The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 876

Cain shook his head frantically.

The girl took a deep breath, half-kneeled in front of Luo Pei, facing him in a posture like worshiping a god.

"I swear. If someone threatens your life, the blade will pass through my heart first! If the world is destroyed, I will die before you! You will be my lord, the god I worship, and everything you ask , I will do my best to offer it without any concealment or violation!"

Cain made her choice.

This oath as heavy as Mount Tai is the best proof.

There is no contract attached, just simple language, but Luo Pei couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The moment Cain finished speaking, the soul of Rope demigod seemed to be connected to something, and a large amount of faith was transformed into divine power to fill the interior.

Just one girl is enough to be worth the devout prayers of more than a thousand people!

——Crazy believers are precious resources for both the ancient gods and the old rulers.

This is really a surprise... It seems that doing good deeds occasionally is also a good choice...

Luo Pei calmly controlled the shadow dancing like a demon due to the soaring power, smiled and stretched out his hand, and personally helped the beautiful Middle Eastern girl.

"You are welcome, my dear servant."


It was originally divided into two chapters, but if you think about it, it will not be divided into chapters if you think about it.

Chapter 94 Prelude to Time Travel

The resolution of the feud between the sisters, Cain and Abel, brings an end to the existing troubles in Tokyo.

The demigod who specializes in the soul system personally operated the knife, and the memory that had tortured Abel for a long time was cleanly cut off, and there was no possibility of recovery.

Eliminate the "cause" of hatred, and the "effect" will naturally not exist.

Abel returned to the tranquility at the beginning of his birth, no longer addicted to war, but like an ordinary girl, while slowly understanding the status quo, talking and laughing with her sister Cain, trying to ask Rope to let him go. She went back to shepherding the sheep.

Even when Cain deliberately mentioned the "murder", Abel's answer was just a simple "Is there?", and after getting Cain's confirmation, he showed no mind at all and smiled foolishly.

"Since it's been so long, let's pretend it didn't happen. Besides, sister has realized her mistake, right? That's enough."

This statement made Cain cry.

At that time, the Middle Eastern girl seemed to have obtained something she had been waiting for for a long time, and hugged Abel tightly, apologizing continuously in her mouth.

And Abel patted Cain's head gently, making it hard to tell which of the two of them was the older sister.

Forgetting does not mean lacking. Hatred is like the abyss between Abel and Cain. Only when this abyss disappears can the two suffering people be redeemed.


A few days later, in Kanagawa, not far from Tokyo, Abel was placed here in a ranch that was bought by a demigod with private funds.

This is what the Semitic women themselves strongly demand.

For some reason, Abel has an unimaginable obsession with shepherding.

On the green pasture, Abel, wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, drives the flock with a contented smile on his face. Cain was sitting on a rock not far from Abel, looking at his sister happily.

Peaceful and warm.

In front of the window on the second floor of the villa built on the ranch, this is the picture in Yuan Wei's eyes.

The girl couldn't connect the current Abel with the bloodthirsty female warrior before, they were two completely different existences.

But the reality lay in front of us.

"It turns out that Sister Abel used to be like this... It's really surprising." Yuan Wei sighed.

"Don't underestimate hatred. It is not only a source of motivation for people to move forward, but also the chief culprit of hysteria."

Luo Pei walked into the room through the door behind Yuan Wei with a smile, and handed a glass full of fruit juice to the girl.

"Here, the orange juice you want."

"Ah! Thank you Brother Luo Pei!"

Iris politely took the orange juice.

Not to mention the heterogeneous characteristics of the shuttle photos, Iris is just an ordinary adolescent girl. Including a sweet tooth, cute things, she has all the instincts of a girl.

"Brother Luo Pei thinks this is okay?" Iris asked.


Rope's hand to raise the glass froze.

"Do you have a different opinion, or a suggestion for a better way to deal with Abel?"

"Oh, that's not what I'm talking about, of course Sister Abe is fine now!"

Yuan Wei waved her hands quickly, then lowered her head guiltyly.

"It's just that sister Cain will leave in a few days. It may be lonely for sister Abel to live alone in such a big place. Besides, the society is not very safe recently, and it is still very worrying for a girl to be , What's wrong? I'm telling the truth!"

Iris was overwhelmed by Luo Pei's gaze as if looking at an alien, and the girl who was not good at lying blushed.

The black-haired youth shook his head with a smile.

"Miss Thompson, I only deleted Abel's root memory related to "hatred", and nothing else was changed. Her abilities and combat experience are all intact. Are you saying that ordinary gangsters have Ability to defeat "Keter"-class containment objects? To be honest, if there is an illegal intrusion, I would rather sympathize with those gangsters. "

Invading a murderous monster? What a lot of courage it takes...

Abel has become milder, but it doesn't mean that she has completely lost her sense of hostility. As long as someone dares to threaten her or her flock, even a "farm girl" can pick up a "scythe" to resist.

The result is a more fertile pasture.

——It is common knowledge that corpses can enrich the land.


"Just say you want to live with Abel, why go so far." Luo Pei joked with a smile.

He found out that this little SCP girl who was inseparable from Abel was going to develop towards Lily.

It's strange to say that Abel never gave Iris a good face, but the girl never left her, clinging to Abel like a masochist...

The only thing that can explain it is probably "love", right?

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