The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 758

"Frank and vain fellow."

Luo Pei put down the teacup, stretched out a few hoses and pulled Fu Jiang into his arms.

"Well, it's good to taste fresh dishes once in a while, even if it's only been a few days, it's really unbearable without the company of a girl."

"Then you promise me?"

"It depends on whether your "learning ability" can satisfy me. You know, gaining strength will be a very, very long process..."

The black-haired youth smiled slightly, and pressed down the head of the undead monster girl.

The combination of work and rest is the most important thing.

Chapter 17 Bestowed with Power, Miko of Liulin Shrine

The relationship between Luo Pei and Kawakami Tomie cannot be described as "love" or "like", and it is not realistic for a monster who has just been born to talk about it.

They are more pure.

Offerings from the protected to the protector, transactions between the weak and the strong.

In exchange for power, in order to survive in this dangerous world for Fu Jiang, the mystic and the undead girl combined together.

Pretty good night for Rope.

Although a joke was almost made due to Fu Jiang's blood during the period, this little episode did not affect Luo Pei's interest. He even survived Naiyazi's horrible pranks, and now his psychological endurance has already broken through the sky, and Fu Jiang's own weirdness is not enough to see.

But with the same experience, the black long straight girl didn't think there was anything good about that night, on the contrary, it was the most painful thing since she was born.

Because of the immortality of his female partner, Luo Pei's playful behavior can't be called "gentleness", it is a complete mess. So much so that in the end, the monster girl couldn't take it anymore, begging to end the disaster.

In the next few days, Fu Jiang walked past him without daring to look directly at him, and gradually returned to normal after Luo Pei softly apologized.

The date is Thursday, February 14th.

The air has not completely faded from the cold, and it is still a while before the real and comfortable spring comes.

It has been almost a month since Rope came into this world.

The SCP Foundation, the diseased world, the eyeing Lord of Death, the trial that needs to travel through time...

After the lust, all kinds of troubles oppressed Luo Pei, so he had to speed up his exploration of the "vessel of divinity".

The result is regrettable.

Facts have proved that divinity is not like secret art, as long as it is interpreted and understood, it can be used freely. They seem to be in need of more wonderful things, and they are still unwilling to completely lift the veil of mystery in front of Luo Pei.

In the room, the dark-haired young man threw the black slate onto the table in frustration, and pressed the weight of his entire body on the back of the chair.

"It's really difficult..."

'Of course it is. Azalia said: "As far as I know, it took more than three centuries to crown the great mystic of the demigod in the shortest time. It is too exaggerated for Ape to be crowned in two years." up. '

If demigods were so easy to be, demigods would have been running around in the multiverse long ago. Except for those who are born lucky like Samona, who want to be crowned the day after tomorrow, they are all accumulated with strength and time.

The sublimation of the soul, the transformation from mortal things.

"I know, but the opponent doesn't allow me to give up like this. What I want to do is worse than killing his own father..." Luo Pei sighed.

Not to mention that the sons of Azakalon, who are all of the strength of the inferior old rulers, even if they take the next step, they travel through time and pull out the "anchor point", the demigod priest of death who is so devout that he is willing to sacrifice his life Not easy to deal with.

The divinity of the priest of death must be the same as that of his master-death.

This makes one of Luo Pei's trump cards, "Water of Death", naturally suppressed, and it is impossible to fight without standing on the same figure.

Among other things, Luo Pei doubted whether his blood of war and resurrection power would have any effect if he took a death spell?

Luo Pei could not, and did not dare to gamble, it would be foolish to place the outcome on luck.

From early morning to noon, Luo Pei routinely completed his research today and recorded his insights in the form of notes. Only a few days later, the notebook on the corner of the table was as high as a mountain, which shows the huge amount of information contained in it.

This is still Luo Pei's temporary specialization in "War". If "Royalty" and "Chaos" are included, I'm afraid he will have to write a spare material from the library.

But in any case, progress is a good thing, even if the progress is so weak that it cannot be checked.

Leaving the room, in the living room on the first floor, Fu Jiang was wearing home clothes, sitting on the sofa watching TV boredly, his eyes were full of yearning for the outside world.

As long as Luo Pei has been at home, the monster girl has been grounded for as long.

The noisy TV program could not cover up the sound of Luo Pei's footsteps. Fu Jiang immediately turned off the TV and stood up from the sofa.

she said eagerly.

"Mr. Rope, today..."


Before the girl could finish speaking, Luo Pei interrupted her.

"When will you be able to control your charm, we'll talk about going out, so you just stay with me honestly."

"Rope, this is different from what you said, this is imprisonment..."

"The SCP Foundation is the prison. Do you want me to show you what kind of cell they plan to arrange for you?"


Looking at the silent black long straight girl, Luo Pei stopped drinking.

He put down his cup and waved his hand to Fu Jiang with a helpless expression.

"Okay, okay, I'm not a tyrant who doesn't count. Although not letting you go out is indeed protecting you in disguise, but your attitude really makes me feel like a big bastard."

Is not it?

Fu Jiang added silently in his heart, but he dared not say it in front of Luo Pei even if she was killed.

These days and nights, the black-haired youth has taught her many things, including the relationship between superiority and inferiority and the punishment after insolence—she is very afraid of punishment time.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of Fu Jiang's eyes, and the girl subconsciously caught it.

a book.

Ordinary paper, an ordinary cover, a notebook that is often used to record something.

"It's another promise I made," Rope explained.

"There's the power you want in there. With it, your days of exercising control over your charisma won't be boring. Provided, of course, you understand it and use it."

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