The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 734

‘Is there more gold in the white gospel? ’ Azalea asked again.

Luo Pei raised his hand to confirm, but gave up halfway, and said lazily.

"I'm not sure. You can add another ton to me when I get to a place where there are no people. I'm afraid it won't be enough if I want to squander it."

'good. '

Pure ore, Azalia is not stingy at all.

Luo Pei moved his shoulders, put his hands into the pockets of his suit, and walked forward facing the raindrops that began to fall.

Akihabara is not as big as Luo Pei imagined.

After walking for about ten minutes, he left the holy land of otaku and came to the ordinary streets of Japan.

The fresh air brought by the cool wind, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, gradually burying everything in sight.

Pedestrians ran wildly, cursing yesterday's weather forecast, but it didn't say that there would be such a heavy rain today.

Only Luo Pei is still walking steadily.

If someone could stop and observe him for even three seconds, he would find that before the rain fell on the black-haired youth's suit, he was completely cut by an invisible stance, as if the water droplets did not dare to disturb the great existence, so as to As for him in this rainstorm, he didn't seem to be drowned at all.

With a slight movement of his fingers, Luo Pei didn't even put on a posture of authority, and the "Master of the Sky" played its role, dispelling the long-lost torrential rain in Tokyo.

Unlike the previous world, in this world, Rope, the "ruler of the sky", is in a very complete state.

This is not good news.

Because this indirectly proves that the suppression power of this planet is appallingly weak, and the weak suppression power also represents the frequent occurrence and uncertainty of abnormal events.

Finally, in front of an alley, Luo Pei stopped and looked away.

Not only the sound of stagnant water falling from the eaves, but also the sound of a man and a woman arguing from inside in his keen hearing.

"Please! Please date me!"

"Let go... who are you, I'm going to call the police."

"Just now, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you on the road. Please, please date me no matter what, I will give you whatever you want!"

"Go away, let go...ah!!"

— bang.

With the scream and the ensuing, uncomfortable muffled sound, the female voice fell away.

Immediately, Luo Pei saw a panicked man running out from the alley.

He is about thirty years old, wearing a wrinkled suit soaked in rain, wearing glasses, looks like an office worker, but the things in his hands do not belong to his identity anyway.

A bloody iron rod.

Running, the man also saw the black-haired youth, he gritted his teeth, and wanted to wave the iron bar to make Luo Pei back away.

However, it is a good thing to have dreams, but it is distressing to be unable to distinguish reality.


With a bored expression on his face, Luo Pei pinched the man's neck and lifted him up.

"You dare to wave a weapon at me when you don't know me before. Is there something wrong with your spirit? Or is this your latest suicide method?"


The iron rod fell to the ground, and the male grabbed Luo Pei's wrist in pain, but he didn't look at the black-haired youth in his eyes eroded by fear, and muttered to himself.

"It's not me...I didn't want to kill's just that she ran into me...not me...I just want to date her...she is so beautiful..."

"It turned out to be a murderer."

Matching the voice just now, Luo Pei understood.

Then, he had no intention of listening to the male voice any more.

With a slight force on the palm of the hand, with a chirping sound, the head of the office worker man bloomed a beautiful red and white flower on the wall.

As for whether it will be discovered by the police and cause trouble if it is placed here, Luo Pei is too lazy to care.

The force with which he swung the iron rod just now was obviously intended to put him to death. With Luo Pei's personality, it would be strange if he was let go.

After wiping his hands, the black-haired young man walked towards the alley.

Although he didn't expect much, it was the first "abnormal event" at the beginning of the advent, and the keen intuition of the Nephilim told him that it was not that simple.

Anyway, it won't waste much time. If there is no accident, just continue with the next house purchase.


After a while, at the scene of the crime, Rope stopped.

Just like the murder he had expected, it was a woman lying in a pool of blood who was hit on the head with an iron rod by an office worker.

She has long straight black hair, and because her back is facing Lopez, she can't see her face clearly. But even so, her figure under the black high school uniform is like a masterpiece carved by the gods, full of feminine and delicate charm, calling for Luo Pei to embrace and possess.

However, this is not the main reason for Luo Pei's eyes to freeze.

It was a scene beyond common sense.

On the edge of the pool of blood, a small, deformed human head was like a flower, absorbing the nutrients from the blood and growing visible to the naked eye.

——Weird life form.

According to common sense, something that would never appear in "Steins;Gate" came into Luo Pei's eyes.


This volume does not involve the plots of the background science ADV series of "Children of Chaos", "Mind of Chaos", and "Robot Notes", because I have never played or watched the three, and the characters will only appear in the original stone gate, um, For the rest of you, watch it as a magic reform drama and it's over.

Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, yes, I want them all! (righteous)

Chapter 2 Her Name, Tomie Kawakami

Humans grow like plants.

It is as if the scene in the hunting movie has actually appeared in reality, together with the narrow alleys and dilapidated steps, it forms an absurd and crazy painting.

But that doesn't scare Rope.

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