The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 545

Chapter 98: White Lolita and Black Lolita (V)

Is Brad weak?

Not weak, the eighth seat of the Twenty Seventh Patriarch of the Dead Apostles, this ranking is enough to show his strength.

Magic is good, although the hand-to-hand combat is not as good as Rizowal, it is still top-notch. With the ability to use all kinds of Dead Apostles freely, plus the inherent barrier "Ghost Fleet" of the same type as "King's Army", he is definitely worthy of his ranking.

For the time being, the Emperor is still troubled by magic power. Brad, who has been a dead disciple for hundreds of years, doesn't care about the squandering of magic power at all.

But I'm sorry, the characteristics of his inherent enchantment are really beneficial to Luo Pei.

From the beginning to the present, the attribute of Lopei itself is "water", and the text of "God of the Sea" Cthulhu is used. The first god killed in Godslayer is "Lord of Crab" Basatan , the power obtained is the "Sigh of the Shallow Sea" that manipulates water.

What would be the result of putting him on the "Ocean"? The "King of Swords" Salvatore Tony had already used himself to explain what "death" was.

It's the same behavior as the current white knight Brad.


His laughter became louder from a young age, and in the end he couldn't even hide the wind and waves, and was heard by the two ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

"I thought the battle with you would last for a few more minutes. Didn't you expect it to end now? It ended in such a way that made people laugh... Hehe, it's so interesting."

Luo Pei opened his arms, and the light of the wheel behind him soared, calling loudly as if he was welcoming the boundless fleet.

"Come! Dead souls! And the ancestor of the dead! I, Rope, am here, neither fleeing nor hiding! So, come and prove to me your strength, whether you have the power to conquer nature tolerance!"

The ghost ship group moved towards Rope on its own motion without wind.

The undead don't need words, they will use actions to prove themselves.

The black knight Rezovor jumped off the side of the ship, turning into a burst of black light and rushing towards him.

At the same time, the ancient artillery launched the first round of attacks, and the magical shells were like raindrops, covering the top of Luo Pei's head, and they were about to fall.

Luo Pei bowed his head and recited the words.

"Oceans, lakes, rivers, obey me! Destroy the enemy in front of me with the power of ten thousand waves! Deprive him of his life!"

After the speech was finished, Brad first felt abnormal.

This is his inherent enchantment, even if he cannot completely control natural phenomena, induction is still under his control.

—Ocean, something is wrong.

He turned his gaze to the bottom of the ship's side. The Dead Sea, which was supposed to have no waves, now had slight waves washing against the sides of the ship.

It became more and more intense, and the shock waves became stronger and stronger, and some ghost ships even passively began to fall backwards.

The Vampire Earl, who has rich sailing experience, of course knows what this means.

Could it be...! ? Brad looked at Rope with horror.

He quickly came to the place where the black knight jumped off, and roared loudly.

"Rizowor! Come back! Tsunami, tsunami is coming!!!"

The black knight who was rushing wholeheartedly almost fell into the sea hastily when he was called out like this.

what are you saying? This is your inherent enchantment!

Rui Zowor really wanted to grab the gay guy by the neckline and question him, but he missed the best time to escape just for a moment of daze.

The ocean, rising in sight.

From the front of Luo Pei, the left and right sides, the waves continued to rise and roar, and finally turned into a huge wave that surprised even the black knight.

Right in front of him, right in front of the Ghost Fleet.

"Can you even do this..." Brad's red pupils were serious, and he almost gritted his teeth.

Perhaps, he really should change his bad and bad interests——

The last time it was printed was the mutated Tenth Patriarch, this time it was good, a god came, so what will be the next time? Unspeakable, is there something more terrifying than gods?

Brad felt the deep malice of the will of the universe.

"Farewell, the 'terrible' Ghost Fleet. "

Luo Pei snapped his fingers, and the binding force of the tsunami disappeared immediately.

Just like the water of the Milky Way pouring into the world from the nine heavens, even the dead across the four oceans cannot resist the violence of pure nature.

The black knight was submerged, the pirate ship was crushed, and the undead couldn't die, and they rolled helplessly in the waves.

Water is a gift that breeds life, but it can also become a ruthless Shura that deprives life.

Luo Pei, who manipulated the tsunami and natural disasters, was an out-and-out devil king, and the ancestor of the dead disciples could not resist the violence of that devil king.

Roaring and rolling, the scene in front of him was fleeting again, and Luo Pei stood in front of the hotel again.

Brad disarmed his Inherent Ward in the nick of time.

"Cough, cough."

Nearly 20 meters away from Lopez, Brad was panting exhaustedly against Rizowol, who was under the pressure of 10,000 tons of sea water.

"...I'm fine. Let me go, Brad."

The black mist dissipated, and it was replaced by Rizowal to help Brad.

"Tch, I envy your excessive immortality every time around this time."

The white knight complained, without taking his eyes off Rope for even a second.

"What should I do now, my ultimate ultimate move has become the opponent's cradle, and I can't fight at all...Damn it, why did such an excessive thing appear in modern times!"

"Complaining is useless, you go and inform the princess, and I will deal with him." Said that it was dealt with, Rui Zowor had already changed the automatic into "containment" in his heart.

To make one of the oldest Dead Apostles feel like this, Rope is not ashamed of his name in the last world.

"Lucky enough, you guys."

At this time, Luo Pei finally spoke.

"If it's not an inherent barrier, but a certain ocean in nature, I'm afraid you won't be so relaxed."

He pretended a little too much, he had forgotten that the inherent barrier could disappear and reappear at the master's will.

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