The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 586

‘Actually, Ape, you don’t have to worry too much. ’ Azalea comforted nervously.

‘That girl has the emblem of Cthulhu, and the little octopus’ eyes have stayed on her, and the Lalyye text is from her book of the kingdom of God. As long as there is a sacrifice, the worst situation should not happen. '

--I guess so.

Azalia added silently in her heart.

In the final analysis, such things as divine emblems are nothing more than stamping the marks of one's own family, and the degree of favor depends on the gods bestowed upon them. Some deities with a bad personality, such as Ygoronak, not only will not help the creatures it bestows the emblem on, but sometimes they will eat one or two to add to the fun. Senna in the last world is a special case of special cases.

Although Cthulhu is not as exaggerated as the king of scribes, but according to her characteristic of sleeping 90% of the time, 80% of her attitude will be ignored after a whim, just like other lazy evil gods.

After all, Sakura just made Cthulhu look sideways for a moment with the help of Luo Pei's relationship.

Hearing Azalea's comfort, Luo Pei's face looked better. I don't know whether it is the peace of mind for Sakura or the trust in Azalia's words.

"I hope so." He sighed.

"After the Holy Grail War, I will gradually shift the focus of the Pharos sect to Japan. At that time, when there are more people, I will look for Sakura... Sigh, what a big deal."

Just like he prevented Illya from participating in the Holy Grail War, Sakura didn't want her to participate as in the original plot. In the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City, whoever chooses whoever chooses, he will be pulled out one by one to line up to shoot, and Luo Pei is the best at killing irrelevant people.

He stuffed some torn sleeves into his pockets and walked towards Fuyuki City's residence.

Gradually approaching the city center, even Fuyuki, which is not very populated, has more people at this low-end.

At the corner, Luo Pei passed by two teenagers.

The teenagers were wearing private clothes, one had short orange hair, and the other had purple hair like kelp. The boy with the kelp head had a bandage on his face as if injured.

"Shen Er, next time you get caught by those bad guys, just run away. If I hadn't passed by, do you know what would have happened? Those guys are carrying knives!" the orange-haired boy advised his companion.

"Securing yourself is the most important thing, right?"

"It was a little scary, so I forgot to run away..." The kelp-headed boy shrank his shoulders, and looked at the orange-haired boy with an embarrassed expression.

"I'm sorry, Shirou, to trouble you again."

"Speaking like this again, aren't we friends?" The orange-haired boy pretended to be angry and patted Shen Er's shoulder.

Hearing the conversation in the distance, Luo Pei's footsteps paused for a moment, and then continued to walk forward.

'What's wrong? '

"It's nothing." Luo Pei pulled a smiley face.

"Just thinking about Lorenz's butterfly effect, it turns out that it really exists."

‘You already know that kind of thing, don’t you? '

"But I didn't see the product of non-subjective consciousness until just now." Luo Pei shrugged.

"It's not a big deal, just think of me as a way to relieve the boredom in my mind."

Hearing this, Azalia muttered a few words and then entered the standby mode again.

Yeah, no big deal.


On the road of the commercial street, an elf with silver hair and green eyes was bouncing forward.

It was a perfect human-like appearance, but the people who came and went didn't realize it, and no one turned their attention to this weird girl, who was like a ghost.

The Supreme Messenger of Chaos - Nyarlathotep.

"Eggplants are good~ green vegetables are also good~ it's really meat~chicken, duck and beef, it seems that human meat is also good~~~~"

Ms. Cthulhu hummed a weird self-composed song, walked into the store, picked up the basket and picked out the ingredients for dinner.

Among the evil gods, Naiyako is one of the gods who often come into contact with human society, so she still has all kinds of common sense. Although occasionally she will cause big troubles when she is excited, but after falling in front of Luo Pei, Miss Evil God They all restrained their interest in doing things very well.

It took about ten minutes for Naiyako to clearly select the required ingredients, then naturally took out a bag to put it in, and walked out of the store swaggeringly.

— did not pay.

No, it should be said that everyone ignored Ms. Cthulhu. Naturally, she didn't need that kind of low-level circulation in human society to buy these things.

"So, do you want to bring humans back? Ugh!"

Naiyako looked at the pedestrians on the street with a troubled expression.

"It seems that Little Luo Pei still can't accept cannibalism, or the former kind...huh?"

The emerald green pupils locked in one direction, and what happened there made Naiyako a little concerned.

On the opposite side of the street, a girl wearing a nun's uniform was kneeling on the ground and panting in pain. Judging from the scattered plastic bags next to her, it seemed that this nun, like Naiyako, had just bought something and was about to go back.

She has the same hair color and golden pupils as Naiyako. Wounds and ulcers appear constantly on her pretty face, as if she is being tortured. As long as such injuries last for a while, she may die.

But beside the girl, there was no human figure at all.


Miss Cthulhu unconsciously pulled out a distorted smile and walked towards the silver-haired nun.

Chapter 7 Karen Ordesia

Caroline Ordesia's vacation was not as carefree as boys and girls her age.

Her grandfather was already very old, so old that even his strong body could not support his weakened spirit. As the only young nun novice in the Fuyuki City Church other than her grandfather, Karen had to help Kotomine Risho with a lot of chores, including cooking, taking care of her grandfather, cleaning the church, and receiving believers who came to pray. It's not hard work.

Even so, the girl is still happy with it, and is satisfied with this kind of life from the bottom of her heart.

Kallen is no ordinary girl.

It may be related to the suicide of her mother Claudia Ordesia. Her father Kotomine Kirei disappeared when she was very young, and she was temporarily adopted by the priests of the church, and then returned to her grandfather's house. Around, experienced ups and downs. Even now, Karen still remembers the mean face of the priest who adopted her, so she respects the kind grandfather who took over the custody again, and naturally she will fulfill her duty as a granddaughter.

"It would be better if your father was around." This was a sentence she often heard her grandfather say.

Karen doesn't quite know her father who died ten years ago, but she has an inexplicable disapproval of her grandfather's words in her heart, as if she is rejecting her biological father deep in her heart, but it is not good to disobey her grandfather who is dying, so she He just nodded silently at the side, responding against his will.

Lately, though, my grandfather said it less often.

The reason Karen knew was that the fifth Holy Grail War was approaching and there was no time for the old man to reminisce about the past. This important ceremony made the old and rusty machine turn again, squeezing Kotomine Risho's remaining energy and lifespan.

Only this, the grandfather refused to let her help share his worries.

The reason for this was his father who died in the last Holy Grail War.

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