The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 550

After thousands of years of fighting, the pain-sensing nerves that should have been numb came into play again, and the scream made Erte Luqi shudder.

Rezovor, who was fixed on the ground, rubbed the "sword" with lightning on his chest.

It doesn't have the sharp steel blade that the usual sword blade has, but it's just made of branches, and there are even green shoots on the intertwined branches and leaves.

The sword of the god of darkness in Norse mythology - Mistedtin, the sword of mistletoe that kills the undead.

The torrent of curse dissipated, and the shield "Aquis" of Zeus, the god of thunder, surrounded Rope, and he didn't even scratch the corner of his clothes after the release of the magic sword.

"My beloved dog—! Help the concubine knight!"

Eltruchi went crazy, her long hair fluttered, and a huge blood mist poured out without hesitation, like a monster with its bloody mouth wide open, devouring everything along the way.

The white knight Brad's expression also changed from the fear just now, and he opened his palm to Rope with a serious expression.

"Plunder, ghost ship group!"

Before Luo Pei wondered why Brad dared to use the inherent enchantment again, the scene in front of him changed, and he was suddenly pushed forward more than ten meters, facing Hei Ji's attack head-on.

It turns out that this kind of usage is the basic usage among the owners of the inherent enchantment, and I thought it was only the emperor who knew it...

Facing the unknown attack, Luo Pei still did not take any defensive actions.

When the blood mist reached his body immediately, he was blocked, and even Zeus's thunder couldn't damage the Aegis. Hei Ji's strength was still not enough.

At this time, the sharp teeth of the primate killer also reached Luo Pei's neck.

"Gleiphir (Grafier), OsirisLibra (Osiris scale)."

In the magic square, two more bolts of lightning struck down.

The primate killer was bound by an invisible rope, dragged forcibly, and flung into a pile of rocks very far away. The roaring sound continued. It was not easy to break free from the chains that bound the doomsday wolf Fenrir.

And another artifact fell into the hands of Luo Pei.

A golden scale, lightly resting a glowing dove feather at one end, and empty at the other end.

He pointed the scales at the white knight Brad. After a burst of golden light, a bright red beating heart appeared on the empty end.

Slowly, the heart pressed the feather down.

In contrast, the white knight Brad also fell to the ground without making a sound.

The three powerful ancestors of the Dead Apostles were completely defeated in such a short period of time, and they couldn't even resist.

Only Eltruchi was left.

Luo Pei put the scales on the ground steadily, and said to the black princess who was gnashing her teeth but not daring to act rashly.

"Don't worry, your two knights are fine for now. The scales of Osiris will separate the souls and judge them. Brad is still here. As long as I release the state of "judgment" from the scales, he will Can be resurrected..."

He glanced at the golden scales on the ground, and said again.

"Of course, if it takes a long time, it's hard to say... The same is true for the sixth seat. The growth rate of the mistletoe in his body is very fast."

His platinum long knife was pointed at Eltruchi.

The battle seems to have come to an end.

Chapter 102: After signing the contract, you are my little loli

The battle between the Hei Jizhong and Luo Pei seems to be going on in a form of comprehensive crushing.

But even so, Luo Pei still did not take it lightly.

Not to mention the black and white knight and the blood-sucking loli whose strength was inferior to Bai Ji, he did not move his gaze away from the primate killer for half a second even in such an arrogant manner.

A half UO of a planet, he is not so arrogant that he can completely solve it with a magic tool.

In the pile of rubble, the magic dog tied up by the transparent rope struggled harder, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

Luo Pei took a glance and then retracted his gaze, continuing to exert pressure on the somewhat disorganized Eltruchi.

"Miss Eltruchi, what should I do? Unleash all your strength to fight me, and then save your subordinate knights in a short time with little chance of winning? Or..."

He tilted the tip of the "Savior of Salvation" towards the ground.

"...Admit defeat and get caught without a fight."

Accompanied by this provocative movement, the long-haired Yujie version of the vampire princess clenched her palms tightly, subconsciously releasing her magic power.

Immediately, it calmed down again.

——Now is not the time to fight.

Eltruchi looked at Rizowal and Brad who were lying on the ground, and then at the immobilized primate killer. While cursing the trash in her heart, she relaxed her body.

"...The concubine admits defeat."

"A wise choice." Luo Pei completely put down the platinum blade in his hand. "You will be glad of your choice, Miss Altruchi."


The opponent's strength was completely beyond her ability to deal with it. If the battle had progressed to this point, the result would be death if it continued. Moreover, from the beginning to the present, the black-haired god has always expressed the feeling of "I don't want to hurt you, just admit defeat obediently".

Nailing the branch of Rezovor, the scales that made Brad unconscious, and the chains that bound the dog were all depriving his subordinates of their mobility, rather than killing them with a single blow.

If it was said that the god didn't have the means to kill him with one blow, Eltruchi wouldn't believe it even if he killed him. The white horse burning with the flames of the sun, the wild boar trampling everything, and the wind and thunder are manipulated to reproduce the mythical scene.

...Heh, did you deliberately show mercy because you wanted to give that sister a gift from me? Damn stuff.

After the black vampire girl understood this, her resentment towards Alquite and Rope went up to a higher level, and her teeth itch with hatred.

The pure-blooded True Ancestor was highly anticipated from the moment she was born, but she could only bear the reputation of a "defective product".

With the help of his own ability, he accepted a number of powerful dependents, and he wanted to form his own dynasty. As a result, not only did Luoa's "sealed" sister in the Millennium City recover and regain her strength, but he also came to find her with the strengthened Tenth Patriarch trouble. After fleeing until now, she was defeated by Bai Ji's partner god, and even she herself became the other party's spoils of war, which made Elte Luqi hate it.

——Fate is really unfair.

"The concubine has surrendered. The unknown god, return the knight who is the concubine..."

Eltruchi shrunk her body, and the appearance of the black gothic loli returned to Luo Pei's sight, expressing her innocence.

But the anger in the red pupils really couldn't be concealed.

"That's not enough, princess."

Luo Pei smiled, but did not immediately follow the agreement.

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