The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 865

"It's a little thing to get angry, I don't have the guts..." Azalea muttered.

'Okay, okay, I said it, can't I? Don't be angry... If Ape is not satisfied with power, then completely indulge your feelings when you became a demigod. Having your own posture that is close to the origin of "chaos" will greatly improve the tolerance of divine power and divinity...but it will also irreversibly change your appearance when you become a true god in the future. '

The electrical conductivity of aluminum and copper is different, and the same as blood, the fundamental problem is the "material" that accommodates strength.

What Azalia said was also to make Luo Pei officially transcend the human form and possess the indescribable appearance of the old god. But considering that Luo Pei has always maintained a humanoid appearance, the system mother really doesn't want to talk about this method.

"Just for this little thing?"

'Alas! Am I wrong for thinking about you, Ape? You are over the mark! In the final analysis, it’s not that you yourself, Ape, can’t accept becoming a big tentacle monster, or something weird…’

"At this time and at that time, the enemy of the veteran demigod is right in front of you. If you can't guarantee your strength, what's the use of having a glamorous appearance? If you are killed, you will lose everything."

Rope asked with a smile.

"Besides, is it possible that if I become that way, I can't change back to my current appearance?"

"That's not true, the mimic body is very casual..."

"I thought so too, it's not a big deal. But "The Appearance of the Old Gods" shouldn't be too anxious. The feeling of indulging in the coronation of a demigod is not something you just talk about... Well, at least you have to wait until you get close to the periphery of "Chaos". Start preparing, before that, the excavation of divinity and the research of divine arts cannot be left behind, it is not a bad thing to accumulate a lot..."

As he talked, Luo Pei had already thought about the details of "The Appearance of the Old Gods" in his mind.

Azalea sighed silently. If she had eyes as an organ now, the eyes must be very gentle and gratifying.

Only by not sticking to the inherent concepts can one have the power to keep climbing. This is her host, the beloved person of the Demon God. Of course, Azalia hopes that Rope will develop in a good direction so that she can have the most perfect result in the end.

No matter when, she was not disappointed.

PS: It’s a new month, since I didn’t touch fish last month and I don’t plan to touch fish this month, give me a monthly pass (reach out)

Chapter 88 The Children of the Ancestors, the First Murder in the Bible

The cool wind gently shuttles between the high-rise buildings in Tokyo, sometimes stirring the clouds in the sky one by one, so that the beautiful sky at dusk can be appreciated by humans bound to the ground by gravity.

—Tokyo is still so peaceful.

After the father of all demons returned to the original territory, the monsters became more careful and did not dare to disturb the false order of the human society in front of them at the risk of being hated by the Lord, so that the night walk of the ghosts with great fanfare last night did not even startle a single wave , buried in crevices of dust at dawn as the sun rose.

On the unoccupied top floor of a high-rise building in Ginza, a Semitic woman with olive skin lay on the balcony, letting the breeze blow her long black hair and tattered white cloth robe.

Rarely, Abel didn't hold those manufactured pitch-black weapons in his hands, but rested in a completely defenseless posture.

This is extremely rare for a war-loving Semitic woman - even more so since she left the SCP Foundation.

"Ah, Sister Abel, you are indeed here..."

Abel raised his head slightly, looking at the source of the voice with a dangerous chill in his eyes. At the same time, a space crack was quietly created beside the slender fingers, ready to take out the weapon at any time.

But that hostility completely disappeared when he found the curtain of golden hair that caught his sight.

"...It's you, idiot."

The handsome Semitic woman closed her eyes again and waved her hand.

"Give you five seconds to disappear from my face, or I'll beat you up."

"Sister Abel is here again."

The girl codenamed "Iris" and whose real name is Iris Thompson blamed her.

She didn't take Abel's threats seriously at all, and just bent her knees and sat next to the Semitic woman. And Abel didn't really carry out what she said, even after five seconds, he was still lying on the ground safely.

I'm afraid this is the last bit of pampering left by the inhuman warrior.

Time gradually advanced towards the evening, and Iris watched the sun set from the west in a peaceful way, and did not speak until Abel got up from the floor.

"Sister Abel, is this really okay?"

Abel glanced at Yuan Wei indifferently, and stretched out his hand to tie his loose long hair into a ponytail.

"Speak clearly, what is good or bad."

"I mean, are you going to do that again tonight?"

Iris curled her body into a ball and complained in distress.

"I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all. Is fighting and killing really so happy? It's worth your death again and again, Sister Abel, repeating this behavior again and again... Those Mr. Monsters gave us a place to live and stay There are still many necessities in life, but sister Abel, you have to go to trouble with them every day..."

"Idiot, don't confuse humans with aliens." Abel sneered.

"They're just suppressing their own nature in fear of a stronger ruler. They, no, we're all the same kind, and our thirst for battle and blood has never diminished. Didn't you see the last time you died? The guy under my knife, the happy expression before it died?"

"...Even so!"

Iris raised her voice.

"Why can't we stay away from those? A peaceful life, peaceful enjoyment, just like Abel's sister would come here to look up at the sky when she is bored, isn't it good to be peaceful?"

"You can, but I can't."

Abel clenched his palms tightly, and the sharp nails pierced the skin, bleeding out.

"My heart has long been burned into a strange shape by the fire of hatred. Only blood and fighting can slow down its burning. Since that day long ago, I have been completely changed by that hateful guy!"

"Sister Abel, is it really the story of "Cain and Abel" in the Bible? "

Thinking of Abel's name, Iris tried to ask.

The story of "Cain and Abel" is one of the most famous stories in the Bible. They are rumored to be the descendants of the "ancestor of man" Adam, with Cain being the eldest and Abel being the last.

At that time, the land was barren, Cain planted the land, and Abel shepherded the sheep. The two enjoyed themselves happily until one day God asked them for tribute.

Cain offered vegetables and grain, and Abel offered mutton and fat. God took a fancy to Abel's sacrifice, but did not accept Cain's sacrifice, so Cain became jealous. The jealousy ate Cain's heart like a poison, and finally he committed the first murder case since the creation of the Bible-killed Abel.

Iris didn't get an answer to the question.

The moment the voice just fell, the girl was forced to hold her breath.

The cold sickle lay across her neck, and it only took a millimeter to cut her throat, causing blood to spurt out.

"Don't bring this up in front of me!"

Abel said with a distorted face.

"Listen! Listen, idiot! If you let me hear words related to that story again, this time I really can't guarantee that your head will be safe on your neck!"

"I, I see... I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't say any more!"

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