The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 524

"Well, as long as Ape promises me not to find those dubious women, then I can ignore the "design problem" okay? "

"...Thank you."

In this way, I finally settled down in my new home.

Chapter 81 Friends, please don't spread the gay atmosphere

Bai Chunli, the "murderer" of Guanbuzi City, was depressed.

It has been more than two years since the two ceremonies entered the hospital. He is like a child who has lost the object of his reward, living like a walking dead. The killing is still going on, but it is obviously absent-minded, or not as active as before.

It's not that he didn't want to go to see the girl who was thinking about it day and night, but Mr. Araya warned him "there are dangerous creatures in the hospital, if you don't want to die, you'd better stay away." Such words.

Bai Chunlixu obeyed, that devil-like man was the only one he could turn to for help now, but even this one had lost track of him a few weeks ago, as if he had never appeared again.

"Damn it! Araiya Zonglian... Liangyi, Liangyi, Liangyi!!"

In the dark room, Bai Chunlixu kept mechanically repeating the process of piercing the pillow with a knife, only in this way could he calm down his turbulent blood.

After awakening, he was being eroded by the nature of the beast, and it became more and more serious day by day.


Finally, on the verge of losing control, Bai Chunlixu couldn't control his strength, and the blade nailed to the iron bed frame, making a crisp sound.

It woke him up a little bit.

He turned his head, and there was a calendar on the left side of the wall covered with photos of the two ceremonies, with a big red "X" marked on today's date.

By the way... today is the day of "delivery"...

"Blood chip" - a medicine that mixes marijuana with your own blood. If this continues, you will definitely find like-minded hidden compatriots, and you won't be so lonely by then. Bai Junlixu thinks so.

Putting on the kimono and walking out of the room that exudes a stale smell, Bai Junlixu is like a shadow wolf, instinctively walking towards the dark alley, the lights and the flow of people are his enemies.

Those who violate the rules will naturally not be accommodated by the rules.

Before reaching the medicine shed, Bai Chunlixu stopped in his tracks. He stared blankly at the end of the corner of the alley, where three teenagers were squatting and smoking tobacco.

Looking at the appearance, it should not be called a gangster, but just the level of a school boy who is simply rebellious, gathering in the alley at night for novelty, doing things that are not allowed in normal schools.

Driven, the man in a women's kimono changed his course and walked towards the two boys.

Calculating carefully, I haven't killed anyone for several days, let's have a full meal tonight, the delay in time... doesn't matter at all.

Shirasumori put on a distorted smile, and took out a knife from the back of the kimono.

Death was approaching, but the teenagers didn't notice it at all, and they were still talking and laughing. One of them even whistled obscenely at Bai Junliu after discovering him. The scene was once very gay.

Should be a StarCraft player. The illusion of clothing made him mistakenly think that Bai Chunli Xu was a woman.

"This lady...uh." After walking in and seeing clearly, the yellow-haired boy's words stopped awkwardly.

"Hey, what kind of woman, isn't this a shemale, Kaita, your eyesight has really deteriorated to the point where you should wear glasses." His companion patted the boy on the shoulder and laughed loudly.

"Stop rambling. Who can see clearly in such a dim light..."

"Wait." The third boy with a black board stopped the farce and looked at Bai Chunlixu carefully.

"Although it's obvious that he's a man, don't you guys think he's actually quite beautiful?" With a neutral and whitening Jun Lio, he really looks good.

"...Are you serious?" The yellow-haired boy's complexion changed wildly, and he backed away involuntarily.

"We have to try new ones, don't we?" Hei Bancun looked at Bai Chunlixu, and said with a flirtatious smile, "How about brother? Do you want to come and play with us?"

Bai Chunlixu: "..."

It's... enough. Bai Chunlixu covered his face with a headache, this kind of dirty guy almost ruined his appetite for "eating".

Then he raised the knife and cut the three bad throats in an instant.

The blade waved, blood gushed out like a fountain, and within a few seconds, the fresh life was divided into pieces, and it was impossible to tell that they had ever belonged to humans.

Bai Junlixu has never learned martial arts, karate, kendo, etc. In the final analysis, he is just an ordinary student. What makes him a murderer beyond common sense depends only on his strong physical fitness driven by the origin and turned into a beast.

The heart was beating violently, as if it was going to jump out of the chest.

Bai Chunlixu let go of the handle of the knife, knelt down, grabbed the wrist of which one of the three teenagers belonged to, and sent it to his mouth.

The first time was to vomit, but after the second, third, fourth time... until now I don't know how many times, Bai Chunlixu has gotten used to it.

Who made his origin be "eating". To "eat" is to eat, whether it is human beings or anything else, he has been captured by appetite.


Bai Junlisu stopped gnawing, the sense of hearing of the beast played a role, and in the direction from the street to here, the footsteps of two people were approaching.

Soon, the voice of conversation also came over.

"Are you looking for it seriously?" the woman said impatiently.

"Yes." The male voice was helpless.

"It took me two hours to find the drug seller, and then force him to tell the whereabouts of the drug head, and then follow the clues to find our target. Isn't it very smooth—except that the drug head is not here today."

"That's why you took me to waste for nearly a night?"

"Don't say that, isn't it fun to date me, Shi. In fact, I am more inclined now to go to a restaurant with a romantic atmosphere and have a candlelight dinner. We have plenty of time, don't we? Continue tomorrow."

"Tsk, how long are you going to use this bad excuse?"

"When you are angry and don't come out with me. Seriously, if you don't go to the restaurant, it's a good choice to go to the cinema with me. I'll make a reservation..."

"Be quiet, it smells of blood."

"Whatever, it's probably just a gangster's fight anyway."

When they got close, the two who walked into the deep alley were directly exposed to the eyes of the murderer who was eating.

Whether it was Bai Chunlixu, Luo Pei and the two rituals, they all fell into a strange silence.

The woman in the light white kimono showing cherry blossoms, the corner of her mouth was stained with blood, and the man in the dark blue kimono, two similar but completely different existences, both of them burst into a happy mood after a moment of surprise.

There is also a raging killing intent.

After a while, the young man with black hair and blue eyes said with a trace of regret.

"Well, it seems that the excuse for dating is over today... Bai Junlisu, you have let me down so much."

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