The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 813

Replacing it with the secret technique of the Cthulhu gods... Although it is absurd, as a great mystic, Luo Pei thinks it is still possible to try it. It is not too difficult to add secret technique to metal.

Not only that, but this is a world with the SCP Foundation!

Strange SCP containments with special powers, if used well, the difficulty of making "time machines" will be exponentially reduced.

Bearing the brunt, Luo Pei felt that he should get "SCP-294" and "SCP-914" in his hands. The characteristics of these two SCP containments are no different from giving pillows when you are sleepy, and they couldn't be more suitable.

"SCP-294", code-named "Coffee Machine". When someone puts a 50-cent coin into SCP-294's coin slot, it can spit out any "drink" that can be liquefied that someone else writes on the touch screen. Including "a cup of iron", "a cup of gold", "a cup of perfect drink", "a cup of water to become smarter", "a cup of relevant medical knowledge"... can be perfectly realized.

"SCP-914" is even more special.

Code-named "Universal Converter", it can process anything, and is divided into five levels: "rough machining", "semi-rough machining", "1:1", "finishing", and "super-finishing". According to the report of the SCP Foundation, "super-finishing" can even turn a Calter Python revolver into a gamma laser gun that exceeds the limit of human technology.

Luo Pei, who is in trouble with the Foundation, has these two things and his own magic technology, coupled with the identity and intelligence of Makise Kurisu, the mother of the future time machine, if he still can't find the time within a year and a half machine, then he should stop playing any trials, pack up and wait for death.

——This is Rope's complete plan.

Everything is safe and sound.

"Speaking of which, what do you think? Hong Liqi."

asked Rope.

"Just nod, I will prepare the funds tonight, and within a week you will be able to serve as the research director of the institute. You don't need to take any risks, and I will handle the dangerous things. Let us work together Get through this crisis in the human world!"


To be honest, a series of black technologies and mysteries confused the girl, but even Makise Kurisu felt that it would be too much if she didn't agree.

"...Okay." The girl lowered her head as if accepting her fate.

"Please don't have too many hopes, I will do my best for your idea, and..." She dodged her eyes a little: "If it doesn't work... please be gentle and don't get angry, and don't blame me..."

The girl still didn't believe the story of the destruction of the world.

"no problem!"

Luo Pei said happily.

It's good to agree, but as for the failure... He didn't even think about it, don't talk about getting angry at that time, whether Luo Pei and the people in this world can live is two things.

One thing was left on his mind, the more Luo Pei looked at the girl, the more pleasing he was, he almost didn't hug Makise Kurisu and kiss her.

But anyway, he still had a sense of propriety, knowing that being too intimate would be counterproductive, so he just patted the girl's slender shoulders and gave up.

"Hong Liqi, thank you for listening to my long story. The time for serious conversation is over, let's start preparing for today's play."

"...Playing?" Makise Kurisu was puzzled.

Luo Pei blinked at the girl and said with a smile.

"Playing at public expense, I have the final say on my test... I will definitely not let you feel bored, Kurisu."


Makise Kurisu looked at the pile of documents she had brought, and she felt that if she continued to work under Luo Pei, her original determination to "work hard" would be exhausted immediately.

My sixteen years old are really colorful...

The girl looked up tiredly and sighed.

Chapter 52 Ready, Embarrassing Request

Eat food one bite at a time, and do things one by one.

Makise Kurisu agreed to the manufacture of the time machine, and began to study books and materials related to this, so naturally, Luo Pei would not sit in the room and drink tea leisurely, but implement what he promised.

Leaving aside trivial matters such as funds, the most important things are the research institute, SCP-294, and SCP-914.

Four days passed quietly——

"Time to write the application, Wingate."


Lopez was sitting in the office of the district master, Wingate Peasley, looking directly at the embarrassed old man.

Wingate smiled wryly.

"Lord Luo Pei, to be honest, both SCP-294 and SCP-914 are safe and have great research value. They are not hot potatoes like SCP-682. I can't get them just by submitting an application. Besides, you not only want them, but also bring out this island..."

To let go of the SCP containment project privately, even the top-level O5 Council of the Foundation must approve this right. Even if Wingate disobeyed the order, it would be embarrassing to do such a thing. At least it is a resignation. If it is almost, it is guaranteed that an execution order will be issued, or it will be hindered by his strict containment due to his immortality.

"Kevin has already dealt with the matters related to the Tokyo Institute of Particle Collision, and it was just handed over to me this morning." Luo Pei slapped a thick stack of documents in front of Wingate, with a blank expression on his face. Said with an expression.

Kevin got Rope's research report from Makise Kurisu, and he did not work hard.

"I have explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly. I got SCP-294 and SCP-914, which are important tools for me to make a time machine. Without a time machine, I'm afraid you don't need me to tell you the consequences of this world."


Hitting Wingate's weakness, the old man shook his head and began to take out the application form from the drawer.

"It turns out that the meaning of "1913" in the message is this... If I can understand that prophecy like you, I will kill the culprit who caused the "destruction of the world" as soon as I return from Neckert... ..."

"I'll talk about it in the night."

Rope waved his hand dismissively.

"The priest of death who caused the god's coming ceremony is even troublesome to me now. You are just the "immortality" cursed by Yisi. In his eyes, who are closely related to "death", crushing you to death is more difficult than crushing a bird. Ants are even easier. "

"I'm an ordinary person who strayed into a forbidden place, so I'm really sorry!"

After a while, Wingate wrote the transfer application for the SCP project.

After looking again, the old man put the two documents aside after making sure that there were no mistakes in his words.

"Some people in the O5 Council are being held hostage by me. I have tried my best to pass this application. But the next thing will make me dance on the edge of the knife. According to what you said, I will send SCP- 294 "Coffee Machine" and SCP-914 "Universal Converter" were secretly sent out of this island, placed in the Tokyo Particle Collision Institute you just acquired, and then together with Kevin, they faked that they were still on this island. picture. if……"

He paused and continued.

"...If my behavior is found out, Mr. Luo Pei, please forgive me for not being able to help you anymore. I will wait for your good news in the most strict cell of the Foundation. You will definitely not let the world Destruction is coming, isn't it?"

The fate of misappropriating the SCP project without permission.

"I'd rather you see it with your own eyes than this, Wingate."

Rope's tone softened.

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