The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 719

Luo Pei glanced at the majestic breasts of the imperial daughter calmly.

Well, plus the figure seems to be like this...

Before going off topic, Rope changed the question.

"Does His Majesty Nero have any definite plans for obtaining a second life? Sure enough, he still wants to return to Rome?"


Nero mused, then shook his head.

"Yu doesn't plan to return to that city until Lorelia returns to normal. Moreover, even if Yu wants to restore the emperor's orthodox notice after thousands of years have passed, the current system of that country will not allow it."

"In this case, I can help."

Rope lowered his voice with a smile.

"Although it is impossible to restore the monarchy in Italy, relying on my power, it is still possible for you to obtain most of the actual ruling power in Italy."

The secret church of Pharos, the dominion of the Dead Apostles by Eltruchi, if Lorelia returns to the clock tower to cooperate with Nero, the three-pronged approach will make the Vatican the "China" in Italy and let Nero It is not too difficult to set foot on the unknown throne.

As for the magicians and dissidents in that country, let them disappear.

This is how he fulfilled his promise to the tyrant.

"Isn't Qing planning to use that excessive force to intimidate the people all the way? That's why Yu won't agree."

"Where do I want to go, I don't have that much free time."

Rope swirled the amber tea in the porcelain cup.

"However, it will take some time to realize what I said. Nero will keep this proposal in mind for the time being. Before that, you have to repay your "mistakes" with me. "

The air froze.

"...You haven't forgotten." Nero's eyes drifted.

"How could I forget what happened just now. No matter how much the saint's privilege is, it's your fault to let her control it. You, who came to the rank of Caster, don't even have a way to resist the command spell? I don't believe it .”

"Yu doesn't even have time to react!"

"This is your problem, don't quibble."

Standing up, Luo Pei walked towards a room on the first floor.

"Lorelia is Nero's former Master, so go and help her a little bit when you have time. Even if you return the knowledge of magic to her, the result is still like a dead fish... Oh, you deserve it."

"...Although it's not the first time I've had this idea, Qing is really bad as a god."

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Nero who made a mistake."

Stepping lightly on the wooden floor, Luo Pei turned a corner and arrived in front of a guest room.

Pushing open the door, the saint in white was lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

Joan of Arc's sequelae of activating the Noble Phantasm by extracting her life force could not be relieved immediately even after gaining a second life. But just in case, her hands were bound by chains.

This time, Rope will not make the same mistake as before.

Chapter 101 The future of the "evil" demigod, the "game" proposed by the evil god

The time is at night when most people are asleep, and the place is in a dark room without lights.

The blond-haired French saint was chained to the head of the bed with her hands locked and unable to move. Beside her, sitting on a brown-red wooden chair was a young man whose face was covered by shadows. In such a scene, no one will be surprised even if it suddenly becomes R18 in the next second.

After another period of time, about fifteen minutes or so.

Rope didn't move until the sound of Nero stepping up the stairs was heard.

But instead of frantically enjoying the sleeping saint, she walked straight to the corner of the room, and then easily moved the small cabinet against the wall.

Then, the girl's cheek embedded in the wall, such a terrifying scene appeared in Luo Pei's sight.

The evil god, Nyarlathotep.

Nothing happened.

As a "Great Mystic", he has already seen countless more terrifying things. This third-rate ghost movie-like surprise really made Luo Pei not even frown.

In the end, still unable to stand Luo Pei's loving gaze as if looking at a mentally retarded person, Naiyako spoke up.

"Haha..." The silver-haired girl smiled and slowly pulled her body out of the wall. "Hiding so secretly can be discovered, little Luo Pei's perception has improved..."

The beautiful white silk legs in silver high-heeled shoes hit the floor, and Luo Pei rested his forehead and sighed.

What a secret, if an incarnation of an evil god really doesn't want to be discovered and sneaked in, how could he notice it when he relaxed his vigilance in his own residence.

Naiyazi said these flattering words on purpose. Rope didn't expose such a trivial matter.

He sat back on the chair and crossed his legs and asked.

"Have you finished talking with Somona? If possible, should your majesty tell me about her adoptive father and what they talked about?"

One is a demigod who was born of human evil, and the other is an evil god known for his horror and jokes. If the two plan to reach a consensus on some bad things, Rope will have quite a headache.

After finally getting this world into his hands, if Naiyazi and his adopted daughter ruined it, wouldn't it be worth the loss for him?

You know, Luo Pei is not alone in this world. The girl in my heart was born here and lives here. Even if he has already stood in the position of the Cthulhu gods, he does not want madness and despair to spread to those lovely girls through the hands of Naiyazi and Samona. on them.

"Well, this is also one of the reasons why I came to find Little Luo Pei~"

Naiyazi nodded his head and said.

"I plan to take Samona to my kingdom of God."


Although it wasn't a bad world collapse plan as imagined, Naiyako's words made Luo Pei subconsciously sit up straight.

The Kingdom of God in Nyarlathotep is not a good place. The kingdom of "Chaos", one of the three pillar gods, can almost be said to be the most dangerous and chaotic place in the entire multiverse.

As described by the mad poet Abdullah Alhazad, thousands of avatars of Nyarlathotep gathered there, throwing frenzied feasts day and night. Pain, disaster, crime, and unspeakable mourning are the eternal theme of this feast.

No matter how long they have known each other, Samona respectfully calls Luo Pei "father". Even if Nyarlathotep had single-handedly contributed to the birth of Samona, he would never let his adopted daughter go to this place.

But he didn't reject it outright. Luo Pei needed to hear why Naiyazi made such a decision.

"Can you explain why?"

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