The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 458

If he is regarded as a dwarf, he should be a dwarf. Anyway, Rope defeated Veleslana, and the winner plundered everything from the loser. It is no big deal to borrow his name without admitting or denying it non-subjectively.

No matter how you explain it, it is a little pale in front of the iron proof of having Bahram's ten incarnations, so let it be.

The magic eye was closed, and Luo Pei got up from Lorelia's side, and the sound of the siren in the distance had already faintly passed.

"Can you stand up?"


After releasing the control, the girl's body shook for a while, and then realized that the Zoroastrian military god in front of her was going to let her go, so she quickly grabbed her magic dress from the ground, trying to get up.

But the impact of the explosion seemed to break her calf. After struggling for a while, Lorelia stood upright from the ground.

"Sorry, I have some problems with my legs. I will use the healing magic right away. Please wait a moment..."

"Miss Barthemelo can still speak ordinary words?" Luo Pei said jokingly: "Completely meaningless hostility, if you buy me a cup of coffee in a fair manner, you usually don't invite beautiful girls. Rejected. Maybe your "first-class" subordinates don't have to die, they have to resort to force..."

"That's what you taught."

Lorelia lowered her head so that Luo Pei could not see her expression, and healed her leg in silence.

It's useless to refute, big fists are the last word, and the girl who has done this in the past knows this well.

Besides, bowing to a god is not something that makes her proud and unbearable. Just like Tohsaka Tokiomi would submit to the King of Heroes, humans and gods are creatures on a completely different level.

The positive destructive power and sense of oppression caused by the "White Horse" just now left Barthemelo with some fear in his heart.

After all, she is not the genuine "Marshal of Magic" with rich experience a few years later, the current Lorelia can only be said to be a fledgling with a gradually rising reputation. Being deceived to an island country in the far east, half of the members of the Clone team were dispatched to arrest the person but failed. The other party was an ancient god who left ancient books.

The leg injury was healed within two minutes, and Lorelia stood beside Rope, waiting for his arrangement.

"Come with me. Let's talk about the cost of leaving me after your defeat."

Luo Pei waved his hand, gathered the remaining flames around him on the palm of his hand, and then crushed it, as simple as eating and drinking.

The two walked through several streets in silence, and stopped in front of another dilapidated floor, while Lorelia waited for her own verdict.

Whether it is a cruel curse or other unbearable punishment after offending the gods in mythology, the girl is willing to accept it. But if the Zoroastrian army god in front of him, who is familiar with the situation of the family in the inner world, wants to implicate the Barthemero family, Lorelia will immediately die to dispel the anger of the god.

The family is above her life, even if she doesn't want to die, she will not spare her life when necessary.

Because it was the disaster caused by Bathomero Lorelia.

Cornelus Aruba... The girl thought of that disgusting man in red with blond hair. The loss of the Clone team and the humiliation she suffered were all attributed to him, and her heart was burning with anger.

She made up her mind that if she could leave the Far East alive, then the Barthemero family would definitely make the Cornelus family, which had been passed down for two thousand years, pay the price!

"Say it."

"Yes, I don't know what you need me to compensate for?"

Lorelia asked respectfully, really paying for her own failure, knocking out her teeth and swallowing it in her stomach.

"My clothes." Luo Peiyang raised the rags hanging on his body: "Your subordinate broke it, and sent me a set tomorrow."

"...It's just that?" The girl raised her head with disbelief in her eyes.

"Oh, what else do you want? Or what do you think you can give me?" Luo Pei sneered: "Money? Dress? Magic book? Something handed down from the age of gods? Come on, it's all rubbish, I Not a scavenger, not interested in collecting garbage... Oh, yes, and your sincerest apology. That's all."


Lorelia was embarrassed by what Lopez said, but it was true after thinking about it.

To a god revived from time immemorial, some precious objects of modern society, including the mystical side, are indeed "garbage". As for the items from the Age of Gods—the other party was originally famous for making these gods, the golden sword of Bahram, the fighting god, this concept is well-known in the world of magicians in the Middle East.

Looking at the girl's uncertain and beautiful cheeks, Luo Pei said deliberately jokingly.

"Miss Bathmelo, if you think the punishment is too light, it happens that I am interested in beautiful girls..."

"Are you serious? I don't know what kind of girl you like. I can prepare it for you at the Barthumello family. If you are interested in me, then I am willing to accept such a punishment!"


Lorelia seemed to have won a big prize, and Luo Pei could clearly see the faint joy on her face.

Such an attitude made Lopei, who was unsuccessful in molesting the Magic Marshal, as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

That was not the kind of reaction he wanted.

"……I'm just kidding."

"I beg your pardon for the slip of the tongue."

The girl pleaded guilty, and her expression became normal.

It's no wonder that Lorelia is happy, magicians care most about inheritance. In her thinking that Lopez is a god, if she can introduce the blood of a military god to Barthumello and make the jewel on the crown of the clock tower more dazzling, then Lorelia can definitely be called The merit is immeasurable.

After all, she caught Rope just to get this result. Although she failed and was hanged and beaten, if the god himself expressed his thoughts on human women, the girl would have absolutely no objection, and Lorelia would be a real fool if she refused to agree to the "punishment" that would make a profit without losing money.

She is a qualified magician.

"That's the end of the joke."

Realizing the nature of a teenage magician, Lopez grew bored.

"Except for the clothes and apologies you personally sent me tomorrow, I don't need any compensation from you. Pack up and go back to your clock tower. In the future, if I have time to go to London, the Barthemero family will give The status and convenience of my guest, that's all."

"It is my honor if you are willing to visit Barthumello's house."

Seeing that the god in front of her seemed to dispel her thoughts about the beautiful girl, Lorelia felt a little regretful, but she didn't say anything more.

She angered the god of war and victory, not only did she not die ugly, but also reached a relationship within the scope of "friendship", she was quite satisfied.

More importantly, she must now return to the Clock Tower to initiate punishment on the Cornelus family. Losing so many combat magicians in the extreme east, even if the Barthumello family is powerful, there will be criticisms. These mistakes must be passed on to Aruba so that her reputation will not be damaged.

As for who killed those magicians——Loreleia thinks that her mortal enemy, White Wing, has done so many bad things, so she shouldn't mind taking the blame again, right? It happened to be able to deepen Barthumello's hatred of the Dead Apostles, killing two birds with one stone.

After the ponytail girl left, Luo Pei manipulated the moisture in the air to condense him into a somewhat simple shirt, which was better than being naked.

Is the world of the moon so dangerous that I can fight with the clock tower nobles in London...

Sighing, he walked towards the city, ready to finish what he promised Wu Tiao Wu Hua.

—I hope the bookstore is still open.

Chapter Thirty Prelude

Human beings are very inclusive and good at forgetting creatures. Everyone has their own pace of life, even those who pay the most attention to gossip and surrounding news will not record an event for two months in their minds.

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