The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 738

"I'm Peasley. Robert, report to me about your situation. By the way, the coffee you sent last time was really bad. If you don't give me a satisfactory "handover" this time, I will I will consider sending you back to Europe to continue working as an agent..."

Luo Pei pulled out the headset and put it close to his ear.

A long period of silence.

In this silence, the old man named 'Pissley' seemed to understand something.

When he spoke again, his voice sank.

"Who are you?"

"Isn't it common to report your identity before asking others?"

"……Is it."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the headset.

"'Lactavira' and the humans bewitched by her don't have such great abilities. It seems that it was my mistake to let him take only five people and light weapons to participate in the containment operation..."

The other party obviously didn't intend to reveal any information, and Luo Pei didn't waste any more time.

"No matter what secrets you are hiding, we will meet soon after I read Mr. Soldier's memory."

"Well, okay, Mr. Communicable Reserve Containment, I'll prepare bad coffee for you in advance."


The old man hung up the call, and Luo Pei crushed the headset and threw his head into the white gospel.

Turning his head, Fu Jiang was still stunned in place.

She can charm human beings, and it is true that she is immortal, but from the appearance, the girl does not have any power beyond ordinary people, even inferior to adult men, and Luo Pei's behavior makes her very stimulated.

"It's a wise choice for you not to run away." Luo Pei said approvingly.

Fu Jiang came back to his senses and hugged his arms tightly.

"...they won't let it go."

"Me too."

Luo Pei smiled and hugged the monster girl again.

"Glad that you put yourself in the same position as I did, it's sure to be the start of a good conversation. Today, let's sit down and talk."

After experiencing such a drama of death and blood, Fu Jiang's resistance weakened a little bit, after all, now the two can be regarded as "similar" with the same standpoint.

Fu Jiang took Luo Pei to her residence.


There will not be too exaggerated foundation settings, please rest assured. In addition, "Lactavira" is a devil in Indian mythology. Whenever it sheds a drop of blood, a new Lactavila will be born, which is generally considered by domestic fans to be the prototype of Fu Jiang.

Chapter 4 Immortal Evil Lizard, Yisi in the distant days

In the depths of the Sea of ​​Japan, on a small island that is not even recorded on the map, the research institute of the Asian branch of the SCP Foundation is located here.

Skipping the ordinary and dilapidated appearance of the military base on the ground, the 20-story beehive-like structure extending down is the essence of this research institute. Theoretically speaking, even if a small nuclear bomb detonated on the small island, it would not cause much threat or trouble to the lower buildings.

The person in charge of the research institute, "Site Director" Wingate Peaslee is staying comfortably in this absolutely safe area.

In the spacious silver room, an old man who looks to be between sixty and seventy years old is sitting on an armchair.

He combed his hair meticulously, wearing a valuable handmade black suit, while holding a cup of coffee, he looked at the two subordinates at the desk with interest.

"Operation Kali was signed and approved by me, but before that, which gentleman told me that only "Lactavila" existed in Tokyo? "

One of the tall and strong officer men whispered.

"It's me, sir."

"Oh, it's you."

Wingate suddenly realized, and then asked the phone on the table.

"So can you explain what's going on with the man next to "Lactavila"? "

"...Maybe it's an ordinary person who is deluded."

"It only took five minutes from Robert's request for contact to the time I answered the phone. Can the "ordinary people" you speak of be able to deal with all six heavily armed task forces within five minutes? "

The old man smiled mockingly.

"Then I have high doubts about the foundation's vision for selecting soldiers."


The officer was silent.

Wingate stared at him for a moment, then waved his hand in resignation.

"Well, it's pointless to pursue the past, and I didn't call you here to make you bow your head and be scolded like a student who is about to hide in your mother's skirt. I will notify you when Robert's body video comes out, and then I will I want you to give me a new containment plan immediately. I don't want to make mistakes this time."


The officer saluted crisply, then turned and left Wingate's office.

After the slight sound of closing the door sounded, Wingate changed his majestic appearance and casually leaned back on the chair.

"That council of mystic bastards is getting more and more perfunctory with me," he complained.

"Look at the "elite troops" they sent? Even the most basic intelligence collection can’t be done well, and Robert even transferred from a field agent to become the task force leader, it’s like mixing tomatoes and chocolate, it’s too bad..."

"Wingate, you chose to come to the Asian branch. This is a garbage dump for the elderly."

Another person who had just stood beside the officer spoke.

He looked older than Wingate, with glasses and a white coat uniform commonly used by researchers, also neat and new.

"Two years ago it was 'the dumping ground for the elderly'. corrected Wingate.

"Kevin, you definitely know better than me how many new items have been stored in this research institute in the past two years. After all, in the past two years, only "Lactavila" is the first preliminary storage that I personally know and set foot in. This is no longer the "holiday resort" it used to be. "

"...Well, two years ago."

Kevin shrugged, then pulled up a chair and sat down.

"But compared to "173", "096", and "106" I have come into contact with, the projects in this research institute can definitely be called "gentle". "

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