The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 802

"It seems to be completely wiped out, and I don't feel the breath of living "human beings" in this building. "

"It was so lucky to let "that thing" enter the confined space, I suddenly realized God's malice..."

Wingate's lament came from the intercom, and the situation relayed gave the old man a real headache.

Rope didn't want to talk nonsense with Wingate.

"Send your men over with containment procedures, and I'll bring it out in twenty minutes."

"In fact, I still insist on using the mobile task force, Mr. Rope. If it is in a confined space, as long as it is not careful..." Wingate suggested with a little anxiety.

He doesn't want any accidents for Rope. This is a century-long wish and the source of salvation in this world.

Compared with the "Savior", the precious mobile task force of the SCP Foundation is no different from garbage in the eyes of Wingate Peaslee, and they are all renewable consumables.

"That would take a long time, and it's enough for you to do your own thing."

After crushing the walkie-talkie, Luo Pei stepped into the gloomy dilapidated small building.

Existing here is SCP-173, code-named "Statue" and class "Euclid". These black-haired young men with intelligence know about it through conversations with Wingate on the road.

The number SCP-173 is very special.

Not referring to its ability and strength. As the containment of SCP, in the data in Luo Pei's mind, SCP-173 is the first one to be set and completed. Afterwards, through its good start, the setting of the SCP Foundation gradually appeared, and slowly multiplied into a complete Hongda world.

——The prototype, the first work, the starting point of everything, the foundation lady.

This is the title attached to SCP-173's head known only to Rope in this world.

But unfortunately, no matter how famous and curious this containment object is, it is synonymous with trouble at this moment. Wingate's ally relationship, the mother of the island's powerless time machine, Makise Red Lisu, it is impossible for Lopez to let it mess around on the island just because of "interest".

In the flickering corridor, the black-haired young man strode forward.

The ground was stained red, just the first floor, and heavily armed soldiers were everywhere. Their death methods are very uniform, and their heads were all twisted off by huge external forces. Some corpses even had a hint of surprise on their faces, as if they couldn't believe that they just died like this.

SCP-173's abilities are simple and terrifying.

When someone is looking at it, 173 is just an ordinary statue.

However, as long as someone looks away, even for a moment, a moment, or a blink of an eye, 173 will move behind the opponent at an incredible speed, and then quickly start the act of hanging his head.

Of course, this ability is not without limitations. There are many limitations. For example, SCP-173 cannot move in an open environment. When there are more than two people, as long as one person is watching SCP-173, the other person will be fine if the other blinks... If If these soldiers knew this, they might not need Luo Pei to deal with 173.

— But this is the SCP Foundation.

A place where secrecy is more important than human life, with layer-by-layer authority division, without authority, it is impossible to know the details of the SCP containment. Because of Lopez, Makise Kurisu knew about "Anomalous-023" and a lot of information about the SCP Foundation right after she joined the job. This is a special case among special cases. It is difficult to know what the contents are.

In this dangerous world, not everyone has cheated like Rope.

Therefore, these soldiers died worthlessly.

"At least, you can think that you are fighting and dying in the protection of the world..."

Rope murmured, he kicked away a soldier blocking the stairs, and strode towards the second floor.

In the sound of electric sparks, his footsteps were extremely clear, echoing in this haunted building.

On the second floor, there are more corpses, not only soldiers, but also the original staff at the console.

Every door and room was open, the black-haired young man didn't slow down, just wandering around the courtyard looking for his target.

no, no, no, no—

In the last room at the end of the corridor on the second floor, Luo Pei glanced habitually, and was about to turn around and walk to the third floor.

Suddenly, the black-haired young man who was turning his head reacted, and his blue eyes widened.

The image remaining in the vision, there is a statue standing quietly by the table in the room.

It is about two meters high, seems to be constructed of concrete and steel, and contains traces of Krylon brand spray paint. Although the light green eyes cannot move, they still give people a feeling of being watched.

— SCP-173.

it's there.

The black-haired youth wanted to take back the movement of turning his head, but the diversion of attention was still caught by 173.

Like a bloodthirsty wolf, at the moment when the ability activation conditions are met, SCP-173 moves behind Rope at the speed of space jump.

Ignore the body of steel and iron.

The statue seems to have been specialized in the concept of "breaking the neck", turning Lopez's head a full 360 degrees.

But that alone would not kill a Nephilim.

The blood of war works, and the damage received is quickly regenerated.

Luo Pei didn't hesitate to move, and the statue flew out with one blow. Accompanied by the sound of the walls smashing, 173 smashed through at least five walls during the flight, and did not fit into it until it encountered a hard load-bearing wall.

- Boom!

The building shook, and the limestone from the ceiling kept shaking off, like snowflakes.

Correcting his head, Luo Pei stared at SCP-173 intently, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You like surprises, big star of the SCP Foundation."


No answer, SCP-173 is a containment object without the ability to speak.

Being stared at again, 173 turned back into an ordinary statue, lost its vitality and remained motionless in the wall.

But what makes people feel uneasy is that, bearing Rope's strength far beyond human beings, 173 doesn't even get injured, and even the skin doesn't seem to be cracked, which is incredible hardness.

'Ape, be careful, this 173 may be a little different from the information I gave's weird. ’ It’s rare, Azalia reminded in Luo Pei’s mind.

"I see it."

Rope didn't take his eyes off the static statue.

In the air, the weird and cold atmosphere not only did not disappear, but intensified instead.

Chapter 44: The Unopenable Shell, the Dark Creature in the Statue

After SCP-173 is watched, it will be unable to take any action. This point has been proved by SCP Foundation researchers with the lives of countless D-class personnel.

It stands to reason that Luo Pei, who can not blink for a long time, should take advantage of the opportunity to hug the statue now, and then walk out of this building to complete the accidental overtime that he can say is self-inflicted.

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