The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 764


Five minutes after Luo Pei left, the man in the smiling mask stopped his strokes, raised his head, and turned his face to the distance.

At the end of the street, a tall woman with a ferocious face and sharp teeth was walking. Her eyes were red, as if she was attracted by something, she stared straight at the sky of the high-end apartment.

"The vortex is on the verge of opening, our "citizens" are here..."

The masked man spoke.

"It's so sad, they don't know that they are like fish eating the bait, waiting only for death on a long line, eternal disappearance..."

The masked woman in black finally moved, stood up and walked towards the tall monster.

Its limbs gradually elongated, and the body wrapped under the black clothes also appeared.

Under the moonlight, the black-clothed masked monster's body shone with silver light.


It was actually a folded creature made of iron plates.

"You want help?"

The masked man was a little stunned, and then the uncomfortable laughter appeared again.

"Then I will leave this "beautiful" lady to you, you can't blame me for being lazy. "


The black-clothed masked monster who walked away did not answer, and it seemed to have no language ability.

The two monsters approached. The tall beast roared and rushed towards the man in black like a heavy tank. The latter dodged deftly and beat the beast with his sharp steel arms.

Strange battles are staged on the streets of Akihabara.

The masked man turned to a new page of the picture book, and with a light stroke of the pen tip, those security guards across the street were like blind men, turning a blind eye to the fear that was close at hand.

With another stroke, the figures of the two monsters disappeared.

On the empty street, only the sound of interlacing iron and steel came from the air.

"Such a "feast" is very suitable as the end of "Dark Shiba House", but what to use as a reward for that adult makes me very embarrassed..."

The mask craftsman turned back to the previous page of the album, his green eyes under the mask were fixed on the high-end apartment building, and he drew quickly.

"How about I give you to him? Children. That adult seems to be very suitable to be a king, and there are also organizations on the human side to arrest and take us in. Oh, oh... the older you are, the more powerless you are... "

Whispering, in the alley behind the mask craftsman, a strange shadow gradually emerged.

One, two, three, four, five, six...Hundreds of monsters rushed out like a tide, crowded and quietly stood behind the masked man, some even climbed To the upstairs.

Those are the accursed children of darkness, monsters born from the painting.

A night of chaos, a night of ghosts!

Chapter 21: Illegal Invasion of the Girl's Mansion

Inside the apartment, the narrow corridor was as bright as day.

The floor is covered with hand-woven carpets, and at every corner, black monitors are hung on the wall, closely monitoring any suspicious signs, preventing illegal intruders like Rope from frightening the residents in the building.

But now, under the influence of supernatural forces, the "life insurance" of these residents is almost non-existent.

On the top floor, at the door with the "Autumn Leaf House" nameplate, Luo Pei removed the water camouflage on his body.

He gave up Yufeng, gave up climbing, and after adding invisibility to himself, he walked up so ordinaryly.

As for's not that Luo Pei is afraid of a few human security guards.

With the situation of "Curse of the Vortex" unclear, it is always right to keep a low profile. According to the original book, the power of that thing might be stronger than the God of Disobedience who likes to just face it, and it is even more weird and elusive. It is not a stinky fish that can be eliminated casually.

In Junji Ito's world view, disasters of extermination are commonplace.

Outside the building, there were bursts of inhuman howls, and a feast of ghosts unfolded in the street.

Luo Pei glanced at the window at the end of the corridor. Outside the window, a man in red with an umbrella handle in his mouth and a grinning crooked head disappeared the moment his gaze turned, as if he was playing a prank, trying to attract others' attention child, dangerous and harmless.

Shaking his head helplessly, Luo Pei didn't need or intend to take care of the outside situation, just like the smiling masked man, it has nothing to do with him if these monsters get nervous, as long as they don't hinder him.

The black-haired youth reached out and grabbed the doorknob.

The water of death was activated, and a large hole was corroded at the position of the hidden lock, and the wreckage and white lime fell down, making a small rustling sound.

Pushing open the door, the bright moonlight illuminates the dark room, and the simple and refreshing layout of Akiba's house can be seen at a glance.

The ticking clock played steadily. In this room, it was dark, scary, infiltrating, and there were all kinds of negative feelings, but Luo Pei didn't feel the breath of "home".

It's a shame that a fifteen-year-old girl can live in a place like this...

He took two steps forward and looked down the tall building through the floor-to-ceiling windows. His vision, which was not hindered by hallucinations, clearly saw the scene on the street.

Ghost melee.

Countless monsters poured into the streets of Akihabara, fighting desperately downstairs in this high-end apartment. Occasionally, a few unlucky humans were involved in the battlefield, and they were immediately dismembered without leaving any residue.

Among them, the man with the smiling face mask was still sitting next to his trolley, writing and drawing in the album, raised his head, and nodded to Luo Pei.

——Here I leave it to you, please perform to your heart's content.

Luo Pei read the information conveyed in those green eyes very well.

"Oh, I can't see it, so you are still "one of my own"..."

Luo Pei smiled and beckoned to the masked man with great kindness.

The latter took off his hat and saluted.

The farther away from the identity of human beings, Rope has been able to treat aliens as equals. This is true for the original evil god, the dead disciples in the moon world, and Tomie Kawakami after he came.

Everyone lives together in this harsh multiverse, and there may be dignity and inferiority, but in essence they are no different from human beings.

"Then, the most anticipated thing about illegally invading a girl's room..."

Stretching his neck, Luo Pei looked at the only room in the whole room that had a living atmosphere.

The woman, the faint breathing sound, who lives there is undoubtedly the owner of this mansion.

——Autumn leaves stay unscented.

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