The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 561

"I understand, I'm just saying hello."

The black loli stopped her scrutiny, and the pressure of Wuhe disappeared instantly.

"In the next period of time, the concubine will disturb me."


As if remembering Luo Pei's order, the restless Wutiao Wue hesitated for a moment, and took Elte Lucy to choose a room to live in as a hostess. Before leaving, Luo Pei handed her an encouragement His gaze made the long-haired beauty feel more at ease.

This is the end of the first meeting between Eltruchi and Wujo Wue.

I hope you can live in peace...

Chapter 109: The Holiday Is Coming, Fujino and Flowers

Two weeks later, the summer has become increasingly intense, and Guanbuzi City is surrounded by heat.

The air was filled with the fragrance of soil. It had just rained yesterday, so today was not very hot. This made the western-style uniform of Liyuan Women's College no longer as unbearable as before.

Even though there is an air conditioner, the overly conservative uniform is still a bit stuffy.

In the dormitory, Asakami Fujino was arranging his sundries and preparing for returning home during the summer vacation.

After the final exams, she was at the top of the class as usual. Although her husband, Luo Pei, has no strict requirements, the girl still doesn't want to disappoint him in the details. Only by trying to be perfect can she find a reason to be worthy of Luo Pei.

——Too dazzling will make people feel inferior.

The omnipotent Lopez appeared in Asakami Fujino's world like a savior, and became her husband under the arrangement of her stepfather. It was supposed to be another depressing tragedy of marriage, but Fujino sincerely thanked his stepfather who had "accidentally" passed away.

If it hadn't been for Asakami Yasuzo's decision, I'm afraid that even if Luo Pei arbitrarily intervened in her life, Fujino would not have the confidence and means to narrow the distance between the two parties.


Finding the woolen glove that was just completed a few days ago, Fujino hugged it and smiled happily.

Finally we can meet again.

She put the gloves in the middle of the shoulder bag properly, and then began to organize the books for summer homework.

Liyuan Women's College is a college known for its rigorous teaching, and will not let the students waste the long vacation. Of course, many young ladies complained about this, saying "I live a life of a prisoner in school, and I don't make people quiet even after vacation", Fujino just smiled slightly at this.

Her husband once called this emotion "the confidence of a bully".

Boom, boom, boom.

The wooden door of the dormitory was knocked very rhythmically.

Fujino temporarily put down the sundries in his hands, went to the entrance and opened the door.

The person who came was a beautiful young girl wearing the same uniform as her, with long black hair and light blue pupils, anyone would think she was a young lady.

But as soon as the girl opened her mouth, the peaceful beauty was broken.


With a somewhat sweet voice, the girl looked at Asakami Fujino with teary eyes.

"Really, do you really want to leave today? Can't you stay with me for another two days? My roommate has also left. If you leave again, I will be left alone for the next two days. "


Fujino looked at the friend named "Hei Tong Han Hua" with a headache, but in fact he was also the same as Hua Hua.

"Someone came to pick me up today, I'm very sorry."

Wue sister called, and Luo Pei will pick her up around afternoon. Although I am very sorry for Huahua, in Fujino's heart, the reunion with her husband is more important.

"Ah, you all left me one by one..."

Heitonghua lowered her shoulders, she knew that Fujino's decision would be difficult to change.

Unlike that supple and beautiful face, Asakami Fujino is actually very stubborn.

"But there should be some time now, do you want to come in for a cup of tea?"

It was a bit pitiful to leave it alone, Asakami Fujino turned sideways and invited Hei Tonghua to come in.

"Then I will bother you~~!" Hua Hua looked very happy.

I am tired of looking at the same old-fashioned dormitory, Hei Tong flowers in my room.

She walked to the cabinet next to her, and naturally took out black tea from it to make herself a cup of tea. It was obviously not the first time she came to Fujino's place, and she knew exactly where the tea and hot water were.

Asakami Fujino and Hei Tong Huahua may not be called close friends, but they are already relatively close friends.

The boiling water brews the tea, and the red color spreads in the white porcelain cup.

"Brother, that idiot!" Holding the teacup, Heitong Huahua began to complain. "At first, I wanted to be able to go today, but the guy said he had something to do and asked me to go back by myself. I really don't know what he thought, but let a young girl walk so far alone! He doesn't know the current society. Very restless?!"

"...Flowers, we are in the urban area." Fujino reminded.

"Ah, I know. But you still have to take the bus, don't you? The damn bus didn't leave until two days later, it's disgusting."

"Because some seniors haven't finished the exam yet."


Huahua's complaints were blocked, and the feeling of having nowhere to use her strength was uncomfortable to watch.

"I don't care! Brother is a big fool!"


Asakami Fujino shook his head, ignored his friend's unreasonable troubles, and concentrated on arranging his clothes.

Uniforms, let's take them home and wash them. She hesitated, and stuffed the changed Liyuan uniform into her shoulder bag.

Ape seems to like my appearance in uniform... Fujino remembered something, and his face turned red involuntarily.


Indulging in bad memories, Fujino was startled by the sudden appearance of a voice next to him.

Hei Tong Hua Hua came to her side at some point, looking at her shoulder bag with interest.

Fujino lowered his head, and found that because he stuffed too many things, half of the gloves in the outer pocket were squeezed out, and the focus of Hanhua's eyes was on it.


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