterranean, the ruler of the underworld, the goddess Pallas Athena would say sorry to my first godslayer?! Could it be that you have been taken away?"

"Want to taste the sickle of my concubine?"

Athena's eyes became very dangerous, and her palms were spread out, as if she was ready to stab her life-harvesting weapon into Rope's chest at any time.

"Just kidding just kidding."

Luo Pei smiled and rubbed Athena's silver hair with his face.

"Why, why did you suddenly apologize to me?"

"Are you in love with my concubine?"

Athena posed a rather serious question.

"Or like it, whatever. Do you have feelings for my concubine other than a man's possessive desire for a beautiful woman?"

"Yeah." Luo Pei nodded: "Before going to Nether World, did I tell you when I confessed? I like you, Athena."

"But the concubine can't respond to you."

Athena looked at her palm, as if she wanted to see her own identity.

"The identity of God, when I was born from my body, not only gave me strength, but also bound my body's feelings. Just like being born with an aversion to "steel", human love, I can't understand...for you To put it bluntly, even if the closest contact happened, it would be mixed appreciation and affection at best, and there is also a hint of reluctance to admit defeat to your identity as a godslayer, if you want to say something you like..."

Athena stopped talking, needless to say that Rope knew what to say next.

He smiled.

"It's okay, the relationship between the two of us is pretty good now, I don't expect more."

"Answers that make my concubine feel awkward." Athena sighed: "In this way, it becomes a unilateral contribution by you. After all, you are a "friend", and my concubine is very uncomfortable. "

She is also unwilling to accept favors from others.

Athena raised her head and looked at Luo Pei seriously.

"Remember what I said before, if you defeat the King of the End, I will give you a satisfactory reward?"

"That...wasn't it given to me after I defeated Susanoo?"

"Stupid! Not that thing."

Athena said with a bit of resentment: "Hurry up and wash your mind, won't it think of anything other than nasty things?"

"Okay, okay, you say."

Rope wisely did not argue with Athena.

"If you haven't been defeated by that man, Luo Pei, after the matter is over, I will try to fall in love with you."

Athena said solemnly, as if taking an oath.

"You and I will regain the glory of the myth, and the god and the king will unite wholeheartedly. This is the oath I made with Pallas Athena!"


The planted seeds germinated and bore fruit, and Lopez embraced the goddess in front of him.

In any case, Athena is almost the most strenuous woman that Rope has ever conquered.

He originally had the best and worst plan of "getting people out of his mind", but the result now is enough to make Luo Pei feel gratified.

Boom, boom, boom.

While Luo Pei was enjoying himself, there was an untimely knock on the door.


Luo Pei's face was very bad.

"sorry for interrupting you."

Pushing open the door, there is a knight of red copper and black cross.

He also saw the current situation of the room, and for a moment, cold sweat covered the knight's forehead.

"That, that, Wang, I didn't mean to..."

"Talk about the matter, and then I will consider your disposal."

On Luo Pei's finger, a blue electric light began to shine.

If the knight didn't have a good reason, even Erica's subordinate, he wouldn't show mercy.

For those who are not important to him, Luo Pei kills without blinking an eye.


The knight shuddered, and explained his purpose in the clearest words of his life.

"Campione of Italy, Mr. Salvatore Tony is downstairs from you!"


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