The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 769

No one likes to be misunderstood, especially by people who want to express goodwill. Luo Pei is really dumb and eats coptis, feeling bitter and indescribable.

It was rare for him to let go of his job as a great mystic and become a "just man" once, but now he acted like a heinous villain.

"Miss Akiba even overcame a human being's most basic fear of monsters for you, but you wanted to send her to "Uzumaki", don't tell me you don't know the engraving on Akiba's body, I even It is suspected that her engraving was passed on to her by you. "

"Ha ha……"

The old man was dressed roughly.

"It is for the sake of Miss...for the sake of Liu Miho that I bestow on her the first batch of honors to be selected by "Uzumaki"! As long as the "vortex" is turned on, we will all gain eternal life... Human beings will be one, there will be no doubts, no gaps, and we will live forever! You idiot, you are hindering the progress of mankind! Hinder the coming of God! "

——Why do these words sound familiar?

Luo Pei thought for a while, and found that the "Human Completion Project" in Anno's "EVA" is not the same tune.

At this point, Luo Pei also knew that the old man in front of him was completely a fanatic who had been brainwashed by the "vortex".

There are two most stupid things in the world. The first is to eat instant noodles with cold water, and the second is to argue with fanatics.

——It’s completely useless.

"Tell me all the information you know about the "Vortex", including how to open and destroy it. I will let you die without any pain. "

This is already the greatest gift that Luo Pei can give to Akiba Takashi.

And it's still for Akiba Rumiho's sake.

——He really hated the old man beyond words.

After a moment of silence, Takashi Akiba suddenly laughed.

On his distorted face, he was extremely happy.

"The Vortex is immortal, it is immortal. "The old man murmured like a madman.

"Maybe your strength is so strong that you can crush me like a bug, but I will be reborn in the "vortex" and usher in the most glorious glory..."

"Although it's a bit early, and the preparations are not perfect, but in this situation, there is no other way..."

"Do you want to see the whirlpool? Destroy it? Then do as you wish! Monster, feel the wrath of the whirlpool carefully!" "

Akiba raised her head and made a high-frequency sound that was impossible for human vocal cords to make.

Layer upon layer, as if calling for something.

After the old man's "singing", Luo Pei felt the building under his feet shake.

"The starting point of the birth of the new era, let's begin, the killing sacrifice of the whirlpool!"

Chapter 24 Killing and Sacrifice, Cursing the Birth

Following Takashi Akiba's call, not only this high-end apartment, but also the exterior of the building changed.

The mask maker stopped his brush and looked up at the sky.

At some point, the bright last quarter moon was covered by dark clouds. The dark clouds were like an eerie sea, turning into a whirlpool above the apartment.

"Has it started... "Whirlpool". "

It felt the pull of the power in its body, and the ability that was originally like an arm and a finger, under the influence of the vortex, began to show signs of rampage, as if it could not be calmed down without entering the vortex.


It is the first time that the mask craftsman has such a feeling after living for so long.

Even it is like this, let alone those ghosts and monsters whose power is not as good as it.

Turning around, I found that the children who had fought together to prevent other monsters from entering the apartment stopped their movements and stared blankly at the cloud vortex in the sky.


The mask craftsman said softly.

The next moment, its children poured into the album in their hands.

The rest, there are only other monsters that are not created by the mask craftsmen.

It stood up from the ground and straightened its battered hat. On the street in the distance, the black-clothed iron man and the beast women also ended the battle by coincidence, and were lured by the vortex like zombies, walking towards the high-end apartment.

"I can't let you influence my painting, the greatest moment is coming soon..."

The mask craftsman let out a dark laugh and took a light step.

It was such a small step, but it stood in front of countless monsters like traveling through space.

Taking off his top hat, the mask craftsman saluted.

"Everyone who came from the south to the north, Anzhiju here sincerely greets you, my lovely and terrifying compatriots!"


There was no answer, and the monsters did not intend to stop their steps.

The mask craftsman didn't care either, and continued his unwatched performance.

"Here, an unprecedented maelstrom is about to open, and here, someone will be crowned king. My duty is to record it with an insignificant brush as the most exciting and final drama. This is also our gospel. For the first time in human society there is the gospel of a tangible leader."

"Whether it is the vortex that will melt us, or that lord will save us, I am very much looking forward to it. I have never felt so excited since I was born five hundred years ago."

"Don't you want to see it?"

"The real image of the drama of Anzhiju..."

A gloomy green light flashed in the mask craftsman's eyes, and it straightened up and put on the worn-out hat again.

"I won't let you hinder my lord, and I won't let you hinder that lord..."

it whispered.

The mask craftsman waved his hand, and the power of caution and restraint in the past exploded.

——This may also be the last time that the weak one overloaded with such a huge force.

But definitely worth it!

With the mighty power of the reality bender, all the monsters on the famous street of Akihabara were dragged into a fantasy space by it.

And in the imaginary different space, the earth was rolled up like a blanket, wrapping all the monsters in it.

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