The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 438

"Miss Asakami, can't you even feel the temperature of my palm now?" Luo Pei said softly.


His hidden secret was found out, and Asakami Fujino was a little flustered.

Ever since she was a child, she has carefully concealed the fact that she didn't feel any pain. Because she knew it was abnormal and would be looked at differently, so Fujino never said it once.

How did this handsome man in front of him know about his problem?

What the hell...

Luo Pei had no intention of taking advantage of the little girl, so he let go of his hand quickly.

"Don't panic, Miss Asakami, in fact, I came here just because of your symptoms."

He glanced at the bag of medicine on the corner of the table, Asakami Fujino probably hadn't had time to take it yet.

"But before we start, let's talk about some digressions—well, it can't be regarded as a digression, and it's somewhat related. I don't know if you have any impression of your own childhood, Miss Asakami? For example, you can distort things without using external force. Category."

It seemed that Luo Pei's gentle words had an effect, the girl calmed down again, and answered Luo Pei intermittently.

"...Listen, I heard my mother mentioned it...but I don't have much memory."

"Didn't you take the initiative to ask?"


Asakami Fujino shook her head, she was not the kind of character who insisted on finding out, especially her stepfather didn't like it, for the sake of her mother and herself, she didn't dare to ask anymore.

"Is that so, then for the next thing, Ms. Asakami should just listen to it herself, and don't tell your father."

Luo Pei pointed to his blue eyes.

"Miss Asakami, those special abilities you had when you were young are mainly derived from the "Magic Eye". "Super powers brought by the eyes" and "devil's eyes" are whatever you want to understand, they are things that do not belong to the normal world. "

"Before the fall of the Qiangami family, it was a well-known big family. Of course, "famous" does not refer to its previous financial resources, but its reputation in terms of special abilities, that is, superpowers. It was hailed as "one of the four major exorcism families" by Japan at that time. "

"And your ability is inherited from your blood, the blood of the Qianshen family."

It was the first time Asakami Fujino had heard of such a secret.

She couldn't help reaching out to touch her eyes, Nan Nan said to herself.

"This... is it passed down in the family?"

"Yes." Rope nodded.

"The genetic factors you got from your biological father, because your aptitude is too good, you awakened at a young age, but you lack the ability to control, so it caused a disaster for your ancestral home. Ah, this matter may be superficial. Miss Shang didn't know about it, and I also heard from your father." He threw the blame on Asakami Yasuzo.

"Thank you for your information. But, does this have anything to do with my symptoms? Sorry, you said before that you came here because of my symptoms..."

Whether it's the devil's eyes or the family tradition. The matter of superpowers itself is very far away from Fujino, even if Luo Pei told her "you have superpowers", she didn't have much real feeling.

"Then is the important point. Listen, Ms. Asakami, not everyone in this world regards your ability as normal as I do now, and there are also a small number of people who are afraid of your power—— Including your current father, Asakami Yasuzo."

There is no false address of "father" and "uncle". When Luo Pei said these, he directly used Fujino's stepfather's real name.


Fujino's breathing stopped...

She finally knew why her stepfather hated her so much.

Years of doubts were resolved, and the girl's expression was very complicated.

"Fear gave birth to disgust, but Yaszo Asakami couldn't sit idly by because of your mother's remarriage. Under the self-protection mechanism of human beings, he made a countermeasure."

"That is the ability to seal you." Luo Pei continued.

"Miss Qiangami, your painlessness is not congenital, is it? The chance of acquiring painlessness is almost comparable to winning the lottery. It is very unlikely for ordinary people to get it. But if it is artificial, the chance can be great One hundred percent."

He pointed to the medicine on the table.

"That's the method Asakami Yasuzou uses to seal your ability—to seal your ability with the help of drugs to seal your senses."

Asakami Fujino was speechless, she needed time to digest the huge amount of information in Luo Pei's words.

As long as she can remember, she has no impression of her biological father, even though she knows that she is the stepdaughter of "father", and he hates herself, girls always treat him with respect.

Suddenly he knew the truth of the matter. It turned out that he lost his real sense of being a human being, but it was just his father's fear of her "superpower".

The impact on Asakami Fujino can be imagined.

"That's the way it is."

Luo Pei picked up the medicine on the table, and decisively threw it into the trash can under the sight of Asakami Fujino.

"I'll tell Asakami Yasuzo that you don't need to take any more medicine, and then I'll come over on the weekends, slowly recuperate, restore all your senses, and then help you control the power of the "Magic Eye". "

Of course, he will not continue to seal Fujino's power as that silly beep of Asakami Yasuzo said, and it would be a pity for Luo Pei to leave such a gorgeous magic eye unused.

And in this way, the following tragedies will not happen.

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

"...Can my body really go back to what it was before?"

"Ah, yes." Luo Pei said with a smile: "The suppression of drugs is not a big problem for me. You are not the only special one in this world."

His magic eye is too shameful, he would not show it off in front of a little girl if he was killed. It was vague, let Asakami Fujino know that he and her are "the same kind", just increase the sense of identity.

When Fujino heard this, he wanted to cry for a moment.

This was the only news she could take comfort in after hearing the truth.

Regaining human senses, hurting when injured, knowing hot and cold when water is pouring on the body, knowing the taste of food in the mouth... These feelings that ordinary people completely ignore are what Asakami Fujino wants in his dreams.

Now, if Mr. Rope is telling the truth, she'll have it right away.

She looked at Luo Pei, who was a stranger two hours ago, the son of her stepfather's old friend, and her complex emotions were finally condensed into one sentence.

"thank you very much."

The girl lowered her head deeply.

Chapter Thirteen Marriage

After straightening out all the doubts on Asakami Fujino, Luo Pei chatted for a while and didn't plan to stay in the girl's room any longer.

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