The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 831

Although the sound was very small, Luo Pei's sense of hearing was still fully captured.

"Actually, I just want you not to go back anytime soon, and live in the research institute. There is an unspeakable danger outside, but..."

Rope smiled charmingly.

"I heard what you said. It turns out that you already understood it very well. It was my mistake... Well, I will confess my love to you grandly in a few days."

"Ahhhh!?? How can you, Luo Pei... now? Say something like this?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why so suddenly!"

The thing she was complaining about just now became a reality, and the girl immediately panicked, looking left and right, and finally squatted down, her red face buried in her arms.

"Hmm...Rope, you idiot!"

...It was you who asked me to pick it out.

Rope sighed helplessly.

A girl's mind is like the changeable weather in spring, and there is no weather forecast to predict, it will always be so difficult to guess.

Giving Makise Kurisu some time to get used to it, when Luo Pei was going to help tidy up the messy desktop, the old-fashioned bell rang in the quiet office.

He took out his mobile phone, and the caller ID showed the number he wanted to call in the afternoon - "Wingate Peaslee".

Calculating the time, almost a month has passed since the last contact. It's been a while.

Rope picked up the phone.

"Wingate, call me suddenly at this time, if it is because of the SCP project again, I will sink you into the sea..."

"Lord Luo Pei, please listen to me first."

It was very noisy on Wingate's side, and the old man's tone was tired and eager.

"The fact that I lifted the containment of "SCP-214", "SCP-914", and "SCP-173" without permission has been known to the Foundation. Kevin and I both have arrest warrants and will be on a plane back to Europe in five minutes. I will try my best to confuse their search, if I can delay a little time, please use those SCP items as soon as possible to achieve your goal. If you can, please kill those soldiers of the SCP Foundation now, it is difficult for me to ensure their obedience since I am not the regional director, compared with the destruction of the world, the lives of these people..."

"……You are joking?"

"It's fine if it's a joke."

Wingate smiled wryly.

"Since five days ago, the large-scale resurrection of the dead and the bizarre death in Europe have alarmed everyone in the SCP Foundation, and they want to control this unknown large-scale abnormal "plague". But the only "panacea" SCP-500 that works in the current experiment is limited, so they thought of the ability of the "coffee machine" SCP-214... I have tried my best. "

SCP-214, capable of producing exotic beverages, has strictly therapeutic properties, as detailed in the archives.

Wingate finally said.

"In short, my help may come to an end here, Mr. Luo Pei... I wish you good luck. After so much effort, please do not let the established tragedy happen."


The call was hung up.

Luo Pei's face was unusually calm.

Makise Kurisu realized something was wrong, she got out of her shy state, and looked at Luo Pei blankly.

"Is... Director Peasley's call?"


Luo Pei responded softly, and then walked outside the house.

"I'll be away for a while, and the research institute will be handed over to you during this period, Hong Liqi."

"Oh? Wait, where are you going, Luo Pei?"

The black-haired youth paused in his footsteps, and spit out a word from his mouth.


Chapter 65: War Coming Like a Storm

Constanta had a storm just a few days after clearing up.

The dark clouds hang over people's hearts like the ominous rumors of "resurrection of the dead" these days, making people feel really uncomfortable. The thunder snakes scurrying in the clouds were like the wrath of the gods, driving the people to speed up their pace and return home.

The heavy rain fell and splashed water on the concrete road, and the transparent water droplets turned into a dark-haired young man with a gloomy face, walking steadily into the crowd on the street.

Half a day after receiving Wingate's call, Rope stepped into Romania's territory with his authority after dealing with the trivial matters in Tokyo.

According to the information I have read, this is one of the main bases of the SCP Foundation headquarters in Europe. All level 4 authority personnel, department heads, and task force captains who violate the Foundation's regulations must come here to make a final judgment and judge the crime by a random member of the "O5 Council". The severity of its criminal law ranges from dismissal and erasure of memory at the lightest to the death penalty, without exception, at the most serious.

Wingate released three high-risk SCP containment items privately. Maybe the immortal body with the curse of Yisi can invalidate the conventional death penalty, but serious punishment will never be less.

The black-haired youth had promised his allies to see the end coming. Even if Wingate lost the privilege of "regional director", nothing would change.

So here he is.

With blood and death, come to fulfill the promise.

In the rain, a faint blood-red light cluster appeared on the palm of Luo Pei, who was gradually getting away from the crowd. After being crushed, the blood-red ball of light immediately transformed into a distorted elf, crouching in the palm of his hand.

The elf let out a hoarse howl, and pointed her little right hand in a certain direction.

"This way..."

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Luo Pei's blue pupils, and he walked straight forward with the elf in his arms.

Because Wingate once entered the holy city of Niket and got along with the Yis for a period of time, this old man has a very strong Cthulhu flavor, so the black-haired youth does not need to look for it, only a small Mystery can determine Wingate's location in the city.

After a few turns and a few avenues, a tall and luxurious building appeared in sight.

There are about 30 floors, the entrance is surrounded by walls, and the entrance is guarded by soldiers with guns who seem to be very elite, so dense that pedestrians on the sidewalk not far away can't help but walk around Opening that area, as if knowing that this is a forbidden area that they cannot enter.

- One of the headquarters of the SCP Foundation.

Or maybe the upper floors are just their headquarters on the surface. According to the guidance of the elf, Wingate is now at the lowest floor of that building.

"Always underground...always a secrecyist style..."

Luo Pei took back the elf of the secret technique, stood at the end of the long street and looked at this luxurious building.

Without this matter, he would have a certain degree of respect for the SCP Foundation, an organization that does not seek selfish desires but only strives for human beings. There are as many organizations seeking their rights and self-interest as there are sands in the Ganges, but the SCP Foundation is the only one that has put its beliefs into action for hundreds of years.

But it's a pity that since it tried to block its hand from the path of trials, the little pitiful respect of the black-haired youth disappeared.

It rained harder.

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