The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 800

"...What are you going to do?"

"Of course to treat his disease. I am a doctor."

The plague doctor started his work in the heavy rain without looking up.

At a dizzying speed, the team leader found out that the plague doctor was already stitching up the wound before he could see clearly what the plague doctor had done.

From top to bottom, there are centipede-like needlework traces, and the dead soldiers were undoubtedly dissected in an instant.


The plague doctor said happily.

"This is the first time I have challenged to carry out surgery in the rain, it seems that I have also grown..."

The body moved.

The corpse stood up.

The corpse began to look at the captain, his cloudy eyes were full of desire to attack.

"No, no, no no no..."

The squad leader yelled frantically, and pulled the trigger while shouting.

"You can't do that! Damn it! Jimmy doesn't have any disease and none of us have what you call a fucking plague! You monster!"

All the bullets missed, or hit the soldiers' bodies.

The plague doctor disappeared extremely quickly.

The next moment, the captain heard a sound behind him.

It was the sound of breathing on the mask.

"You shouldn't attack medical staff!"

The plague doctor was obviously very angry.

"This is the case with you and your kind in the last century! Have you not repented after so long?! You are all infected with the plague, which will cause mass extinction. I am healing you, and you... and you... are forever You have to face me with a foolish attitude..."

As he spoke, the plague doctor calmed down in frustration.

The team leader didn't dare to move at all, because he knew that the monster's finger was less than 3cm away from his neck, and if there was a slight movement, it would most likely become the next living corpse.

After a while, the plague doctor spoke again.

"...I'm used to it." It stared at the captain with creepy, saintly gentle eyes. "Even if you treat a professional who treats the plague so stupidly, I will save you... No matter what, I will save you. This is the most important responsibility in my life..."

The black crow's finger pressed down on the captain's neck.

But when he was about to touch and deprive the soldier of his life, a white and slender hand grabbed the plague doctor's wrist.

In the rainstorm forest, the wind slowly turned into a human form.

Those soldiers who were afraid of monsters and dared not speak out or shoot were also nailed in place by this weird and beautiful picture scroll, unable to look away.

Black hair, blue eyes, the most perfect face.

"You can promote your own idea of ​​​​saving the world, but it's not here."

Rope said with a smile.

"The time for airing is over, and it's time for you to return to where you should be, Doctor."

Chapter 42 Pure Blood, the True Face of the Epidemic Doctor

Item #: SCP-049.

Codename: Epidemic Doctor.

Object Class: Euclid.

According to current research and test reports, SCP-049 has the ability to stop all physiological functions of the touched person instantly when it touches the skin of the other person. At the same time, it can move extremely fast, at a speed of about 40-135m/s, and carries a black medical bag with it. The inner space of the medical bag is huge, and it is possible to take out a variety of medical devices that even exceed the upper limit of the medical bag.

SCP-049 is usually extremely docile, and takes great pleasure in conversing with humans. But once it is determined to be infected with the "plague", SCP-049 will become irritable and aggressive in a short period of time. It will try to kill the "plague infected" and use its medical kit to perform "treatment".

Subjects who receive SCP-049's "treatment" will transform into non-human (similar to living corpses, zombies) creatures within five minutes to ten hours and come back to life again, losing the sense of pain and the ability to think independently. At this time, SCP-049 that has completed the "treatment" will return to docility, saying that it has cured the "plague" of the killed creature-until it sees the next "plague-infected person".

The moment Luo Pei caught sight of the epidemic doctor, he learned about this SCP containment from the information Azalia gave him in his mind.

How should I put it.

Like other SCP containment objects, this plague doctor also kills human beings, but it is by no means "killing" in the broad sense. On the contrary, it has been taking saving human beings as the most noble mission of life. Although human beings cannot understand and agree with its actions, at least this heart is absolutely not false.

If you compare it with SCP-682 Indestructible Lizard, then exaggerating a little bit, it is no problem to call the plague doctor a "little angel".

This is SCP-049, a less dangerous containment.

"Doctor, are you going to decline the Foundation's invitation?"

The strength in Luo Pei's hands increased a little.

With the strength that can crumple steel, the arm bones of the epidemic doctor began to creak. But it didn't respond at all, as if it didn't feel pain, it stared straight at Luo Pei.

For a long time, in the pattering rain, the black crow let out a long sigh.

" are beautiful, sir."


Rope frowned. The outrageous words of the epidemic doctor made him very confused.

But the confusion was immediately resolved.

The plague doctor changed the bones into a soft body structure, and pulled out his arm like a slippery loach.

It caressed the crow mask made of pottery, and there was a feeling of intoxication in its dark eyes.

"'s so beautiful, I can't even see a trace of "plague" lurking in you. Sir, you are not human, are you? "

"...Does this have anything to do with the question I asked?"

Rope has no intention of chatting here, SCP-049 has landed with other containment items, and every minute wasted makes matters worse.

"You still have two minutes to think about it."

Thunder roared in the sky, as long as the devil gave an order, they would turn SCP-049 into fly ash.

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