The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 853

Obstacles to psychic abilities are obviously not considered by the black-haired youth.

"Send the SCP Foundation to the ancient grave completely, and let me create the order between aliens and human beings in this world. I hope you can understand what I mean, 079."

"OK. It is being compiled into the main program."

The display screen of the "Old AI" continued to glow with blue light, and silence once again occupied the ruined room.

After a while, harsh footsteps came from the stairs.

The door was pushed open, and "Occupy the Mask" came in with its servant, the terrifying old man, and a tall human figure with soft and slender limbs who had nothing to do with it.

"Mr. Rope, my great Mr. Rope!"

Still with such an amiable and flattering voice, he hilariously performed a noble salute in front of Luo Pei while occupying the mask.

"You should definitely watch that scene. The top brass of the foundation committed suicide in front of the soldiers. What kind of expressions are those humans who are holding guns and planning to take us back..."

"The job I give you is to let you satisfy your own eccentricities, okay?"

Rope frowned.

"Then I will reconsider how true your "loyalty" to me is. "

"Don't do this, don't do this!" Occupying the mask quickly put on a tragic and distressed expression: "Mr. Luo Pei, I swear, I did it after finishing the work you assigned. Crazy guys who just know how to kill are more trustworthy."

Occupying the mask is said to be the rest of the SCP containment.

As Rope continued to destroy the containment zone, more than four figures of aliens had gathered under his command. Not only are the numbered and unnumbered contained objects, but even the monsters hidden in the folk have become his subordinates in a steady stream.

Like the slender monster occupying the back of the mask.

——The Slanders, the aliens who are active in American folk horror legends.

"While killing those 'O5's is certainly a pleasure, we are not content just to destroy the leaders of the SCP Foundation, Mr. Rope. "

Possesses the mask to fan the flames, and pulls the tattered map from the corroded tunic.

It points to Romania.

"This is the place where you first took your first step, and now it is a hell on earth. We should use this as a trigger to incite an all-out war for mankind, and to completely disintegrate the huge foundation of the SCP Foundation from the chaos. You once said , you want to create a world where humans and aliens coexist, oh, I agree very much! But the old order and humans who hate us will inevitably become a stumbling block to your plan, this is a good opportunity."

The thinking that occupies the mask is absolutely evil. It doesn't take any human life seriously at all. When it comes to all-out war, Luo Pei can feel the joy from its heart.

Dangerous guy.

But if this dangerous guy is working for himself, he will be an excellent assistant.

Luo Pei has already begun to be satisfied with 343's arrangement. If he tames this kind of guy by himself, it will definitely be more difficult. Maybe it will end up bad, and he will have to kill and occupy the mask.

"About this matter, I can authorize you."

Rope nodded.

"I allow you to get in touch with my subordinates in the Far East and discuss detailed plans. I understand that war will inevitably bring unimaginable pain to mankind, so try not to let us appear in this war, otherwise we will not It is beneficial to my follow-up plan. This matter will subside sooner or later, and I hate that the embers will continue."


Occupying the mask bowed his head respectfully.

Luo Pei waved his hand to signal the three monsters to step back, while he continued to stare at the scattered artificial light sources in the underground city.

There's a reason the brunette chooses to nestle like this.

—his divinity was about to be ignited.

The services and beliefs of the ever-expanding monsters, and the meticulous research on the "vessel of divinity", are like a pile of matches that have been prepared before finally ushering in a burning torch. In the domain of God.

""Royal power"...commanding all things with dominance...the distorted reality of high-level it is like this, is this the truth that most of the evil gods have the ability to change reality. "

Luo Pei picked up an ordinary gravel.

Under the newly mastered ability of the black-haired youth, the gray crushed stone changed its shape and essence, first it was a flower, and then it turned into several chirping larks.

In the end, without exception, all rotted into twisted pieces of meat.

Rope turned it into lime, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

The black-haired young man was surrounded by a faint black mist, and the skeleton-shaped double was looming behind him, full of a wonderful sense of majesty and holiness.

Just like a chemical chain reaction, the ignition of the spark of divinity leads to something deeper, something as deep as the starry sky of the universe.

And these make Luo Pei not only stop at the so-called "new demigod"!

Chapter 80 From Great Mystic to Demigod

The existence of demigods, Luo Pei knows a lot about it in various classics.

But no matter how many times you look at it with your eyes, it is far less than your own personal experience.

It's definitely not the ridiculously shallow demigod of the Whateley brothers, but his own divinity. At the moment when the sparks burst, his whole body completed another sublimation stepping towards a new ladder.

The most intuitive thing is the powerful power slightly overflowing from the divinity.

——Divine power.

The most obscure part of the "Necronomicon" is automatically understood and integrated. Because it has already been bound to the Cthulhu system, Rope finally saw the deepest mystery, the ultimate chaos and the ultimate source, with the help of divine power. The head of all demons, the evil god who is the source of chaos in the universe, "Blind and Foolish" Azathoth.

Peeping for a moment, as if seeing, but also as if it never happened.

When Lopei got out of the feeling of his soul leaving his body, countless wonderful things sprang up in his mind without warning, including magic spells that only gods and demigods could use, as well as understanding of the basic rules of the world combined with his own experience. unique analysis.

It also heralds his graduation from the "Great Mystic" to become the "Demigod" who is celebrated and feared even in the multiverse.

"Is this... the power of a demigod..."

In the central tower of the hidden underground city, Luo Pei opened his blue eyes.

‘Congratulations, Ape! ’ Azalia said happily: ‘You have broken the record of a great mystic being crowned a demigod. How about it? Don't you feel great? '

"The feeling of power has never been worse."

He looked at his palms.

The divine power will dye half of his body black, and his left hand is in the shape of a pitch-black sharp animal claw. Behind him are the tentacles of several energy bodies flying around, radiating the power to pollute reality.

The R'lyye magic pattern that had been with the black-haired youth for a long time also retired, because he no longer needed that kind of thing. The knowledge of R'lyeh, the knowledge of the Necronomicon, the two are intermingled to eliminate the conflict of magic power, and they all melt into one in the brain of the demigod.

Standing up, Luo Pei looked at the world from a semi-divine perspective for the first time.

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