The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 556

"Of course the concubine is not because of the previous things. Being enslaved, resistance is a matter of course. The concubine wants to apologize because Mr. Luo Pei can treat each other with courtesy after signing the contract, but the concubine wants to hurt you. It's true that my concubine was rude. Besides, I have other business to come to see Mr. Luo Pei, please don't get me wrong."


So you can speak human language?

Luo Pei's expression became more and more awkward.

This black loli hasn't given him a good face since he stayed in Einzbern. He said that today is the first time he has died. It's better to use "hey" and "despicable god" to call it. Just ignore it.

and assassinations of all kinds—

"...Miss Altruchi is quite old now, don't eat indiscriminately." Luo Pei said after being silent for a while, and the words "Did you take the wrong medicine?" hung on his face.

Visible to the naked eye, the black loli raised her thin eyebrows.

The smile on his face was forced, but he still maintained it well.

"Mr. Rope is really humorous..."

——You are so angry, but you still have to keep smiling.

Luo Pei looked around, Fallows had almost cleaned up, and the rest would be fine without his help, so he simply put the broom on the edge of the table and walked towards Erte Luqi.

"Okay, let me see what medicine you sell in your gourd. Let me tell you in advance, poison is really useless to me, please don't let me drink those weird drinks again."

"……Do not worry."

Following Eltruchi, Rope came to the back garden of Einzbern Castle.

The floor was paved with perfectly cut stones, flowers bloomed in summer, and a few butterflies flew past Rope's eyes, making him sigh that Einzbern's elegant taste is really good.

However, this kind of scenery is a bit inconsistent with the loli in front.

The Black Princess of the Dead Apostles—I think it should be the color of blood or night.

Eltruchi turned around with a smile on her delicate cheeks.

"The purpose of calling you out alone is not for other reasons. Although our meeting was very dramatic and there were some unimportant conflicts, I still sincerely hope that Mr. Luo Pei will get rid of the past... the past can be reconciled The concubine and others have established a good friendship relationship." The words "abandon past suspicions" seem to be squeezed out from between the teeth, which is not straightforward.


Did Black Loli really take the wrong medicine? !

"Well, in short, I hope to be a partner with you, Mr. Rope."

In the summer, the black princess on the side of the dead made a terrible statement in front of Luo Pei.

Chapter 106 Hei Ji: Planning through!

"When you are hit on the left cheek, you have to stretch out the right cheek."

Luo Pei didn't know exactly who said this sentence under what circumstances, but the person who said this sentence must have some other consciousness besides being stupid.

But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like Erte Luqi can have such a high awareness.

Want to be... a partner with me?

Luo Pei looked Hei Ji up and down.

Fortunately, we are talking about partners, not idols. Otherwise, he would have to think about the rationality of the world.

"Just make a detour." The black-haired young man spread his hands and said.

"Miss Altruchi, to be honest, it's impossible for me to break the contract if you want to pass the test. Do you think I should trust a woman who was planning to have my subordinates assassinate me yesterday?"

"The concubine is serious."

After getting used to Rope's attitude, Erte Luqi's face is much more normal now.

she said gracefully.

"You can have a relationship with my sister, why can't you become my partner? Mr. Luo Pei is not a god in mythology, but has a human concept. I don't think it's such a difficult woman to talk about, love Erquit is just an empty shell of the True Ancestor Princess, her only subordinate Mei Lian does not serve her sincerely, and the concubine occupies the leadership of the Dead Apostles, what she can give to you, the concubine can also give. "

"In the case that I have already enslaved you?" Rope asked playfully.

"So what's the matter? I'm not that small. Besides, isn't Mr. Luo Pei very polite?"

Erte Luqi brushed her long hair and said confidently.

"You, God of Man, want to form a church to reproduce the glory of the Age of Gods or have other ambitions, I can tolerate it. Even if you covet Alquite's beauty, I think I will not lose to her! "

This is really interesting...

"Miss Eltruchi means that you want me to be your subordinate by placing yourself as a bargaining chip?"

"The concubine pursues an equal ally relationship. If Mr. Luo Pei wants to be a subordinate of the concubine, of course he is infinitely welcome."

Lopez was surprised by Altruchi's sassy personality without denying the "chip".

In the end, she is a kingly girl who plays the game of dominance. This should be placed on her younger sister Alquite. It would be strange to recruit him in turn under such circumstances. Guaranteed to be glaring, fighting to the death from the beginning.

One is simple, the other is black-bellied, the sisters are completely different.


"I'm sorry, Miss Altruchi, I appreciate your kindness."

Rope shook his head and said.

"I think you know how bad the relationship between Alquette and you is. If it is discovered that I hooked up with her sister who has a bad relationship behind her back, I'm afraid I will have no good fruit to eat."

"With Mr. Luo Pei's strength, would he care about that foolish princess?"

"Oh, look at what you said." Luo Pei smiled: "Since Miss Eltruchi said that I am like a human being, there are naturally people who do not want to use force, that is, Erquite. Intercourse of the opposite sex , It would be too sad if one party surrendered because of force.”

"Is that so?"

Eltruchi nodded without being depressed, and continued to speak in her crisp voice.

"I understand. Sure enough, although you are a god, you are a good man."

Inexplicably, he got the praise of the black princess, and Luo Pei didn't care about it, but it was Erte Luqi who made such a statement, and the rest of the days after returning to Japan could be more leisurely.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against a thief. It is hard work to guard against this assassination every day.

Especially when there's a primate killer lying there who can break his defenses.

"Let's inform your knights. It is estimated that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will have to leave this country and go to Japan, where I live now."

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