The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 839

Luo Pei said lightly, even after hearing the nuclear bomb, the most powerful weapon in human society, there was no fluctuation.

"I have already appeared in the SCP Foundation. Even if you stop this nuclear explosion, my troubles will not be reduced. Why don't you just play with him. I understand human beings very well. Only when human beings understand the pain will they stop doing stupid things. The world I'm saving doesn't need these idiots filled with ancient thinking and human supremacism."

Wingate said the doomsday words, but the SCP Foundation didn't believe it, and he also said the last warning words in front of the cowboys, which was also considered provocative by human arrogance.

Then the situation has become like this, what else do you want him to do?

Put on a collar, kneel and lick the SCP Foundation? And then looking forward to the foundation giving him a chance to complete the trial?


He's here to save the world, not destroy it. Even a clay figurine would be angry if treated like this, let alone a violent great mystic.

The nuclear explosion is the signal to start the war. After the war, the devil will not mind turning into a natural disaster again.

This time is different from the spread in the world of "God Killer", but an absolute disaster for humans and the SCP Foundation.

"Let's go, find Kevin, I will protect you two when the nuclear bomb explodes."


Wingate followed the black-haired youth blankly, looking at his withered hands in silence.

In the end, since when did it go wrong?

Chapter 70: The Counterattack of the "Father of Demons", the Disaster Is Not Over yet

This day is destined to be remembered by mankind.

After Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War, another nuclear bomb detonated in a city with a large number of civilians, just like the great flood poured by God in Noah's era. The heat and air waves of the explosion instantly took away Constant The lives of urban residents were inspected, and the prosperity of all human societies was destroyed.

It is foreseeable that in the next ten, twenty, or fifty years, more people will die tragically in this area under the threat of radiation, until it will be deeply and deeply burned in human history. until the scars fade away.

Constanta in Romania is over, and so is Romania as a country.

All thanks to the "correct judgment" of the "O5 Council".

Two days later, panic spread around the world.

Neutral countries, hostile countries, all human beings based on "countries" are fully active, like a frightened hedgehog, watching the surroundings and their own interior vigilantly, lest the disaster in Romania will be staged in their own country.

And the instigator of the incident, the SCP Foundation, couldn't stay out of it, and held a meeting of all members of the "O5 Council" that hadn't happened in fifty years.

In an unknown place, in a dark and spacious room, one by one the display screens lit up.

There were all kinds of people, no fewer than twenty of them, and everyone had their faces mosaiced, and their voices were blurred as much as possible. But there is no doubt that they are currently the masters who dominate the world and human society.

"What's going on? Why did the "Cowboy" detonate the nuclear bomb in Constanta? ! "

"Romania's own economy is rapidly weakening visible to the naked eye. If you don't take countermeasures, the country will return to the situation during the Cold War. It took us so long to arrange, not to let Romania rewind!"

"Idiots, I have already said that it is unreliable for a field agent to be promoted to the "O5 Council", and it is definitely a disaster to become a leader with a temperament that comes out of the tip of the knife... He doesn't care about the fish and the net! "

"Please be careful, the 'Cowboy' was sacrificed for the Foundation. As mentioned in the report, the invasion of inhumans with powerful power and high awareness of human society, he preserved the information leakage of the foundation, and dealt with the huge crisis, this credit is probably higher than everyone present here ? "

"What do you mean he detonated the nuclear bomb, should we reward his family members additionally?"

"Everyone, the nuclear bomb has exploded, and the inhuman must have died. Why don't we deal with the imminent problem first? The tide of the living dead in North America has reached the point where it cannot be concealed. A large number of civilians died without warning. The president is putting pressure on us, saying that the money paid is not for us to go to the theater."

"Is "SCP-214" still missing...the mass production of "panacea" has not made any progress..."

Noisy, behind the screen in the center of the hall, "Founder" didn't say a word, quietly watching his colleagues howling like domestic pigs in a pigsty.

——It's too bad.

This is also worthy of being called the sentinel of human beings, the highest person in charge of the SCP Foundation "O5 Council"?

Finally, he couldn't help but scolded.



The perennial prestige made everyone silent.

"Founder" said with a long sigh.

"Step by step, quarreling will not solve any problems. Let's talk about Romania's problems first. "Entrepreneurs", can you temporarily stabilize the domestic political situation and public sentiment? Not much, as long as three months, the foundation needs time to solve the "plague" problem first. "

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Said the member of parliament known as "entrepreneur".

"If we invest all the existing liquidity of the foundation, we should be able to control it for about five months, but that is impossible. The "plague" requires a lot of financial resources and human beings, plus the budget for looking after the SCP project, we can't afford it." Withdraw excess funds. "

"What's the limit?"

"One and a half months." The "entrepreneur" said: "This is the time to count the aid from other countries. Because of the collapse of the economy, there will definitely be riots in Romania."

"Let's do it first, the Foundation has to free up its hands."

"Founder" asked another member of the O5 Council.

"'Black Bird', is the 'Red Right Hand' out? It must be determined that the death of the "cowboy" is worthwhile, and the non-human being reported to be ignorant of modern armies and highly hostile to humans cannot be allowed to live. "

"There is nothing there, only a ruin of high temperature and high radiation."

"Founder" nodded: "Continue to investigate, and we must not let a trace go."

"very sorry for interrupting you."

This time, before the "Founder" could speak, a voice that could be recognized as a woman even if it was blurred sounded.

"As for the stolen "SCP-914", "SCP-173", and "SCP-214", you'd better make arrangements as soon as possible. If those things are obtained by a deliberate organization, it will cause a disaster no less than the Constanta nuclear explosion. "

"Since it was lost in Asia, let Peasley..." "Founder" paused, then smiled wryly. "I'm sorry, I forgot that they were released by Peasley... That old bastard really failed my trust in him, I hope the nuclear explosion didn't kill him. "Blackbird", if Wen Gai is found nearby Te Peasley, don't interrogate him privately, escort him back immediately. "


"Has the new regional director of the Asia branch not taken over there yet?"

"That's what I intend to report to you."

A voice with a slightly sarcastic tone sounded.

"It's not good news, I hope you can bear it enough. There was a riot in the Asian branch of the SCP Foundation at three o'clock in the morning last night. The instigators of the incident were "SCP-682" and "SCP-049". The reason is that the new regional director seemed to want to change SCP-682's home, but was attacked by SCP-682 who was already peaceful, and then..."

In the picture, the man shrugged helplessly.

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