The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 573

"Sounds interesting, I'll go out with you tonight."

Luo Pei nodded happily, and continued to eat the lunch he didn't really need.

Chapter 117: Two Ceremonies and the Future (Part 2)

At night, Luo Pei and Er Shi walked out of the simple apartment.

Originally, Shiki planned to continue wearing her blue daily kimono, but had to give up under Luo Pei's strong request, and changed into a brighter furisode.

From top to bottom, the gradient from white to cherry color highlights the girl's beauty, and the level of seductiveness rises rapidly, Ruyu's face becomes fairer under the moonlight.

After all, there is already a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, and the two ceremonies will still listen to the request of asking the female partner to change clothes, and it is not completely hostile and repulsive.

"It's too much..."

The two frowned, holding Luo Pei's shoulder with one hand, and constantly adjusted the position of the wooden shoes.

Perhaps because I am used to wearing short boots, even kimono lovers are not used to the new wooden shoes.

"If I sprain my foot because of changing clothes and can't go to class tomorrow, I will change the lock on the door."

Her college attendance rate is on the verge of being very dangerous, and in order to avoid being nagged by Akitaka Kenki, she still has to go to school in the last few days at the end of the semester.

"Don't make trouble, the windows are also counted as roads."

Luo Pei lightly supported Liang Shi's arms, and said with a smile: "Besides, with me by my side, Shi Shi doesn't have to be injured. A simple trauma is just a matter of effort for me."

For small traumas, even high-level light elements are not needed, and Luo Pei's own healing magic can handle them.

"I hate pain."

After adjusting the position of the wooden shoes, the two started on the road again.

Summer nights are very impetuous, lacking the tranquility that represents "black". The crowd was no longer in a hurry during the day, and enjoyed their free time indulgently. Most of them were couples like Luo Pei and Liang Ri, but they were not as good-looking as them.

Turning into the dark alleyway, this kind of place is as intricate as the blood vessels of the city, breeding all kinds of parasites in human society.

"It's this alley again..." Unpleasant smell, both of them covered their noses with their hands.

"I had a bad impression of you before, and it probably has something to do with the fact that our date will never go around this kind of place. Can't you think of a way, Rope?"

"I don't want to either, whoever makes the people we want to meet stay with the alley all the year round."

Luo Pei snapped his fingers, and the garbage dump in the distance spontaneously ignited without fire, and it burned completely in an instant, without even coming out of smoke.

The smell in the air can be slightly lighter.

"It didn't take too long this time." Luo Pei said as he walked, "I checked with my friends about the "Mother of Guanbuzi" before I came here, and the old man didn't hide his intentions. This old man will not give up changing the fate of others. "

"A guy with a strong desire for dominance?" An image of a mean and thin old lady appeared in Liang Ri's mind.

After listening to Luo Pei's description, she automatically replaced the villain in the book with the "Mother of Guanfuzi" whom she has never met.

"No." Luo Pei shook his head: "The old man is not so much controlling the fate of others as he is too kind. Her ability can see the future of others, and it is her job to let others avoid misfortune."

"Is there really such a thing as seeing the future?"

"It exists. But I prefer this ability to "precise observation of parallel worlds", because "absolute future" itself is a contradictory statement. "


"Well, how should I put it... how about it." Luo Pei knocked on the iron pipe next to him.

"For example, if there is a person who can "predict the absolute future" and tell me a few days ago that he will knock on this iron pipe, then regardless of the issue of confinement, if I don't knock, the future will change, then "absolutely The future" has become a joke. Of course, this is just my self-deduction. Anyway, I don't have the power related to "fate" and "future". Don't take it too seriously, just listen to it. "

"Since you don't believe it yourself, why go all the way to find a fortune teller?" The two rituals followed closely behind Luo Pei.

"The gods are not superstitious."

"Just pretend I'm satisfying a petty curiosity. Well, here we are."

At the last corner, Luo Pei stopped.

There is no more way to go in the narrow alleyway, and at the end of the long road, two dim candles are flickering.

The fortune teller is sitting on the table, wearing this thick robe.

Under the robe, there was a woman about sixty years old, she was obese, completely different from what the two ceremonies expected.

There is no doubt that it is the mother of Guanfuzi, the owner of "Absolute Future Vision".

"Welcome, the two over there, do you want to come to divination?" The hoarse voice was slightly old and kind.

"Good evening, old woman."

Rope walked over and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect to be in this kind of place. With that magical ability, one should enjoy the most luxurious treatment in the world, right?"

"Oh, he is a person who knows everything." The old man was not surprised, and his tone was still steady.

"Luxury... It's been here for decades, I have long forgotten when I started to give up those things. So what do you want to divination, little brother?"

She subconsciously stroked the crystal ball on the table, but her eyes were fixed on the black-haired young man who was getting closer.

Immediately, the movement of Guanbuzi's mother stopped.

The old man's eyes widened, and after a daze, he quickly covered his eyes with his hands, as if he absolutely refused to take them away.

Rope stopped in astonishment.

"Can I trouble you to go back to the original position?" The old man's voice was a little scared.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous, I almost saw something terrible... Even if the time of death is approaching, I don't want to leave this world so soon..."

"Future Vision" was activated at a certain moment just now. Rope is sure.

"……What do you see?"

"I didn't see anything. If I did, I wouldn't be able to sit here." The old man said briefly.

Rope was silent.

In fact, from this reaction, he could also guess what the clues that Guan Buzi's mother almost saw from him were.

——The Old Ones.

In other words, the evil god, the wrong abomination, the twisted alien body, whatever you call it, is the path that must be taken after Luo Pei chooses the mystic and the Cthulhu pantheon.

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