The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 539

"It's a bit difficult..."

Fallows's face was no longer crazy and distorted. It seriously flipped through the information stored in Einzbern Castle page by page, hoping to find any information that had been missed.

"The technology in the old man's brain is just a general framework, which needs to be filled in with details, but the magicians in Einzbern don't seem to like to leave records in writing, so I can only reason in reverse... Fortunately The magic subject that the original owner of this body researched in "Wandering Sea" was "life", so it has something to do with it. Where are you, my lord? "

"I gave up."

Rope threw away the head from his hand.

Ahad's head fell on the wooden table, Gulu Gulu rolled off the table.

— that stuff is no better than trash now.

"The knowledge of magic that I snatched includes "spirituality", "five elements", "worm", "curse", and "reincarnation". Only without a humanoid master. Even if there is a little involvement, it is far from scratch. Alas, who told us mystics to focus on the "soul" department? In addition to alienation, the body is those indescribable mysterious rituals..."

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with abandoning the falsehood and pursuing the truth."

"But when you encounter this kind of trouble, it's embarrassing, isn't it?"

Luo Pei raised his legs, stared at the ceiling and sighed.

"Extended lifespan, transfer of the Lesser Holy Grail carrier... let's make it more difficult, so as not to make the same mistakes as before, and help her change her body..."

"With all due respect, my lord, why did you bother so much about that young man-made human? It's obviously more convenient and trouble-free to take out the soul and change the body?"

"Leave me alone."

Rope glanced at Fallows, stood up from the chair, and flexed his shoulders.

He planned to run away shamelessly.

Staying in the basement and studying it will cause problems.

"I'll leave the rest to you, my trusted servant. My eyes were caught in the dark. It's really embarrassing not to learn this thing systematically."


Fallows also temporarily put down the information in his hand, and turned his head to the corner.

They were a few mass-produced artificial humans with no personality, which were captured by monsters as test samples. It was originally something like a tool, but now Einzbern's representatives, Irisviel and Illya, didn't have any objections, which simply surprised Rope.

I thought it would lose my favorability.

Sure enough, it was a woman who was born in a magic family, and her conception was as expected extremely abnormal. Like Rin Tosaka in the original novel, those who are not much different from normal girls may be the "heterogeneous" among magicians...

"The issue of lifespan is easy to solve, and a practical solution can be reached in about a week. But the transfer of the Lesser Holy Grail carrier is not a simple matter. It is conservatively estimated that it will take more than five months."

"Don't worry, we have more time." There is still more than a year before Rope's mission and the start of the Fifth Holy Grail War, so it is enough.

"...You really don't think about me." Fallows smiled wryly: "My lord, when you are playing, don't forget that your servant is still studying complicated things that you don't want to touch in this dark basement. "

"Ah, I can't hear you."

Luo Pei covered his ears, hummed an off-key tune he made up, and walked towards the exit door of the basement.

At the door of the wooden door, he stopped, turned his head, and showed a bright smile.

"Thank you, Fallows."

"...There, it is my honor to serve you."

The wooden door closed with a muffled sound, leaving Fallows alone in the room.

Picking up the materials again, using a quill to calculate the next experimental plan, a stiff smile appeared on the corner of its mouth unconsciously.

The meaning of life of a servant is to serve the master, which is not slavery, but a gift that gives it value to live.

There is no human heart, and monsters born out of thin air are proud of it.


At noon, after lunch.

The sun hangs lazily in the sky, not very hot, quite moderate climate. Einzbern is surrounded by a warm atmosphere, and the original cold fortress made of stone also brings a touch of humanity.

The disaster a few days ago, where the Einzbern family members were massacred, did not seem to have any bad effects. Illya, who was a candidate for the head of the house, and the former "Miss Irisviel" easily won the allegiance of the artificial people who lost their original master.

The corpses were cleaned up and the bloodstains washed away.

Except for the artificial reduction of traces of human life, the castle on the edge of the city has once again returned to its usual appearance.

On the second floor of the castle, in Illya's room—

"I do not want!"

The silver-haired and red-eyed Loli lost her temper at the older girl with the same hair color as her.

Ilya's eyes were fixed on her mother, her face was full of troubled expressions.

"Why do I have to agree to that guy's invitation? Also, Mom, why do you always speak for him? He is the culprit who killed Dad! Even... even if you are indebted to him, such an attitude is not too much for Dad. Isn't it fair?"

Irisviel was scolded by her daughter, and lowered her head without confidence.

She is a weak woman without her own opinion, even if she is facing her own daughter.

Still, she explained.

"Mr. Rope, he just wants to take you out to have a look."

"Grandpa is dead, Ilya can go out by herself now, there is no need to ask him!"

Illya frowned, walked to Irisviel's side, and hugged the silver-haired doll's waist.

she said softly.

"Mom, even if we are the only ones left in Einzbern, I will take good care of it, so I don't have to force myself to ask for help from my enemies."

Irisviel didn't answer directly, she stroked Ilya's long hair, her eyes were full of love.

"Mom also thought so at a certain moment, but our fate does not allow such naive thoughts. Mom wants to live with you, and I don't want Illya to follow her mother's old path. For this reason, Mr. Luo Pei is a must .That man is already a "god" in a certain sense, now...Illya try not to resist him, only he can end everything...I'm sorry, mother is so useless. "

The dolls who get a second life can only rely on Rope.

Rely on him who is powerful, like a god.


The lifespan and the fate of the Lesser Holy Grail, the two heavy burdens made Illya unable to catch her breath.

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