The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 890

Let the river flow backwards, let the apples fall to the sky, let the young die before the old, let the men have children, let the light and the darkness switch positions...

In less than a moment, the filthy demigod twisted the world with his powers.

The wailing of the living beings spread all over the earth, making all the intelligence disappear without a trace, and the most absurd magic cave is nothing more than this.

Also because of the distortion of cause and result, "death" is no longer the end, but the starting point.

As Siman, who kept a large amount of "death" in his body, he was the first to feel the pain. Under the influence of the chaotic demigods, they have become the purest "life". Although the nature has not changed, the true lie of the distorted concept of cause and effect cannot be eliminated.

"Well... I have to say, you really have great potential..."

After all, Siman is a veteran demigod who has survived for more than 10,000 years. He spent a lot of energy and strength to sort out the "death" in his body.

Even if it causes a lot of damage to one's divinity, "death" cannot be released.

Because this is a necessity for its owner to return!

"The great magic of "karma crushing"... I have only seen two demigods use this crazy magic in the past... just to curb my divinity, aren't you afraid that you will be involved after the world collapses ? ! asked Sman growling.

For non-Old Dominators, there is a huge risk in using such exaggerated magic.

But when he saw Luo Pei's monocular eyes, Siman understood.

This demigod, like it, has long been insane.

No, this statement is incorrect.

Transcendents rooted in chaos are the word "madness" itself. From ancient times to the present, they have never stopped refreshing the meaning of madness.

Actively using "Karma Smash", the black-haired young man whose strength was only an empty shell for the time being, stood there exhausted, relying on the divine light of "Chaos" to weaken the influence of the magic.

But his body still showed slightly cracked gaps.

"The Dragon of Death..."Crazy Death" Siman...the Priests of Death are indeed very good opponents..."

Luo Pei gently opened his hands, and there was still a cruel and crazy smile on the half-collapsed handsome face.

"If this is your second stage as the "Final Boss", then the ancient snake man Siman, come and guess what my second stage is? "

Siman must not understand Rope's words with game language, but it does not prevent it from sensing the danger.

Billows of dust and smoke rose from Luo Pei's side, with incredible heat, burning the ground made up of death ash into fiery red.

Siman raised his head, the snake's head was slightly dazed.

The sun disappears.

Where is the position is indescribable, blurred and transformed to form irregular shapes. From the "path" it opened, something fell over the head of the Chaos Demigod.


The ancient snake man trembled all over. This was not the fear of the soul, but the unavoidable fear of the tiny corner of "chaos", which is the source of the beginning of the multiverse.

"You are fighting me in the same posture as before becoming a demigod!?"

"It's an honor, you are the first to see me like this..."

The smoke and the power of "chaos" covered Rope's face, burying him.

"Then, go die."

Along with the final sound, Siman's perception lost the grasp of the chaotic demigod.

A sense of uneasiness surrounds this sky.

The ancient snake man watched the smoke and dust continue to expand, as if some monster was being bred, but he couldn't stop it because of the "great chaos".

Time lost its meaning.

At some point, this strange scene ended.

The strength faded and the smoke dissipated.

Sman clenched his "war of the dead."

In front of him was a demon god about thirty meters high, like a small mountain peak.

The lower limbs were replaced by multiple blue tentacles, and four slender hands branched out from the elbows. The crimson and dark blue humanoid upper body was covered with an irregular skeleton.

In what could be called the "head", there was a face without facial features like a pale helmet.

The demon god easily broke free from the obstacles of space, and let out a silent roar like a first cry.

——The "Appearance of the Old God" that belongs exclusively to the "Demigod" Rope.


The pictures and appearance settings in this chapter come from the Eldrazi "Void Screener" in Magic: The Gathering. The setting of this race is almost based on the Cthulhu mythology. If you are interested, you can learn a little bit about it.

Chapter 104 The end of the world, the encounter between the one who returns everything and chaos

Delicate and rough, whole and fragmented—

The dark blue and crimson demon god, as if endowed with all the distorted concepts in the world, embodies a cruel and frenzied beauty.

There is power in it, as well as the filthy and dignified divine glory of the father of all demons.

Sman was obsessed.

As a result of Azakalon's falling into "chaos", even if he didn't admit it, the core of the demigod ancient snake man had long been leaning in the wrong direction—being drawn by "chaos", he had the impulse of envy and desire.

But how tough is the divine soul that has gone through the baptism of time.

The "chaos" left after Luo Pei unfolded his posture did not make Siman lose his rational thinking. After a moment of confusion, the ancient snake man was awakened by his own responsibility and mission.

Wordless silence spread between the two inhumans.

In this world, the sky and the earth have completely changed.

The silent demise and distorted cause and effect seem to have crossed time and arrived at the battlefield of "order" and "chaos" in the ancient times.

"It's been so many years... I thought I had already forgotten what it was like to be "surprised", but I still remember it clearly..."

Siman sighed long.

"I take back what I said to you as a "little devil". Even in the past, the glory of my lord was still alive, but you are a rare and powerful enemy,"

The multiple tentacles of the dark blue demon god dancing instead of legs, lightly tapped on the empty space, splashing ripples.

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