The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 702

Thinking, Joan of Arc gradually stepped into the old streets of the city.

As Karen described, the people have been evacuated, and the rooms on the street are dark like a haunted house, and the only quiet environment is the sound of insects chirping in spring.

The saint stopped.

Behind him, crimson's magic power was gathering.

From the air, a blond girl in a red dress appeared.

"I didn't expect Yu to find it first."

"...Emperor of Rome."

Under Ruler's ability to "see through his real name", Joan accurately read Nero's identity.

"It's Yu."

Nero readily admitted.

"You have clear eyes and no madness. You must not be the Berserker you have never met before. Ruler, Joan of Arc, Yu guessed right? Well, after all, apart from Berserker and the servants owned by Yu's current Master , the only one left who can move is you. A thief who takes advantage of people's unsuspecting."

"You are not Indra's Servant. Standing in front of me now, you have completely abandoned the original Master and surrendered to the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven."

"Don't say it so harshly, Yu also has some unavoidable difficulties, but there is no need to tell Qing the specific reason."

The flame of magic was burning, and the twisted red sword appeared in Nero's hand.

"Quick fight, return the Holy Grail. Let that fake like Yu see what the so-called real thing really is."

With a gesture of refusing to communicate, Joan also gave up the remaining words of persuasion.

She murmured quietly.

"It's very kind of you to come..."

The voice was so low, but the five senses of the follower were beyond ordinary people, Nero heard the saint's words completely.

"...Why." The princess asked unhappily: "Qing wants to say, if it is Yu, can Qing easily defeat him?"

Not an out-of-spec god, Nero didn't think he would be weak enough to be crushed by his opponents who were also followers.

"No." The saint shook her head.

"After all, Saber is resistant to magic. If it was her, I would have a headache instead."


Nero couldn't understand Joan's words.

However, she understood right away.

The arm armor generated by the saint's magic power disappeared, and the black sleeves were pulled up.

The princess stared at the back of Joan's hand in astonishment.

The crimson magic engraving, the command spell, twisted and twisted, stretched all the way to the shoulder of the saint.

That's more than the number of "three", it is roughly estimated that there are more than seven pieces.

"Hey hey hey! You are a Servant, right!? What happened to that Command Seal?!"

Nero took a step back, she had a bad feeling.

She knew that the position of Ruler would have certain privileges, but she didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

"...Is it possible that these command spells of yours can be used on Yu?"

"I'm sorry for using such a method against you, but relying on my own strength is really stretched, so let me borrow you for a while. Please rest assured, I will not let you betray the Lord by fighting the gods head-on, Nor will you be ordered to kill yourself."

Regardless of the status of the saint or the restrictions of the rules, it is impossible for Joan of Arc to issue this type of order.

The purpose of the command spell is only one - demons.

While the gods scattered their subordinates to look for her, Joan of Arc would take advantage of this gap to complete her only mission!

Chapter 89: Hall of Torture of the Evil God, Horror Hunter

Two consecutive rays of light shone on the back of Joan's hand.

The privilege bestowed by the "Ruler" class, the two Command Spells belonging to Caster were actually used.

If it was the class of the Three Knights and Rider, they could still resist the effects of the Command Spell to a certain extent with anti-magic power, but there was no way for Caster.

The face of the princess who has no anti-magic power is simply terrible, and the crimson lightning magic net binds her body firmly, not allowing the slightest movement.

Cooperating with the primordial fire that was constantly trembling in her hands, it was like a joke.

The battle is over before it begins.

"Please subdue your will tonight and lend me your strength and information for the time being."

Joan of Arc bent down and said solemnly.

Although the command spell was used to gain the control of the Roman emperor, the saint did not lose her manners, and still maintained a humble and gentle attitude.


Realizing that he could not resist the effect of the Command Seal, Nero gave up struggling.

The crimson magic was gone.

"...Ruler." The princess' eyes were very dangerous.

"It's Yu who was careless. In order to resist Bahram, you did not hesitate to abuse such unreasonable privileges. Do you want Yu to turn his sword against the current Master? Then Yu must remind you that even if you force Yu to join the battle, your failure will be nothing." It's a matter of time, don't think that man-god is too weak!"

"I never thought of resisting His Majesty Indra." The saint denied, "Perhaps his power has affected the balance of the Holy Grail War to a certain extent, but this is not my mission as Ruler this time."

"Then what's your reason for? "Justice" Ms. Ruler! "

Nero asked through gritted teeth.

It is true that she and the god had a hostile relationship before, but after a hearty battle, an agreement has been reached.

It is an agreement that is guaranteed by the identities and dignity of both parties and put above the glory. The god did not violate the contract with arrogance, but fulfilled his promise seriously.

And Ruler's behavior undoubtedly trampled her "Emperor" title to pieces.

"For the world and mankind!"

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