The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 773

Thunderstorms and strong winds, as much as "Curse of the Vortex" sends, how much Rope kills.

Above Akihabara, the weather is unpredictable and dangerous.

Moreover, when Rope fully released Mekal's power, the magic square of his "Savior of Salvation" did not disappear.

The arm was as motionless as cast iron, and the range of the magical sword magic square was about to spread to the extent that it covered the entire street.

Where is the number of tens or hundreds.

There are tens of thousands of densely packed artifacts, and the cold light on the sharp blade can make all warriors terrified.

Even more so with the energy in it—"Get ready to say goodbye to the world, trash in my back garden."

Aim, close.

"Curse of the Vortex" sensed the danger, but the house leak happened to be raining overnight, so it really didn't have the time to allocate its strength for defense.

It's like trying to keep the water in the colander, the more you try to make it up, the more counterproductive it is.

Without hesitation, the platinum sword swung down gently.

Even the mask craftsman couldn't help but stop the nib of his pen, staring at the most beautiful moment in his long life.

Thousands of meteors, mixed with lightning, fly from bottom to top and into the clouds.

With light shards of light blue stars, each artifact has an unusual legend, a glory that can be worshiped and admired.

The gods gave Rama their divinity and weapons, so the holy king is invincible, immortal, and able to wipe out the biggest and worst cancer in this world.

It's so beautiful, this is so beautiful... That's right, I found it! This is it!

The mask craftsman bit the pen holder first, and then laughed in an extremely unstable spirit. If a normal person could see this scene, he might be frightened and leave a shadow.

If it's not something born in darkness, it likes the cold sewer.

Monsters kill humans, spread their own unique fears and legends wantonly, laugh out loud, but feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Yes, monsters fear the humans they kill.

——Who made this a human-dominated world?

As long as it is not a natural disaster monster at the level of destroying the world, no matter how powerful these monsters are, how can they be against the human population base that spreads and grows like a plague.

Keep killing, keep having fun, and finally human beings have established a modern society, and even in turn gave birth to the SCP Foundation to house them.

But if there is a "King", it will be different...

——"Father of Demons".

A word suddenly appeared in the mask maker's mind, making him ecstatic.

"...Yes, "Father of Demons"! "Father of Demons" Rope! That's great, Your Highness! My intuition is not wrong..."

The mask craftsman picked up the paintbrush again, and painted on the paper with the force of piercing through the album.

Immediately, a picture appeared on that piece of paper. In the dark sky, there are constantly rotating dark clouds. The black-haired young man is wearing two completely different lights. The stars rise from the earth to the sky. Countless monsters, demons, and alien creatures are at his feet, as if he is using his body to cast a throne for the black-haired young man. generally.


The mask craftsman stood up abruptly and held up the album.

Then he tore it into pieces with all his might, laughing maniacally.

"My last masterpiece - "Father of Demons"! Ah~ The finale of "Dark Shiba House" is also so perfect. The audience will be very satisfied! I am finally about to retire... when I retire..."

Its voice gradually sank, as if exhausted after hollowing out its body, its breath gradually weakened.

But immediately, the mask craftsman suddenly raised his head and stared at the sky.

no! I haven't seen the momentary flash that decides the winner!

——How could the creator miss the most exciting moment!

Thousands of divine soldiers pierced through the "Curse of the Vortex", with various abilities of various colors, impacting the body of the "Curse of the Vortex".

It resisted with all its strength, and the power of the curse caused the space to corrode and rotate, making it look like a trapped beast.

And Luo Pei, who was under the "curse of the whirlpool", picked up the last straw that broke the camel's back.

It is the "Sacred Sword of Salvation" as the main body.

"—End it, Miko of Steel."

The blow of the former "Holy King" Rama before his death.

In his memory, Luo Pei was shocked by the last arrow that contained the holiness of steel.

The steel man is unyielding and unyielding, eliminating demons and showing righteousness.

This is an attack that fully implements the name of "salvation" in "Sword of Salvation", killing all evil spirits and disappearing. It is a swan song sublimated from the life legend of the great hero god.

The platinum-gold magic knife was distorted and deformed, and the handle was elongated, forming a weapon like a throwing spear.

Luo Pei held it with his backhand, and didn't even need to aim. He stepped forward, smashed the ground, gathered all his strength in his hands, and threw it towards the large whirlpool at the center of "Curse of the Vortex".

Then, it's over.

The not too long battle is over.

Like the cry of a dying creature.

The arrival of the "Sacred Sword of Salvation" has stimulated the power of tens of thousands of magic soldiers scurrying in the whirlpools. They over-inflate, run wild, and explode.

The pain of the "Curse of the Vortex" ended in an instant.


"Oh oh oh oh!"

The mask craftsman stared wide-eyed at the dark green eyes, regardless of the danger of being stabbed blind, watching intently.

White light, blazing white light.

Rope's attack was like detonating a large nuclear bomb above Akihabara, Tokyo.

The entire city, including some surrounding towns and other cities farther away, were shrouded in light, and it took half a minute for it to slowly fade away.

The night lost its function, and human beings took to the streets to stop and watch the miracle.

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