The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 599

"Oh, it's so funny, I actually walked the same path as that Archibald..." Lorelia laughed at herself and walked out of the airport.

Although the purpose is the same, the girl doesn't think that she and Kenneth will end up in the same end.

This Holy Grail War will be Lorelia's first glamorous resume after taking office as Magic Marshal.

The girl firmly believed.

Chapter 16 Tonight, Kallen will join the hunt (Fog)

Time is rushing by, and soon, the day scheduled for the Holy Grail War will arrive.

Probably, there are two days left——

Karen Ordesia has no way of knowing how many magicians attracted by the cup of omnipotence have poured into the city at this time, but it can be seen from the old figure that the grandfather is getting more and more busy, there must be a lot of people . The church's additional manpower also arrived in Fuyuki City a few days ago and is stationed in the church, in order to prevent various accidents and post-processing in this war.

Did that magician named Rope also come for the Holy Grail?

——And that trembling female demon.

The Holy Grail War, has it been so lively before it kicked off...

"Sister Ordesia."

A male voice from the main entrance of the church interrupted Karen's thoughts. She stopped her pretended prayer and stood up slowly.

"What's the matter?" Jin Tong looked at the strange monk indifferently.

Karen neither hates nor likes her "peers".

In the final analysis, her belief is nothing more than a "blind faith", but she has been in contact with priests since she was a child, and her grandfather and father happen to be priests, so Karen naturally became a nun.

—she doesn't understand God any more than she understands herself.

"In the back hall, Priest Yanfeng ordered you to meet him." The monk said politely.


Kallen was taken aback. In this busy time, the old man would not be able to find time to see her.

"Grandfather... didn't Priest Yanfeng explain to you the reason for looking for me?"

"I don't know about this." The monk said, "But please hurry up, Sister Ordesia, Priest Yanfeng doesn't have much free time."

"Understood, I'll go now."

Karen nodded in response, turned around and walked out from the small door next to her, and walked straight to the back hall of the church.

Pushing open the somewhat old wooden door, behind the neat desk, the old man was constantly pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to relax his eyes.

He is very tired.

"My lord grandfather." Kallen stood in front of the table and saluted respectfully.

"I don't know why you called me here?"

"Oh, Karen." Yan Fengli opened his eyes, showing a kind smile.

"Didn't it disturb your prayers?"

"No, the morning classes were over before my grandfather called me here."

"That's right, as good as your father. When Kirei was your age..." Yan Fengli was muttering, then he was startled, and said as if giving up.

"...It's really old. Karen, please forgive Grandpa for nagging."

"Where are you talking?"

"Yeah." Yan Fengli was taking out an envelope from the desk drawer, which didn't look thin at all.

He pressed the envelope on the table and gently pushed it in front of Karen.

The girl took it suspiciously, and opened it after getting permission.

Inside was a thick stack of Japanese yen, and a few sheets of paper of unknown purpose.

"Master Grandfather, is this...?"

"Living expenses." Yanfeng Lizheng explained.

"As you know about the Holy Grail War, Karen, once Heroic Spirits and Heroic Spirits, magicians clash with magicians, no place in this city is safe. So I plan to send you to the city next door, where is it?" Live for a little while, and come back when the ritual of the Holy Grail subsides."

The old man sighed and continued.

"The ceremony this time seems to be more intense than last time...Even the Patriarch of Bathermelo, the youngest Magic Marshal, has come here. It is completely unpredictable where the Holy Grail War will go."

Karen didn't know what "Bathermelo" and "Magic Marshal" meant by her grandfather. Her attention was attracted by the last sentence, and she suddenly realized.

Sure enough, you want to send me away from Fuyuki City...

Grandfather's intentions are good, and Karen is very clear about this, but as the saying goes, "good intentions often lead to bad things", after she guessed that her grandfather was going to send her away, she didn't think that such an arrangement was right for "Karen O. Artesia" best results.

——Today, she put it into action.

Karen shook her head, and put the envelope on the table under Kotomine Rizheng's surprised eyes.

"My lord, I want to stay."

"...Karen, do you want me to be worried about the last job? Your father died in the last Holy Grail War!"

Kotomine Risei's tone was a little harsher, but the girl still insisted on her own opinion.

"Grandfather, if the chick wants to be independent, it has to spread its wings and fly by itself." Karen said euphemistically, "Whether it's because of my overreaching or not, I always think that I should take over the responsibilities that you stick to all your life." .For this reason, this war is not something I can escape. If you can protect me once, who will protect me in the Holy Grail War next time? Or do you want me to be so unknown, as a Ordinary nuns spend the rest of their lives?"

Besides, she was cursed.

If Lopez is really the master who came to participate in the Holy Grail War, the girl still doesn't know whether his death will affect her. As for the effect of the curse, she still has too little to figure out until now.

The only thing that is certain is that the black-haired greedy young man seems to have gradually become his "superior existence" - after several meetings, Karen understood this.

Yan Fengli just didn't expect his obedient granddaughter to say such words. After a short period of relief, he was worried, and finally turned into a long sigh.

"Although my reason wants me to veto your words, but...Karen, you are right. If it is to inherit my responsibilities, you should indeed be allowed to see the world." The old man pondered for a moment, and then said.

"Okay, I'll let you stay. But Kallen, you have to promise me that you're just standing on the edge of this vortex, and you're not allowed to participate in the Holy Grail War."

"Thank you, Grandfather."

In this way, you can witness a miracle, right?

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