The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 780

" it like the magician in the anime?"

If it was normal, Rumiho Akiba would definitely be overwhelmed with excitement when she came into contact with the abnormality over there.

At the age of middle school, who doesn't have fantasies about this?

But now, her grandfather turned into a monster and died in front of her, Akiba Rumiho doesn't have much novelty anymore.

The girl's first contact with the other world was cruel and bloody.

"That's pretty much it."

"Then can you resurrect my grandpa? Forbidden magic? What kind of price will it cost?"

What the girl said made Luo Pei pause, and immediately said it in a relaxed tone.

"Resurrection is a taboo among taboos. Besides, Ms. Akiba's grandfather was infected by a curse into this appearance. Even if hundreds of innocent lives were spent to resurrect him, do you want him to be a human or a monster? How about spending your old age with your identity?"

All are lies.

The brunette youth is capable of resurrection. The ability given by Nutz, the "King of Celestial Clan", can summon the light elemental lord in "Elemental World. Light" as long as you sacrifice expensive and exquisite works of art. Those noble elemental beings have the ability to die time Short creatures are left intact with the ability to resurrect.

But why would he do such a thing?

Simply to gain the girl's favor? Although it seems that Takashi Akiba has regained his clear state, what if there are still some undetectable and idealistic vague curse remnants in his consciousness?

Luo Pei has no reason to cause trouble for himself, after all, trials are the most important thing.

What about the lives of hundreds of innocent people is what Luo Pei said in order to dispel Rumiho Akiba's thoughts.

Sure enough, upon hearing Luo Pei's words, the girl's bright eyes dimmed again. She does not have the ability and qualifications to bear the lives of others for her own selfishness.

This is the girl living in the normal world, completely opposite to Luo Pei.

"I see……"

Akiba Rumiho threw his last delusion out of his mind.

"Grandpa has passed away, plus I, who is dying soon... Qiuye's family is completely over... If Death sees father, I'm afraid he will be very angry... In the end, if it wasn't because of my waywardness that time, father I won't die..."

The girl's muttering made Luo Pei more and more uncomfortable, as if a dying person was narrating the regrets of his short life.

He stopped Akiba Rumiho's words.

"Miss Akiba, have you misunderstood something? Not being able to "resurrect" human beings doesn't mean that I have nothing to do with the infection of the "vortex curse". "

The black-haired youth pointed to Akiba Rumiho's arm.

"Speaking of avoiding the worst, the worst of which is turning into a monster like your grandpa, the curse that was placed on you, the "vortex", has been lifted. "


Akiba Rumiho raised her head blankly.

"...I don't have to die?"

"Unless you have suicidal tendencies, Ms. Akiba will probably live a very long time."


Akiba Rumiho's eyes began to well up with tears again.

Her hands trembled, and the next moment the bowl full of porridge fell off.

Fortunately, Luo Pei has quick eyesight and quick hands, so he won't have to tidy up his room in the end.

"sorry, I……"

"I know."

Lo Pei put the food back on the table, and patted Akiha Rumiho's shoulder lightly.

"Don't force yourself, a lot of stressful things happened to you tonight, take a good rest, or your spirit will become a problem."

Akiba Rumiho stared at Luo Pei with red eyes, as if wanting to write down his face, and nodded obediently.


Didi, Didi, Didi.

The old-fashioned cell phone ringtone rang at this inappropriate time.

Luo Pei was stunned for a long time before he remembered that it was his mobile phone. When he left the SCP Foundation last time, Wingate Peasley was suffering from not knowing how to contact the black-haired youth, so he forced him a mobile phone.

He took out his mobile phone from the drawer at the corner of the table, and it was indeed a call from Wingate Peaslee.

"Then I won't bother you."

Luo Pei apologetically raised the phone in his hand.

"When you wake up in the afternoon or at night, if you have any questions or need any help, I will try my best to fulfill your wish. It can be regarded as compensation for destroying your residence because of the battle."

"thank you……"

Walking out of the room, gently closing the door, Rope received a call from the SCP Foundation.

The voice of the cynical old man came out.

"Your Excellency Luo Pei, the movement is really big."

"Did you see it?"

Of course Rope knew what Wingate was referring to.

He finally annihilated the attack of the "Curse of the Vortex", but it fully illuminated a large area of ​​the sky. It is estimated that today's news films are all reporting on this.

With a special intelligence channel, the head of Asia for the SCP Foundation, Wingate has no reason to be later than the media.

"Of course. My field agent was terrified, thinking that some exaggerated containment had appeared, but I immediately thought of you."

Wingate said.

"How is it? Has there been an accident that requires your hand?"

"Well. According to your level, it is another "keter" level of danger, and it is contagious..."


" keep your voice down." Luo Pei poked his ears and said dissatisfiedly: "I have already solved it, including the bones and bones, and solved it by cutting grass and roots."

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