The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 708

But before the princess dragged the sphere to the ground, there was a very loud piercing sound from the sealed place.

"...「Base dissolves」......."

Human language that can be understood.

With this sound, Nero's magic was completely disintegrated.

The chain exploded into petal-like red debris, which floated down from the sky, setting off the snake-shaped monster in the center, with a sense of disordered beauty.

"Qing...has reason?!"

Nero looked at the photophobic snake in the sky in disbelief.

From the beginning of the battle with the saint, whether it was howling or slashing its tail, the basilisk acted like an irrational beast. And now the dark green mysterious magic circle floating beside it, as well as the taunt in the snake's pupils all prove that this snake possesses advanced wisdom no less than that of human beings.

——The fact is exactly the same.

The upper servant race, the pet of Nyarlathotep, the Hunting Horrors have never been melee monsters.

The great "alien researcher" Peter Dennis firmly believed in his unnamed grimoire that all individuals of this group of photophobic snakes had such profound knowledge of the occult and the supernatural that even the high-ranking star priests could not match it. So much so that their race does not require any social structure or material civilization to survive.

The horror hunter didn't make a sound, and a black wall carved with human faces rose in front of Joan of Arc, blocking the saint's way to victory.

Joan swung her gun to smash the walls, but was bounced back instead. The human face on the wall was like a living human being with flesh and blood, and let out a sharp, irrational cry.

Mystery - "Wailing Wall".

Covering her ears, the saint had no choice but to retreat to Nero's side again.

"Don't kill don't want to reach His Majesty Nyarlathotep..."

A high voice, the intermittent words of the horror hunter spit out from the snake's mouth.

"The light will be swallowed by the eternal darkness... you are also the "light" of the human race, right? Just like the human named Varson...then this is where you and I will fight to the death, look at me, kill me...or become my food! "


Terror Hunter from Dreth's Dark Ritual.

That's right, it's the one who created the four elements, the antithesis of the ancient gods and the old rulers, and Dreis who gets bitches when he mentions the Cthulhu mythology.

Chapter 93 "Flame" is the Natural Enemy of "Darkness"

Joan of Arc was not afraid of the photophobic snake's words as if soaked in venom. After understanding the situation, she immediately shifted her attention from the silver-haired evil girl to the snake-shaped monster in the sky.

"Caster!" She whispered, "Just a moment, can you temporarily deprive it of its ability to fly?"

To kill the monster in front of you, you have to let it come down from the sky first.

With no magic power released, no flying props, and the pair of scales harder than steel, the probability of killing a dexterous horror hunter in the air is almost zero.

"Just don't let it fly."

Nero shrugged, indicating that she could still do it. Then he immediately realized the "wrongness" of his position, frowned and said in a bad tone:

"Don't command Yu! The command spell is "assistance", not making Yu Qing's subordinate. "

"I know, but please forgive me for the urgent situation."

Joan of Arc flicked the spear, and the white flag on the tip of the spear rolled up the handle of the gun.

"Please, make sure to pull that snake out of the sky!"

She doesn't have much time left.

Indra is coming soon, worrying about the Master's safety, the time left for Miss Saint is only a little bit uncertain. If the demons cannot be killed during this period of time, then under the Emperor of Heaven and the inevitable King Arthur, Joan of Arc will find it difficult to complete her mission even if she liberates her Noble Phantasm of "EX" level.

——The "Saint of the Red Lotus" is not an invincible treasure that can be destroyed in one hit.

After saying this, Joan of Arc distanced herself from Nero calmly, and attracted the attention of the photophobic snake flying in the sky.

The horror hunter also turned his horned head towards Joan of Arc as the saint wished.

The slender body rolled up.

Around it, the dark green mysterious array continued to expand, and the complex secret technique was formed, pouring down like a meteor shower.


With dense explosions, the earth was distorted.

The stone slabs that had been ravaged by secret arts seemed to be corroded by some unknown rules. Dark and strange plants grew wildly. There were even a few crying babies in the air. With the stone wall full of people's faces, Joan's irritability rose sharply.

Simultaneously attacking mentally and physically, the photophobic snake with rich ancient knowledge can easily use two different types of secret techniques without worrying about power disorder.

Biting her lip, Joan of Arc relied on pain and resistance to magic to maintain the unsteady swing of the spear.

The tip of the spear wrapped with the holy flag accurately intercepted the secret technique flying towards her, and the distance between the monster in the sky and the sky was getting closer and closer, and it seemed that it was about to come to a very dangerous position.

But the accident, or the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity happened at this moment.


A cold female voice came from behind the human-faced stone wall, and the photophobic snake shook all over, and the secret technique like a torrential rain stopped immediately.

That was the voice of its god, Nyarlathotep "Chaos".

"This place is the most important place for me and little Luo Pei. If you continue to destroy the environment, I will eat you before you kill those two servants."

"Extremely...sorry, Your Majesty Nyarlathotep."

Having done something wrong, the horror hunter, as the envoy of Naiyazi, has the instinct etched in his blood to make it flap its wings and turn around to salute, expressing its respect and fear to the god.

Likewise, Miss Caster Nero did not miss this opportunity.

"—Let's build it, Yu Zhimotian! Show the supreme light here!"

The use of treasures, the exaggerated golden theater was built in the cave against the laws of physics.

In the theater, musical instruments were filled with purple lights of destruction, aiming at the included snakes who were too late to guard against light.

However, it is not the body covered with scales, but the fragile wings made of skin.

"Laudarentum Domus Illusterias!"

The "A+" Anti-Army Noble Phantasm was fully released, and a condensed beam of light burst out vigorously, illuminating the entire underground cavity like daytime.

The horror hunter doesn't have Rope's steel body with no dead ends. Whether it's physical attacks or magical light, his wings are the most weak and vulnerable points.

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