The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 835

Luo Pei found a matching answer in the data in his brain.

No. "SCP-105", codename "Iris", real name Iris Thompson, eighteen years old, security level "Safe". It has the ability to travel through space and enter any scene on the photo.

"Task Force "Pandora's Box". "

Although Luo Pei is an interrogative sentence, the tone is very definite.

"Cities by the sea, shelters under the sea, containment zone 25B... Well, that's how it is."

No wonder the SCP Foundation established one of its headquarters in Constanta, because there is currently the only "Keter" level abnormal creature that can be controlled...

In order not to follow in the footsteps of their comrades-in-arms, the soldiers obeyed the orders of Gao Tiao Yujie and withdrew from the basement one after another.

Only Luo Pei and the Semitic woman in a tattered white robe were left on the scene.

"Number "SCP-076", codename "Abel", object level "Keter", possesses infinite regeneration, superhuman physical fitness, and combat power..."

Rope walked towards Abel while talking about her information.

The latter didn't care about it, her breathing became heavier and heavier with Luo Pei's footsteps, and she seemed to be about to lose control of some impulses.

"I really want to say that my target is not you, but you certainly didn't come here to hear these things?"

Rope stopped and laughed.

The blank "gold" gathered in his right hand, turning into an orthodox Western straight sword.

The black-haired young man pointed his sword at Abel from a distance, and the meaning he expressed was self-evident.

The tall slender woman was taken aback for a moment, and then she restrained her excited expression. She reached out and pulled out a huge black scythe as long as her body from the tiny crack in the space.

- Real warrior vs warrior battle.

This is also what Abel has been longing for most since he recovered.

Holding the non-reflective black sickle, she felt that the blood in her whole body was burning.

"Sending me in front of you is the best thing that group of humans have ever done."

Abel said in a low voice.

"I can hear, I can hear the voice of the power in your body... You will be my strongest enemy, for which I will pay the highest respect before I start the battle. May my battle give you A trace of peace in this absurd world!"

"I'm in a hurry..."

Rope disappeared from the spot.

Abel seemed to have eyes in his back. He bent down and put the back of the sickle on his back, firmly blocking the golden straight sword from top to bottom.

— bang.

The floor on which the tall woman was standing was full of cracks, but she perfectly blocked Luo Pei's attack. It can be seen that even if her physical strength is not comparable to that of Luo Pei, it is not far behind.

"So, let's start quickly." Luo Pei said lightly.

"……as you wish."

Abel closed his eyes.

When she opened it again, she no longer had any extra emotion.

Chapter 68 Cthulhu’s great mystic will eventually hunt humans

This encounter between the monster and the great mystic is what Abel calls "a real battle between warrior and warrior." But in Rope's view, this isn't a battle of equals at all.

It's just his one-sided sadism.

It is true that the martial arts, speed, and strength of Semitic women are all top choices, but they are still far from the existence of Luo Pei itself. Even though he was enjoying the battle and scars, Abel, who was desperate like a berserker, was still no match for the black-haired youth.

After five rounds of fighting, at the seventeenth move, Luo Pei's golden long sword pierced Abel's heart with precision.

The whole thing took no more than five minutes.


The tall slender woman half-kneeled on the ground, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, but she swallowed it back with perseverance.

In her eyes, the flame was burning fiercely, even if it was pierced through the heart, it would not weaken.

"It's not over yet... Such a rare battle, how can we just "go back"..."

Holding the sharp blade in his right hand, Abel stood up against Rope's pressure.

"You must think so too!"

Take a step forward and keep fighting even if your heart stops beating. The edge of the pitch-black sickle turned into a stream of light, rushing towards Luo Pei's neck.

The black-haired young man sighed, and avoided the slash just by pulling his sword back.

"As I said, I don't really want to fight with you, Abel. It's because of your pure soul that you don't use abilities and only use hand-to-hand combat. If you continue, I will make this battle of yours completely No fun at all. Let's stop here and fall to the ground, our battle is over." Luo Pei said flatly.


Abel's wildly beautiful face twisted.

"No need for mercy, don't humiliate me! Go all out, and don't talk nonsense if you are a fighter!"

The wound has not healed, and Abel itself is not a monster with regeneration ability. Her "resurrection" is a little more unique. Just like the report of "SCP-076", she is composed of two parts, one is the tall woman in front of Rope, and the other is a thick and solid sarcophagus. Whenever Abel fights to death, he will be in the sarcophagus Perfectly reborn.

——Infinite resurrection, a berserker who is full of malice towards human beings.

This is "Abel", SCP-076, a dangerous "Keter" class object.

Luo Pei shook his head and stopped dissuading.

The golden long sword disappeared, and an indescribable magical light cluster appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Before Abel could defend or shift position, the combined secret technique descended on her.

Weakened body strength, Cthugya's divine fire instantly vaporized his limbs and internal organs. Only the sickle shaped by Abel's ability can still maintain its shape, lying twisted on the ground.

Luo Pei looked at the tall, slender woman with only her head burned, but still with residual consciousness.

"Look, it's the same as I said, right?"


Abel's mouth squirmed, and because her vocal cords were scorched, she couldn't say a word at all.

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