The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 782

"Last night when you were busy, our brothers went out to make a rough inspection. In addition to the hundreds of "compatriots" that Mr. Anzhiju included in the album, there are also sporadic other aliens lurking in this city. Look... "

The king's imperial land only needs one voice.

The masks are stubborn and artificial, and there are only two paths in front of other monsters.

One is the same as the aliens in those albums, kneeling at the feet of "Father of Demons" Luo Pei, and the rest...

It is death.

It can be regarded as holding back for a long time. Their previous owner, Anzhiju, was only interested in performing arts in the streets and storing stories, and did not allow its creations to do evil at will, especially after becoming aware of the SCP Foundation. This makes the masks who have no power and nowhere to use them very uncomfortable.

Having won a new owner for the first time, "Sanwei Mask" is always thinking of proving himself, trying to become the closest favorite to the new owner "Father of Demons".

Luo Pei's hand holding the tea paused, and the corner of his eyes scanned the mask next to him.

After a while, he made a move.

"Those sporadic guys...can you deal with it?"

"It's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand!"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, we will take care of it properly!" "Nu" said: "If you are willing to surrender to you, we will naturally welcome you. If you are not willing, or those who are irrational, we will not let it live longer than today." Night!"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Oh, so..."

Rope sipped his tea.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Let's start with the "Private Hanasakau University Affiliated Academy". Some of the plaster statues there are quite annoying to me. If you can do it overnight tonight, I will give you some rewards when you come back..."

"After you come back... are you leaving this city!?"

The masks were shocked.

They quickly surrounded Luo Pei and advised them faithfully.

"Forgive us, Your Highness, if you have any orders, let me wait for the next person to do it. How can I bother you to leave the royal city yourself. Moreover, in such a world, human organizations are..."

"Crying" stopped the words immediately.

"Sorry, Your Highness, we are definitely not questioning your strength. It's just that it's always right to be careful..."

"Ha ha."

Rope laughed heartily.

He removed the three masks in front of him and said playfully.

"The organization you said to contain the monsters is now half of my tool."

Luo Pei and the general leader of the SCP Asia Branch, Wingate Peaslee can be said to be in a relationship of advancing and retreating together. According to the degree of sharing secrets, it is even higher than these loyal monsters.

There is a feeling of jumping into the Pure Land of Bliss with the evil forces, how can he not be happy?


The Sanwei masks really did not expect that the Western organization, which was feared by their former masters, became a "half tool" in the mouth of their new master, His Royal Highness Luo Pei.

In the end, all they could do was give in to a sigh of admiration.

"Rope... sir."

The tea was about to run out, and the voice of the girl timidly came from the stairs on the second floor.

"Are you awake, Liu Weizhen?" Luo Pei greeted with a smile.


Akiba Rumiho stopped in the middle of the stairs, not knowing whether to go down or up, he seemed very hesitant.

The secluded green mask floating around Lopez, that penetrating aura is too exciting for a girl who has just stepped into the back of the world.

The Sanwei masks also realized this, and they, who are good at observing words and expressions, immediately knew that the human beings in front of them had a special relationship with their masters, so they flew eagerly to Akiba Rumiho.


The pink-haired girl staggered in fright. Just as she closed her eyes in fear and was about to endure the terrible experience of falling down the stairs, Akiba Rumiho found that she fell on a ball of cotton.

Opening her eyes tentatively, Akiba Rumiho found herself floating in the air.

"What is this... meow?"

Surprised too much, the girl couldn't even control her oral addiction, and blurted out.

"Miss, don't be afraid, we are all servants of His Royal Highness Luo Pei, we will not harm you..."

"Don't look at us looking a little vicious, but we are actually very kind~"

"Yeah yeah!"

Sanwei Mask said these words against his conscience.

Their existence can be matched with any kind of negative words, the only thing they don't have is "kindness". But for the sake of the impression in Luo Pei's mind, the masks don't mind adding a layer of whitewash that they don't need.

——As long as this human being is important to their highness.

Seeing the three terrifying masks surrounding her, Rumiho Akiba didn't know what to do for a while, and turned her eyes to Luo Pei as if asking for help.

Luo Pei clapped his hands and said.

"Okay, don't scare my guests. Do you have other things to do? One night may not be as long as you think. It's best to go out now."

"Yes!" X3

The masks became invisible and flew out of the window, while manipulating the power of evil thoughts and gently placed Akiba Rumiho in front of Luo Pei.

The girl let out a sigh of relief.

"Although I met you last night, but Mr. Luo Pei, your familiar is really special..."

"A familiar?"

"Isn't it?" Akiha Rumiho's eyes widened.

She is a super expert who is familiar with all kinds of houses.

"Haha..." Luo Pei smiled and shook his head: "It's up to Ms. Qiuye to think, anyway, it's the same meaning... You really look a lot better if you can talk to me like this."

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