The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 410

But the main target of the tsunami, Prince Rama, was unharmed. Even if Luo Pei deliberately increases the water pressure in the vortex to turn the water flow into a meat grinder that breaks iron and steel, there is no way. The gray-haired brave man ignored it completely, and swam in the dangerous whirlpool like a fish in water under heavy pressure.

Then it spotted the weakest point of the vortex and broke through, climbing up to the surface of the sea.

Not only that, Rope also fully experienced the terrifying characteristics of this King of the End in the various previous attacks.

"White Horse" was extinguished by the sudden appearance of Mithra's power on the way to carry the sun - "Sun God".

Using the "Unknowable Touch" to eliminate the sense of existence, the "Water of Death" lurking in the ocean was blocked by a fish that jumped up suddenly before touching Rama - "God of Luck" .

Forcibly mobilizing the tornado with the help of the highest dominance in the sky, Rama used it as a whetstone to polish his divinity, and the spell power increased instead-"Feng Shen".

Rama is like a collection of all the characteristics of gods. Although they cannot be used directly, these characteristics will be revealed from the side at the right time, which will bring endless troubles to Rope.

No, this is definitely not the power of Rama Chandra.

Luo Pei's eyes were burning, he flapped his wings, and his eagle eyes fixed on the platinum long knife held in the right hand of the pale-haired brave man.

——With the help of Prince Rama, he overcame all difficulties and obstacles and beheaded the demon king Ravana.

Gathering the power of the gods, the ancient covenant law, these wonderful characteristics are probably lodged in the magic knife, the power of the gods armed.

Since an artifact is often shared with its owner lore, it is not surprising that in those artifacts the divinity of the original owner is present.

Why didn't Kusanagi Godou encounter such a situation in the original novel... Luo Pei muttered to himself.

Rama got up from the sea, shook the water droplets from his white hair, looked up at the eagle in the sky, and said with a wry smile.

"It's the first time I've seen a godslayer like you who loves big scenes. The sun, storms, tsunamis, and those dangerous currents mixed with ordinary sea water, I was rescued by my friends again."

"Really? It doesn't look like you are struggling."

Lopez swooped down from the sky, turned into a human form and stood opposite Rama again.

In human form, there are faint red marks on his body from the blade. It was the scar left by the wisdom eye when he saw through the bad melee combat during the battle with Rama, and it has been healed by the endless energy of the ocean.

The turbulent flow under their feet was not a problem for the two Beyonders, and their bodies didn't even shake.

"No, the consumption of mana power is real."

Rama shook his head and denied: "With the help of those friends, my spell power is rapidly diminishing. Although the Holy Grail provides a lot of power, it is difficult for me to consume it like this. As far as possible, I don't want to overdraw the earth during this crusade. With the spirit of this Earth Mother God, I will annihilate you."

The brave man has clearly understood that Lopez is not an enemy that can be defeated with martial arts.

Changeable powers are equivalent to changeable responses to all strategies. No matter whether you improve your own speed, strength, or reaction, and make a "sharp sword" that specifically breaks the power of Luo Pei's bodyguard, you can only suppress the opponent for a short time, but It will not put the godslayer in front of him in danger of death.

"Sorry, I'm going to use the ancient covenant method next."

Rama said this, announcing the end of the temptation, and the brave man officially entered the duty of destroying the Demon King.

He held the magic knife in his hand upside down, and the tip of the knife touched the sea water.

The torrent of water calmed down, and then there were some waves again.

"——The Divine Sword of Salvation. Now show the world in its true form."

Rama spoke in a low voice to the love sword that stood on the sea in front of him.

Then, a huge square magic square appeared above his head.

Squeeze away the dark clouds attracted by Luo Pei, and the side length is about fifty meters. The square magic square is divided into small grids, and each grid depicts a sacred tool.

If you count them up, you should be able to identify hundreds of types of weapons and armaments, right?

The most numerous are "arrows". In addition, there are swords, knives, bows, spears, axes, shields, clubs, long swords, spears, iron balls, iron rings, lumps like bricks, etc., even things that can hardly be called weapons.

"This is the ultimate sword that wipes out all demon kings. It looks really powerful."

Luo Pei looked at the sky, the artifacts of the gods.

There is Indra's symbol "Thunder God's Pestle"; Shiva's "God Drum"; Odin's "Eternal Spear"; "The One" and "The Exile" are also among them.

With a luxurious lineup of weapons, Rama's armament of the gods is obviously much more compelling than the "King's Treasure" of the hero king Gilgamesh in the "fate" world.

It's not for a comparison of strength, and there is no way to compare with different worldviews. It's just that compared to the weapons of the heroes, the weapons of the gods are more famous.

"You seem to have studied me a lot?"

Rama was a little puzzled when he heard Luo Pei tell the truth about his love knife.

"A fool who knows nothing about his most dangerous opponent."

Rope sneered.

"Prince Rama, do you think I look like an idiot?"

"...The real name has been found out, so it's no wonder that I know the truth about my love for knives."

The brave man's expression was a little surprised, but he quickly returned to normal.

Nothing to worry about.

Just like what he said to Lancelot, there are five Godslayers, plus their legion, it will only be a matter of time before their real names are revealed.

Rama stopped talking, and stretched out his hand to aim at Luo Pei.

coming soon!

Lopez raised his spirits, a roulette appeared behind his back, and the "Warrior", which he listed as his ultimate move, activated, and a blank golden sword without words appeared on his right hand.

A burst of rainbow light flashed from the complex pattern, and as one of the symbols of Rama's authority, "Lightning" stood out from the magic square and slammed down fiercely.

Chapter 267 The Truth About "Lightning"

The falling speed of "Lightning" was so fast that in the blink of an eye, the blue electric current flew towards Luo Pei in front of him.

He didn't use "Phoenix" or the inherent time control to avoid it, but relied on his subconscious reaction to put the sword of words "Lightning" on the only way. The Nephilim of his lineage are most afraid of attacks related to "thunder" and "electricity". "Son of the Ganges" Vishma once called Indra's thunder, but it still couldn't hurt Lopei.



The water splashed, and the sea water within a radius of 100 meters that Luo Pei prescribed was smashed down by a section in an instant.

Feeling the screams of his arm bones and muscles, he gritted his teeth, regretting why he used the "Bull" so rashly.

That "Lightning" contained enormous power——

It is definitely not a collection of electric currents, but something else mimicking "lightning".

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