The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 721

The silver-haired girl got what she wanted, and bounced out of the room, while Rope used the water of death to deal with the small toys that were not taken away, and said to Joan of Arc who was motionless on the bed.

"Nayazi has already left, and I want to continue pretending to sleep with you, but your situation will definitely not improve because of escaping."

There are obvious benefits to leaving the body of a servant. The most important thing is that the real body can survive without the need for magic power from others, but inconveniences also follow.

Joan of Arc is a village girl, nun, warrior, and commander, but she is not an agent or a spy. It is impossible to control her breathing perfectly at the same frequency as when she is sleeping after gaining a physical body, especially when the two next to her are not making good plans. .

The saint opened her green eyes and whispered.

"Bad taste."

"Are you referring to me tying your hands like this, or Naiyako's proposal just now?"

Turning everything into lime, Luo Pei swept it to the corner with a light flick—anyway, Tranquility will definitely clean it up. Having a hardworking brown-skinned bee at home has such benefits.

"Miss Joan of Arc, you seem to have no position to issue any accusations. Trying to hinder my plan has caused me unnecessary trouble. You should be glad that you are still alive and lying here to talk to me."

"I didn't ask you to give me the right to live. I gave up this false life the moment I used the treasure."

Joan turned her head to one side, the brilliance in her eyes dimmed a bit.

"I can lie here, isn't it because of your greed after giving up the light?"

"Greed? Maybe."

Luo Pei walked to the bed in two steps, put one hand on the girl's ear, and got closer to the distance between the two.

"But I must tell Miss Saint, if you continue to talk like this, then such a friendly conversation may not exist. There is still a lot of time left tonight, and you have heard the proposal just now. Like it, but that doesn't mean I won't do it!"

"..." Jeanne bit her lip.

After Greffier's restraints applied to the real body, the force only increased.

For her now, not to mention recalling the treasure, even moving has become a luxury.

"Very well, I like your expression now." Luo Pei nodded in satisfaction.

"I left your life not only for "punishment", but also to show you how stupid it is for you to be hostile to me regardless of black and white. When you were captured last time, you still owe me an apology. "

"...Do you want me to watch the disaster happen with my own eyes?"

Jeanne closed her eyes in pain.

"Although I have failed, I still hope that you can listen to me—you can play with this body as you like, and I beg you, don't let more innocent people suffer."


Rope smiled.

He tapped with his right hand, and in mid-air, the moisture in the atmosphere kept gathering.

The water was condensed, flattened, and finally turned into a large water mirror.

"Come, saint, look at this."

Joan thought that Rope was going to show off the horrible scene he achieved using the Holy Grail, so she turned her head and refused to cooperate. But the black-haired young man firmly pinched the girl's chin and turned her head around.

"Give me a good look!"

Luo Pei waved his hand, and the mirror of water flew in front of Joan of Arc.


very strange.

It is not the suffering people and the destroyed homes that come into view.

Peaceful, quiet, just like any other night.

It was Fuyuki City. Under the reflection of the mirror of water, Joan even saw the church she had been in, and the silver-haired nun was looking into the distance from the cliff at the entrance.

After a while, Luo Pei took back the mirror of water and asked Joan of Arc.

"See clearly?"

"...What do you want to express?"

"The one in the mirror is Fuyuki City. It is the place where the Holy Grail fell." Rope said, "It is no different from any city in the world. What it looked like before the Holy Grail fell, and what it looked like after the Holy Grail fell, um, maybe There are some wounds from a hero's battle, but compared to a war zone, these are wounds that can be accepted and healed, aren't they?"


Rope raised his voice.

"Saint of France, Miss Joan of Arc, why are you hindering me? It's true that Naiyazi is an evil god, but she will never stay in this world for a long time. After the end, what did we cause you, or Does inhibition have to stop my horrific event? Huh?"

"...Your Majesty Indra, what wish do you have for the Holy Grail?"

"Daughter, and helping you heroic spirits gain flesh. Such a wish will endanger mankind and the world?" Rope smiled ironically.

"Human society is a pyramid, and the existence at the top is supported by the lower ones. I am already at the top of this world, so how could I destroy the cornerstone and make my "enjoyment" disappear. "


The girl opened her mouth when she heard the words, but she didn't know what to say.

——The truth uttered by the Emperor of Heaven has made her very confused.

The saint's own insistence is to prevent the demons from obtaining the Holy Grail to achieve any behavior that endangers the world, and the "distorted" words of the restraint force make her believe it even more.

But now, the truth is in front of her.

The demon got the Holy Grail, nothing happened, and people still lived in a stable way. The people in the city where the Holy Grail descended didn't even know what was hidden in the night.

Jeanne's expression was a little stunned.


Give me the monthly pass (reach out)

Chapter 103 The Loss of the Title of "Saint"

Looking at Joan's expression, Luo Pei's dissatisfaction with the disrupted plan also eased a little.

This is the case with heroes, torture, insult, these actions are useless efforts for Joan. Not only will he not get what Luo Pei wants, but he will even belittle his own dignity.

But heroes are also evolved by human beings, just like Saber in the fourth war, who is obviously the king of Britain who has experienced hundreds of battles and led the army to kill the enemy, but he almost collapsed in front of the holy grail flowing with the evil of this world.

The only thing that can directly hit the soul is to deny the regret or belief of the heroes.

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