The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 71

"Yeah, I'm back." Luo Pei smiled and stroked Sakura's hair. "Continue to sleep at ease, this time my brother is by my side, so I don't have to worry about having nightmares."


Sakura squinted her eyes and nodded vigorously, and when she turned her head, she saw Irisviel and Saber standing by the window.

"Big brother, who are they?"

"That's right, you don't know Sakura, let me introduce you. The one with white hair is Irisviel, and the one with blond hair is Artoria. They are both good sisters and friends of the big brother. For various reasons, they want to stay with big brother for the time being."

"Is that so..."

Sakura couldn't think of anything in her little head, so she could only nod her head half-understanding.

"But, won't my sisters have no place to sleep in this way?"

Because it is a cheap hotel, there is only one big bed.

At that time, because he left in a hurry, Luo Pei just wanted to find a place to stay, so he didn't think much about it. He guessed that he found a random place in his wallet, thinking that he and Sakura could sleep together. two populations.

"Ahaha... Sakura, you should hurry up and sleep."


Hearing Sakura's words, facing the eyes of the two women behind him, Luo Pei's whole body was about to suffer from embarrassment.

what to do?

Pretend nothing happened, and then propose to be slept with?

Thinking of this, Luo Pei couldn't help feeling a little bit moved.

Two villains seemed to appear in his ears, a demon and an angel.

The devil looked disdainful, "What are you waiting for, anyway, you are the biggest here, so you can do whatever you want." The angel clapped his hands happily, "Okay, okay."

Great idea...shit.

What a joke, if Saber is annoyed by this situation, and the other party strikes you with a sword in the neck out of a feminine instinct, then let alone sleeping with you, eternal sleep is possible.

Saber sensed the change in Rope with empathy, and said casually.

"Please don't pay attention to me. I am a heroic spirit and a warrior. It is a pleasure to sleep and eat on the battlefield. Besides, with your magic supply, sleep is not necessary."

" too..." Irisviel said hesitantly.

"Oh, ma'am, forget it, now that Assassin and Caster have left the stage, your body can't stand any more..."

"Wait, Rope, you said Caster left?" Saber asked in surprise. "Was it solved by Lancer?"

"I killed him myself, but that's beside the point."

Luo Pei sighed, and took out a few banknotes from under the pillow.

"I'm going to open another room for you guys. Let women live in such a small place and can't sleep. My guilt will come in piles."

"Uh...thank you." Saber wanted to ask something more, but she wisely stopped talking when she saw Luo Pei's appearance.

Sad, really sad.

I really want to strangle the fanfiction writers I saw before, why don’t their protagonists have to worry about these things, it’s romantic, the girl and Fatty Sky share the same color, but when it comes to me, money has become the biggest difficulty so far.

Mouth! Even a magician (stand-in messenger) has to eat!

In the final analysis, it was still Luo Pei's own mental obstacle, because he always felt that those who used this method to get money must be some low-quality bastards, so he rejected the use of hint magic.

"The ancients said that if you don't deceive me, you have to pay a price for pretending to be coercive..."

Luo Pei laughed at himself, and under the sleepy eyes of the girl at the counter, he took out the little money left, and quickly opened a new room next to him.

In general, rest for a while.

PS: The tribe of Antarctic creatures has been opened, there are works related to it, friends who like this book, please add it!

Chapter 65: Mercy

On the second day after that, Luo Pei was asked out by Kariya Matou.

Today's weather is still sunny, but because of the absence of winter, it is dry and cold. This kind of temperature makes the coffee shop that should have been overcrowded less quiet, and Luo Pei is happy to see this situation. Neither he nor Kariya, what they are talking about is not suitable for people to hear.

"Kariya, what's the point of calling me out at a time like this?"

Luo Pei closed the menu, handed it to the waiter next to him, and asked.

"Your body is on the verge of collapse. My advice to you is to move around less. Berserker can use magic at that time if he doesn't fight. After all, he also has magic power, so it won't cause you too much pain."

"Ahem...thank you."

Kariya Matou coughed continuously, judging by the scarlet oozing from the back of the handkerchief, this good old man was indeed exhausted, not to mention Luo Pei, even if a magician came, he would have to sigh.

"How is Sakura, is there any abnormality in her body?"

"It's not bad, the part that was eaten by the bugs has been completed by me with magic power, and the rest I'm teaching her about magic... Don't stare at me like that, overhead attributes are too rare, so I decided after much deliberation Accept her as my disciple..."

The coffee was served, and Rope threw two sugar cubes and stirred, watching the brown ye body keep spinning.

"At least I'm a human being, Kariya, you should know a little bit. Don't worry."

"Ha... My original plan was to keep Sakura from touching anything related to magic forever." Kariya smiled wryly. "But it seems unrealistic. After all, the blood of the Sorcerer family flows in her body... Just like me, I escaped like a coward for more than ten years, and now I have returned to the path I hated at the beginning. This may have been decided since birth. Bar."

"Don't talk about yourself like that, Kariya, I think you're a real man!"

Luo Pei patted Kariya Matou on the shoulder, and said seriously. "At that time, didn't you have no hesitation when facing Sakura's safety? You even risked your own life to save her. This is not an act of cowardice."

"Haha, the only thing I don't want to be praised by you bastard...cough cough..."

Kariya smiled and started coughing again, and he didn't feel better until he hurriedly grabbed the water glass on the table and took a few sips.

"If you want to say something else, let's say it together."

Instead of doing the useless work of treating Kariya, Luo Pei picked up the coffee and drank more than half of it in one go.

The warm heat dispelled the cold of winter, and his whole body became warmer, as if in spring—the cafes in the 1980s did not have air conditioners for Rope.

"Huh..." After finishing drinking, Luo Pei put down the cup and tasted it with his eyes closed.

"It's really different from instant coffee, I've never drank it before..."

Before time travel, his life was quite tight, let alone after the incident happened.

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