The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 756

"Don't think about those things that don't matter, you just need to know that it's safe now."

Luo Pei patted Fu Jiang on the shoulder and stood up.

"I still have some things to deal with in the room. Miss Fu Jiang remembers to make a cup of tea later."

Wingate Peaslee is trying to predict the sporadic information about the future that he is cursed to foresee, and the views of the great race of Yith on the collapse of this world, he needs to study it carefully now.


Fu Jiang didn't speak, but nodded slightly with his lowered head.

Having tasted the fear, the arrogant, defiant woman became much more obedient.

——At least in front of Rope.

Back in his room, Lopez closed the door, sat at the table and stretched his arms.

"let's start."

He murmured, and took out Peasley's ancient book from the White Gospel.

Open it, as expected, the non-human characters recorded on the old paper are even more distorted, like hieroglyphic characters.

Yisi and human civilization are two completely different types, and the characters naturally have nothing in common. It may be faster to let Wingate interpret it, but compared to being relayed by others, Rope thinks that he can understand the deeper meaning behind these words.

With a slight movement of the fingers, a formation of secret techniques was formed out of thin air, and two corrupted elves with distorted appearances came out of the table holding a human skin book, and handed the bone pen to Luo Pei respectfully.

Linguistic Interpretation of the Great Race of Yith.

With a glance at ten lines, Luo Pei copied the Yisi characters on the human skin book exactly from the ancient books of Pisli.

The corrupt elves climbed left and right, and after a while, words that humans could understand appeared on another page of the human skin book.

This behavior is repeated over and over again.

After half an hour, Luo Pei basically transcribed all the Islamic characters in the ancient books.

Somewhat different from what he thought, the meaning described in these seemingly cumbersome words was unexpectedly brief. Mostly long, irrelevant stuff.

Because there is no end to life, most of the records made by Yis are very chaotic, and what Rope does is to filter out useful information from this short and chaotic record.

Gradually, Luo Pei frowned.

"The stillborn of the ancient gods...the beginning of order, the end of chaos, the betrayer...distorting the world...time flows from the fingertips of the king of kings, the great one who is the foundation of all...the dead fire of the first birth brings chaos time The linear end of ... the ever-starving abomination ... Azazcaron"

'Wow! '

Whispering in a low voice, Azalia's voice startled Rope in his head.

"What, so you're awake."

Luo Pei turned over a page of the human skin book and continued to look at the interpretation of Yisi's text.

"Since you're awake, help me take a look. I'm completely confused. The Necronomicon is not as difficult to decipher as "prophecy"..."

'Turn back, turn back! '

Azalea yelled nervously.

‘Let me look at the passage just now, it’s not a human language, I’m talking about the most original Islamic language! '


Rope turned back to the previous page and stopped moving, so that Azalia could use his sight to carefully look at the tadpole-like Yisi characters.

‘Azakalon, it’s really Azakalon. In the future recorded by Yisi, are you still alive...'

Azalea's voice seemed to be recalling something, sighing endlessly.

"Miss Rhododendron, shouldn't you explain it to me first?"

'Ape, you are in big trouble. '

"It's that sentence again, when will my troubles not be too big?" Luo Pei shook his head helplessly: "If there are rules blocking it, at least tell me who "Azazcaron" is? Neither the Necronomicon nor the R'lyeh text bears an impression of this name. "

‘Of course there is no record, because it is an ancient god. '

Azalea said disgustedly.

'Lord of death, second son of the serpent, end of all living things. The ancient god who symbolized death in the beginning, this is the identity of the ancient god named Azakalong... a disgusting guy. '

Chapter 16 Within two years, the demigod will be crowned

"Lord of Death" Azakalon, perhaps his qualifications are older than "God of the Abyss" Norden. He is the legitimate second son of order and the god of death in the multiverse.

During the war of chaos and order in the beginning, this great god led the dead who were killed by the evil gods. He had countless elite soldiers, spanning the front lines of thousands of worlds, and even extinguished "" in a one-on-one battle. The eternal fire of Cthugha the Burner forced Cthugha to fall into rebirth, and the spirit of the family fire was slaughtered and endangered.

But Azakalon's glorious record did not stop there.

"Chaos" Nyarlathotep set a trap, and "All things are one" Yog Sothoth personally took action, tearing Azakalon apart in Serika, the Gobi desert, a world made of desolate rocks. into pieces.

Because it is synonymous with "death", even the king of kings who dominates "time" and "space" can hardly kill Azakalon, so he can only divide his body into five parts and throw it into the turbulent flow of time among. Nyarlathotep imbued it with unimaginable corrupted energies, blocking its sanity and preventing Azakron from reuniting.

It was this behavior that gave birth to a harvest that even Nyarlathotep himself could not have imagined.

——The "Lord of Death" has fallen.

Azakalon's thoughts could not be merged and were full of madness. It changed from one to five, and the five corpses became independent one after another, becoming hungry monsters who only knew to bring disasters to civilization and living beings.

They die the moment they are born.

"Sons of Azakhalon" - five poor, powerless ancient gods stillborn.

In the late stage of the War of Chaos and Order, the evil gods gradually began to decline, which in turn hindered the ancient gods. The son of Azakalon was sealed by his old friend Norden, and he was exiled to the nothingness outside the entire multiverse with grief and sorrow. So far, this powerful ancient god has never heard from him again.

Until now, Rope had seen its holy name from the prophecies in the ancient books of Peasri.

‘Although the Azaccarons do not have the identity and glory of gods, they undoubtedly have great power. If the Yiths hadn't gone mad on their spiritual journey, then the Sons of Azakalon must have found a way to return to this universe... and so the chaos in this world makes sense. '

Azalea said solemnly, then sighed.

‘I hope, Ape, your task is not to deal with them. Those guys are not what you can defeat now. Even Nyarlathotep couldn’t perfectly control the stillborn of the five gods back then. '

Luo Pei listened quietly, scratched and scratched the cover of the human skin book with his fingers, and then spoke.

"What level are their strengths?"

'Each has the power of a lesser Great Old One. In addition, when Azakalon was fighting Yog Sothoth, he tore part of the power of "time" from it. After all, the twin brothers "death" and "aging" are inseparable from "time"... …the Sons of Azakalon have probably digested the power to return from outside the multiverse. '

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