The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 578

"Come on, my character design is going to collapse if I continue talking. Save some face for me, do we still need that kind of thing?"


The system mother spat in a low voice, not embarrassing her host, and said the method.

'Ape, you have Nyarlathotep's artifact "Shining Tractahedron" in your body, you can use it to "create gods". '

"Is it so scary?! Why didn't I know that I could even create gods?"

A super novice who struggles to even create a family, let alone create a god.

'Oh, I didn't mean that. ’ Azalia quickly explained: ‘The Holy Grail polluted by Angora Mainyu contains the evil thoughts of all mankind, just like I said just now, it is a half-mutilated version of Alaya. Regardless of its immature consciousness, that power is real. We only need to use Nyarlathotep's artifact to integrate its power, and it is entirely feasible to guide and shape a brand new "human evil god". As soon as that guy was born, he usurped half of Alaya's power, the subconscious power of human beings in the whole world. Well, such a big change should be enough to meet your "fiefdom" conditions. '

When Luo Pei heard this, he was taken aback.

"...You're right in what you said, but I can't implement this method no matter if it's the secret technique or the power I won from the previous world. "God-making" really has more than enough energy. "

‘Stupid, you can summon Nyarlathotep, she definitely has a way. '

"Hey, Sanzhu God will help me in this kind of matter?" He was a little incredulous.

Azalea chuckled.

‘If this is the case, Naia will be very happy to help Ape, I can guarantee it. '

Because this is what Nyarlathotep desires most—to intervene in the core of a world.

Luo Pei thought for a moment, then asked again.

"It won't be a big problem, right? If that guy wants to destroy the world as soon as he is born, I will definitely not do it."

'Don't worry, it will only be Naia's subordinate god. No, maybe it was just born and only qualified as a demigod. "Evil gods are not easy to be. The evil sons of chaos have unique nobility. Not to mention the apotheosis of the mere black mud, even the evil experiments of some evil gods in the past have only created some terrifying monsters that look like nothing else." .

"Okay, let's do that."

Luo Pei breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what method, as long as he can get this world as a "fief", he is willing to try it.

—It’s great to have a way.

The biggest worry was put down, and Luo Pei lay down on the chair again, looking up at the starry sky. Perhaps because of his good mood, he even found those shining stars cute.

"Ape, we are ready."

When Wuhui's words came, Luo Pei turned his head.

From the doorway on the top floor, two girls in traditional yukata were smiling gently at him.

There is a lively temple fair today, and Luo Pei and his two girls do not intend to miss this once-a-year festival.

"Are you sure you don't need to worry about Miss Altrucchi and Miss Arquette?" Fujino asked.

"Ha..." Luo Pei laughed and said, "Fujino is really gentle, but you are wrong, the two of them went out earlier than us, and they are probably enjoying the traditions of a foreign country now."

"Is that so?"

"Let's go quickly, I heard that there will be witches dancing." Kirie urged. She had never been to a temple fair when she came out of the hospital last year and the year before, so she was looking forward to this long-haired beauty.

"Well, let's go."

The water surged and covered him.

Putting on decent casual clothes, Luo Pei and the girls walked downstairs talking and laughing.

Stepping on a boat has to follow the basic law. After ten o'clock, he and Liang Yi still have a separate date...

For the time being, let this daily life continue for the time being.

④ Fate Stay Night

Chapter 1 Returning to Fuyuki City, Past Karma

The year 2000 was an important year.

Isaac Newton, a physicist who once had a pious belief, once predicted that the year 2000 would be the end of the world as described in the Book of Revelation, and there was a lot of panic at that time. Just as many people still believe in the saying "the end of the world in 2012" after the Internet is developed, in the final analysis, nothing happened in the end.

Human beings have smoothly turned over a page of history and entered a new chapter.

In early spring, at the nearest airport to Fuyuki City, a young man with black hair and blue eyes got off the plane with a silver suitcase. He held a small phone in the other hand and was talking with a smile on his face.

"Well, I just got off the plane. After I left, didn't anything serious happen to you, Lu Qi?"

"Are you distrusting my concubine's ability to govern?" The girl's crisp voice came from the phone.

"Although there were indeed unwilling pawns who wanted to regain their status, they were all resolved by my subordinates. As for you, don't you need my help in the Holy Grail War?"

"I'll give you back what you said - are you distrusting my strength?"

"Hmph, it seems that the concubine is indeed troublesome. But I heard that the Church of the Holy Church has penetrated into the extreme east, so you should pay attention."

"I don't pay attention to that group of trash." He said contemptuously.

There was an endless stream of people coming and going at the airport, no one would have imagined what kind of status this handsome young man would have in the outside world.

Appearing in the public eye together with the "Ninth Patriarch" Erteluchi Brunstad, the "Tenth Patriarch" Nero Kaos seems to be his servant. In the first battle, the "Seventeenth Ancestor" Tevem Ottenrose and the "Fourteenth Ancestor" Van Fim were completely killed. After the complete annihilation, the church sent three crusade troops, which were remembered by the world for their frightening strength.

According to a combat priest who escaped from the battle.

"That's not human anymore, it's a human god! A god with a human body!"

Manipulating the weather, dragging the sun wheel, turning the land into an ocean—

Judging from the broken battle records collected, things that can be called "miracles" seem to be of little value to the opponent. In the church, because of their beliefs, they all showed a sneer at what the priest said, but in private, they all changed Luo Pei's name to "man-god" as a pronoun. Some bishops even proposed to incorporate it into the sequence of the "Twenty-Seven Dead Apostles", but it was rejected because Rope did not show the characteristics of a vampire.

Undetermined creature—"Luopei, the Shining Man-God".

Therefore, the proposal to subjugate the "Ninth Patriarch" Arteluchi was postponed indefinitely in the Burial Authority.

At least they will not act rashly until they thoroughly figure out the young god. There are enough people sacrificed for nothing, and the thousand-year-old church cannot withstand such consumption.

"That's how it is. There is an unfamiliar territory and governance issue here, and today's concubine is only halfway through. After you finish your work, come to concubine's place as a guest, dear partner."

"Definitely. In addition, if you are in Germany, help me take care of the people in Einzbern. They are left with orphans and widows. They don't have much strength. Just kill the sneaky guys. Faros and the others will temporarily Incorporates under your saddle for your convenience."

"Okay, I understand."

Luo Pei hung up the phone, and sent messages to Kirie, Fujino and Shiki respectively about their arrival in Japan. As a result, the other two girls did not move except for the two girls who replied "Let's go to class, don't disturb me".

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