The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 809

"Then leave it to you. I will rearrange your residence, Mr. Luo Pei. If there is anything unusual, please tell me in time, so that I can provide a complete help plan."

"Well, remember to ask Ms. Makise to come find me tomorrow."

"Oh? Are you going to bring SCP-173 to Miss Makise?" Kevin looked surprised.

"I have something important to do."

Rope said perfunctorily.

Originally, he was still in the mood to take things step by step, but before the friendly conversation started, such a troublesome incident happened. Who knows what big troubles are waiting for him if he stays any longer, his premonition has always been accurate.

Lopez decides to have a showdown with Makise Kurisu.

Even if he coerces and lures, he wants Makise Kurisu to agree to the manufacture of the time machine. No matter what instruments and working conditions she needs, Luo Pei will get them for her. Compared with the pitiful two-story houses, microwave ovens and computers in the original book, he believes that grand scientific research institutes and rich resources are the key to Makise Kurisu's manufacturing time. Necessities of the machine.

"where are we going?"

Sitting in the car, the brown-haired girl asked awkwardly.

According to Luo Pei's observation, she aimed at the driver who was driving without looking at her at least 30 times. And the poor driver was already covered in cold sweat.

"you do not need to know."

Luo Pei sat next to 173 and closed his eyes to rest, but the hand holding her arm did not let go.

"From today onwards, you are my pet. If you cause me trouble and make me unhappy, I will give you a very painful punishment. It is best to remember clearly."


"Yes, pets."

173 nodded half-understood, then fell silent for a while, and turned his gaze to the passing scenery outside the window.

It seems that the relationship between Luo Pei and 173 has been temporarily determined.

Chapter 48 Willing to create miracles with me?

It's another day.

After all, it is the SCP Foundation that puts efficiency first. After only one night of appeasement, the scars caused by the failure of containment were put on the repair schedule in an orderly manner. Even the weather cleared up after a heavy rain, and it was a rare sunny day.

The temperature is comfortable, and the footsteps of spring quietly step into everyone's side, dispelling the difficult winter.

In the new residence, Luo Pei knocked on the cage made overnight, and nodded with satisfaction.

The space lock extended by the enchantment technique. The mysteries of controlling darkness. Dispel the illusion and leave the reality. The cage in front of him, like a small prison, bound SCP-173, which was unsealed. Not only that, but the iron chain tied around the brown-haired girl's neck is also further strengthening the restraint, preventing her from approaching the edge of the cage.

"That's all right."

Luo Pei casually picked up the towel handed over by Kevin, wiped his hands and ordered.

"Set the furniture next to her cage for me, and I may live with her for a period of time in the next few days. If there is no escape, then send her to the containment facility together with this cage."

Kevin looked at the black-haired youth gratefully.

"Mr. Rope, I really don't know how to thank have helped us so much."

Luo Pei smiled: "If you want to thank, go to Shewingate. By the way, you can go and give him the request I made yesterday. In Tokyo, or around Tokyo, I need a large and well-equipped research institute. Others It’s very embarrassing, but it can’t be avoided, but there must be a particle collider.”

The telephone microwave oven in the original book can only allow e-mails to go back in time, which triggers the butterfly effect, but what Rope needs is a time machine that can ride people. In this way, what he said now is necessary.


Kevin took out the application and said hesitantly.

"The current funding of the branch is simply not enough to buy a non-foundation research institute..."

"Then let Wingate figure out a way. Threats and brainwashing can be done. If you have moral difficulties, you can just deal with the official procedures, and leave the rest of the personnel issues to me."

Rope said irresistibly.

"Okay, Dr. Kevin, let Ms. Makise come to my place, and at the same time take away all the researchers who are wandering outside. I hate being watched by others."

"...Understood." Anyway, he didn't need to worry about it, Kevin nodded. "But please forgive me, I will still leave a few soldiers of the task force outside the door. The characteristics of SCP-173 after the seal is too dangerous, even if you control her, we have to have a second-hand containment Protect."

"If she really leaves from me, those soldiers will die at all... Well, it's up to you."

Rope waved his hands and walked out of SCP-173's new home with Kevin.

The girl with the chain around her neck watched him leave all the time, but there was no hatred in her eyes, but a kind of curiosity and greed.

What a twisted creature, and what a bright light.

SCP-173, who has been sealed in the statue for hundreds of years, has never seen an existence like Rope. After the brief killing intent and resignation, her simple heart was filled with an indescribable feeling. This left her in a daze to let Rope shape the prison.

"By the way. SCP-049 has been requesting to see you. Although she hasn't gone berserk, she has been getting more and more anxious every minute in the past ten hours. What is your plan?"

As soon as the black-haired young man sat down on the soft chair in the simple external research room, Kevin at the door turned around and said.

"Put it down, I don't have time to deal with that doctor right now." Luo Pei replied casually while drinking herbal tea.

"Dr. Kevin, I give you advice. Put aside the matter of the SCP containment temporarily, your mental state has reached its limit. After handing over my application to Wingate, go and get a good night's sleep."


Kevin touched his dark circles, smiled wryly and shook his head and left the laboratory - he really needed to rest.

After the old man left, the only sound in the quiet environment was the sound of Luo Pei drinking tea, and the sound of 173 moving the chain from the speaker next to the display screen.

The girl stood facing the wall in the corner, with her hands propped against the wall, as if she hadn't broken free from the posture between the statues, but doing this action as a young girl unexpectedly gave people the illusion of shyness.

kind of cute...

Luo Pei, whose integrity has fallen below the negative value, doesn't care whether the opponent's predecessor is a concrete statue or not. He just drinks tea with the appearance of a girl. Even the herbal tea is delicious.

"Report, researcher Makise Kurisu has arrived!"

"Let her in."

The soldier's report interrupted Luo Pei's mood. The black-haired young man straightened his suit and put the teacup on the wooden table on the left.

After the unsightly salute, the soldiers retreated, and then a brown-red-haired girl in a white coat walked into Luo Pei's office with brisk steps, holding a document and a notepad.

The assistant's complexion is not very good, probably related to the lack of sleep yesterday.

"Mr. Luo Pei..." She forced a smile on her face and greeted the black-haired young man.

Luo Pei returned her a reassuring smile.

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