The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 771

It is the same as dealing with the disobedient god, the "sage king" Rama.

In the most primitive way, the fight between strength and strength!

Chapter 25 The Arrow of Light, the Stupid Enemy Who Steps into the Jedi

"The God of War in the East", the invincible wheel of power emerged behind Lopez.

The pointer first pointed to "Warrior" and then to "White Horse".

A golden, blank Sword of Words appeared in his hand, deformed and cast into the shape of a big bow.

The body of the bow is twisted, with exquisite sun discs carved on both ends, and the bow string is composed of small silky Persian holy characters, which explain the story of Avesta, the most classic book of Zoroastrianism.

Coming galloping from the sky, the horse pulling the sun wheel also turned into a sharp arrow of the sun at the same time.

—Arrow of light, bow of wisdom.

Although it is a bit regrettable that non-gods cannot use the spirit of speech, but Luo Pei's power is no longer limited to that point, and naturally he will not care about it. The current him is far stronger than when he took over as the Demon King!

"—O glorious sun lord, Mystra, O blessed one! In order to conquer all enemies, please give me, the strongest, a thousand lights and a thousand arrows!"

The magical power surged like an ocean, providing overflowing energy for his attack.

With the speed of light and the destructive power of the sun's heat.

After speaking, Luo Pei let go of the fingers holding the bowstring.

One divided into two, two divided into four, four divided into eight...

Countless rains of light flew into the dark clouds in the sky, in the swirling vortex of the Great Curse.



Even whether it is a sound that can be received by human hearing has yet to be scrutinized.

"Curse of the Vortex" roared in pain.

Light and fire linked the sky and the earth where Luo Pei was standing, erupting into a scene of sublimation like a beam of light.

The horn of war sounded.

After the first arrow was over, Luo Pei did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but jumped up from the spot strangely, and moved between other buildings on the wind.

The moment he left, the original position of Luo Pei's feet seemed to be infected by a terrible virus. Even the stones began to rot and deform, showing disordered madness.

In the eyes of true sight, several dark cursed energy extended from the center of the vortex.

The black-haired young man was methodical, easily dodging visible attacks, and shuttled between the surrounding tall buildings like a light swallow, continuously releasing the violent "white horse" flames, hitting the vortex from all attackable directions.

Pure destructive energy poured in, and the "Curse of the Vortex" became even more painful.

Its inability to move and Rope's sensitivity are two extremes. It is like a living target. Although it is fortunate that it will not bleed and get injured like a normal monster with its invisible body, it can escape from the basic rule of the multiverse, "energy". Not past.

But immediately, the whirlpool ended the state of being passively beaten.

It seemed to be irritated, it insisted on struggling with indigestion, spun crazily, forcibly suppressed the flames of the sun scurrying in the dark clouds, and opened a large gap in the center.

In the gap, eight small "vortex curses" spread out.

They are like fortresses in a mysterious sense. After tearing off a dark cloud as a shape, they all aimed their centers at Rope.


Dangerous alarms exploded in his mind, and without hesitation, Luo Pei quickly changed his direction and fell vertically.

The attack came.

Even though Luo Pei's reaction ability was a hundred times better than that of ordinary people, before the speed of light, the black-haired youth who had not entered the state of super speed could only raise his weapon to resist.

The attack came too fast.

- Boom!

The kinetic energy erupted from the materialization of the curse allowed him to cut through the building and plow long marks on the concrete floor.

During the flight, the right arm of the black-haired young man who had suffered the attack was festered and injured, and the cycle of regeneration and destruction was constantly repeated.

Ignoring the pain, Lopez stared indifferently at the "vortex curse" in the sky.

He has already judged the approximate upper limit of the enemy's strength in front of him.

The incomplete body at birth can hurt him, but the strength is below him——

"If you only have this level, I can catch up with tomorrow's research course after I finish you..."

Rope pushed away from the broken concrete that was holding him down.

At this time, the big bow in his hand has been replaced by the star-gathered "Sacred Sword of Salvation".

Swinging the knife cut off the source of infection on the back of the cut off hand, and the terrifying regenerative ability instantly gave Rope a brand new arm.

"Dear guest, are you all right?"

With a weird and gentle voice, the smiling masked man is not far from the landing point of Luo Pei.

"Although the recorder should not intervene, you need a little help from me?" Holding the album, the mask craftsman asked.

"Mind yourself."

The "Sacred Sword of Salvation" shone coldly.

This time, it's not the level of play that used the power of the Holy King in the last world.

"I'd like to give you a good suggestion, it's better to stay far away." Luo Pei said coldly.

"There may be a big scene in a while. I don't guarantee that it won't affect you. If you go to hell after death, don't blame me."

"Haha, thanks for your concern."

The mask craftsman didn't seem to move around at all. When Luo Pei was talking, he didn't stop the pen in his hand, and drew page after page.

The battle between the devil and the curse of the vortex is presented under its pen.

Next to the mask craftsman, in the wooden box of the trolley, another bizarre story is shown.

"My creation is in progress. Death is not something to be afraid of. It is my greatest fear not to be able to give "Darkness" an interesting ending..."

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